
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Heart broken

Aleena reached her apartment after few minutes of journey. She opened her apartment and suddenly a loneliness rushed through her mind. By this minimal days she's used to Shawn's presence.

She tried to avoid him memories.But not able to do so.She slowly walked towards the picture of her late husband and son.

"Sorry Peter,I am not a filial wife.For my momentary pleasure,I forgot you and our son."Sorry ".

This is is my punishment. I should not be happy. for my lifetime. I will not look for Shawn. Everything ended here.our worlds are different. I was so foolish last few days.

Now I understood our differences. He will never love me.He is a perfect person and he will not wish to involve with a person like me who is below average. "."I am very sorry. "

Tears started falling from her eyes.Eventhough she is trying to avoid thoughts about Shawn,she can't do so.

By evening Shawn Shawn finished all his work.He was not in his correct mind.His mind wandered elsewhere. His heart is eagerly waiting to meet Leena.

"Today I will somehow tell her that I started loving her.I want her to be the part of my life."

Eventhough it's a sudden decision, I can't part her.He completed his schedule on time and rushed towards home.

He tried to memorize the words he need to tell to her.He started murmuring and the his assistant ask him what he is talking. Then he suddenly became silent and had didn't say anything.

What she will reply?.Will she accept or not?.Heart became restless.After yesterdays doing she may started hate me.

He called his assistant and asked him to cancel all his schedule today.He walked towards the parking and started his engine towards villa.