
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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Feeling lonely

Even if he tried to control, tears started flowing down from his eyes. He went to his bed.He can still smell her body scent on the bed.

He is feeling lonely once again. She clearly rejected him by saying that she don't want to see his face.She is hating him to that extent.

He know, what he has done yesterday was unforgettable for her.She don't have anybody else in her mind other than her late husband and child.

He thought .

"But I will not accept anybody else other than her in this lifetime.It's a vow for myself.".The warmth he felt for the last few days was indescribable.

First time in his lifehood ,he felt there is somebody for him and felt the warmth of being at home. Eventhough he loved her the core,he will give her personal space.

He will respect her decision and going forward he will not show his face to her.But he can watch her from a far.That she can't deny.

He tried to calm himself and tried to get more of her smell.

Aleena don't know what to do next.Her mind is wandering somewhere. Finally she decided to rejoin her work next day itself.Then she switch on the television and happened to see Shawn's face.

One of his famous film is playing on the television. She forgot to change the channel. She felt his handsome face is looking straight towards her.There is an intimate seen playing now on the screen and this reminded her of their passionate night yesterday. He made her to reach heaven.

She tried to erase his memory and about the last night. But unable to forget him.She switched off the television and crawled into her bed.After hours of uneasiness, she fell into deep sleep .

A smiling face of Shawn came into her dream and he is asking her to come back to him.He tightly hugged her and kissed her deeply. She wake up from her dream and it is already morning. She need to rejoin her work today.