
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Life changes-2

After some time she heard the sound of car coming. She walked to towards the living room.

By that time he entered the house. He saw her and gave a slight nod as greeting.

He asked her .

"Have you ordered your food?.If not I will order it now.I am also feeling hungry.What you want to eat?."

She hesitated to give a reply. She bit her lips and after a long thought she said.

" I prepared some food. Those are simple dishes.I don't feel to have food from outside. I am not sure you like it or not. Otherwise you can order your food.".

Shawn suddenly said .

"I will have home made food".

She surprisingly look towards his face.She can't see any kind of emotions there.

But her mind filled with pleasure.Its after a long time she is cooking for somebody. Even that too is a celebrity. She asked him to change his clothes and come for lunch.

He returned to his room. He feel somewhat blissed.Its a good feeling to have somebody to receive him at home and cook for him.Food from five star restaurants are not good compared to home cooked food.

He changed his clothes suddenly and washed his face.He slowly walked towards the table.

He can see her arranging the table with dishes.He wondered whether she prepared this much items in this short span of time.She is arranging everything elegantly like a wife for her husband.

Then a soft feeling rose towards her in his mind.There is a small strand of hair falling to her face.

He had the temptation to take it and tuck it to her ear.At that time she saw him and asked him to have a seat.He snapped away his wild thoughts and sit there obediently.

She started serving food to his plate.She is standing very close to him.

Again a naughty thought came to his mind.He want to hug her

"Why I am having these kinds of thoughts. I have acted with so many good looking girls. But I never have this kind of attraction towards anybody".

Then she asked him to eat the food.He asked her to sit and eat.He want to taste her food.After taking one bite she is curiously looking into his to face to read his reactions.But not able see anything.

She asked him.

"How's the food?".