
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Life changes -1

Shawn takes Aleena to big room.He said ," You can use this room.I am going outside.If you are feeling hungry, we can order food from outside. I don't have a chef here and I am very weak in cooking.".

Aleena slowly said,"No need.I am not feeling hungry.I will order myself once I feel hungry. you don't need to worry. you can go outside and do your work".Shawn looked onto her face and said,"okay.take care".After that he took his key and left the villa suddenly.

Aleena feel relaxed. Till now she is like she was on top of needles.She felt uncomfortable while Shawn was around. May be she felt she will become a burden for him .But he is treating her with respect.

She took a stroll around the villa.It's very quiet and serene here.She felt a spiritual peace in her mind after a long time. Now nothing bothers her.She can here the sound of birds,running water flowing through the side of estate. This is surely a beautiful experience.

She walked around the villa for a long time and she became tired.Then she decided to return the villa.once she reached there,took a fast shower and took a short nap.By noon she wake up from her sleep.Now she is feeling hungry.She get from the bed and slowly walked towards the kitchen.

It seems,till now Shawn didn't return.She entered into the kitchen and opened fridge for checking whether any ingredients available for cooking. Already Shawn declared that no cooked food available in his kitchen. "Thank God".Few raw vegetables and meat available in fridge. At least she can cook something. She don't have the mind to order food from outside.

She started cooking some light foods.May be Shawn didn't ate anything.She prepared for him also.After preparing she feared that he will not like her food as he is eating good food from five star restaurants daily.