
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Life changes-3

Shawn looked up and his eyes met with hers.She is searching for his expression from his face and can't read anything from his eyes.

He casually said.

"Yeah.. its ok..".

Her face drooped down quickly and she bit her lower lips.

A sad expression covered her face. Her husband always loved her cooking and praised her for her skills. But Shawn is not interested in her food.

"Why she is feeling bad?".Then she didn't ask him anything and quickly finished eating her food.

On the other hand Shawn is regretting for his harsh words.He clearly saw the sadness in her eyes after his reply.

Actually he liked her food and it tastes very good.He felt it was even better than star hotel food.

But while he gave reply, his tongue twisted.He can't recall his words. Even his pride didn't allow him to correct his words.

Her cooking filled his mind with satisfaction. He even feeling like having someone for him.But he know, it's temporary.

He can't ask her to stay with him.He can feel her love for her late husband and child.

"But I am not able to control my heart.Its longing for her nearness".

"Eventhough I know she is a widow,my heart is falling for her.I want her in my life.I want to give happiness for her".

"But I don't have the courage to Express my feelings with her.She will think,I am a play boy."

While this time she took my finished plates and went to the kitchen. I followed her.She is washing the utensils.

I moved towards her and stand near to her.I pick some utensils and tried to wash the same.

She said.

"You don't need to do the cleaning. I know you are not used to these kind of activities. I will do".

"Hey Leena.I hope you don't mind to call u that.I didn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth.I also endured so many hardships during my childhood days...".

"Its true that I don't want to remember that…..But I am also a human as you".

Shawn calling her Leena created goosebumps to her body.

Its really nice to hear that.

She can feel sadness in his words while he talk about his childhood days.She wondered what bothered him that time.

She looked into his eyes and didn't say anything. Shawn can feel her eyes on him.While standing beside her,he can smell her body.He had a wild thought to hug her from behind.