
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Luxurious villa

Car reached a villa which is situated near to the city . Shawn owned this luxurious villa long back .He never used this house before. Currently due to his shoot schedule he is staying here temporarily.

She noticed the approaching villa. Its too luxurious for her to dream. Landscape surrounding the villa is eye catching.

Large fruit trees are grown all over the compound.The look of greenery refreshed her mind. But still she is unsure what is happening to her life after met Shawn.

Till yesterday she led a lonely life and she has control over her life. She is unhappy about the fact that Shawn taking control over her life and compelling her to stay with him.

But she is aware that Shawn will not allow her to leave. Finally she decided to stay with him till she recover.Then It's not possible for Shawn to take decision over her life.

The car take a halt and he stopped the engine. He came out from the driving seat and moved towards the passenger seat.He opened the door like a gentleman.

She came out of the car. He placed his hand over hers and hold her tightly. Warmth of his hand entered into her heart. She followed him silently.

Then he suddenly turn around and told her ."Welcome to my den". A playful smile seen on his face. she didn't mutter a word and a sad smile flash over face.

Eventhough it's a sad smile it made Shawn mind happy. He felt like he achieved something..Then he lead her to his house.

She looked each nook and corner. Her eyes widened with surprise.The whole villa looks like an interior of a palace.