
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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Aleena casually sit infront of the television and started watching a movie. After sometime she felt hungry.She ordered food online.Order came after half an hour. She happily had her lunch.

Then she switched on the televisions again. She scrolled through different channels.Sge suddenly saw a known face.yeah.its Shawn.Its a news channel. She watched the news.

The news stated that the actress named Jia had an affair with Shawn.Both of them were spotted together so many times.Today also they met.

A sudden pain rushed through Aleena's heart.She felt bad.She thought. "He will never love me or consider me as his women.He is residing in another world which is not approachable for me.He is a person who is standing at the limelight and he doesn't need to have to consider my feelings."

"He had sex with her only for a moments pleasure. Its not coming from heart but its because of attraction towards flesh:".

Tears started falling from her eyes.I should know my place. Its better for me to leave here as soon as possible. Otherwise one day Shawn will ask me to go out.

She tried to control her emotions.She took a pen and paper and wrote a letter to Shawn.

"Hi Shawn,

I am leaving this place. I have to live my own life according to my heart's consent.I am not interested to continue leave here and I don't want to see your face.

So good bye.



She placed the letter in his room.Then packed everything belongs to her.Tears flowing continuously through her eyes.

She called an online taxi and it came on time.She left the villa with heavy heart.She looked back several times and tried to hold back her tears.