
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

At work

She crawled down from her bed and walked towards the washroom. Once she completed her daily routine, she prepared some quick breakfast and left the apartment.

Her car is in the parking slot.After the accident, there was serious damage happened to her car.Shawn sent the car to the workshop and get it ready in a week.Again thoughts of Shawn rushed into her mind.

"What he is doing now?.Did he miss her?".

She snapped back her own thoughts.

"why he has to think about her?.He had a lot of women in his life.

She is just a one night stand for him.Nothing much.

He is seeing so many beautiful women day by day.

How he can think an ordinary person like her."

She get into the car. A nervousness flashed through her mind. After that accident she didn't touch the vehicle. Still the trauma of the accident is there in her thoughts.

She started the engine and drove towards her office. She parked at the parking lot of the company.

She reached the 6th floor of the building where her office is situated. She went inside and some of the colleagues greeted her.

She nodded her head and greeted them back.She always maintained a professional relationship with her colleagues. She only involved in official matters.Nobody knows about her personal life. She don't have any friends there.

While she approaching her cubicle, she saw a new girl sitting next to hers.When she sit on top of her chair,new girl greeted her and she said. "Good morning..I am Haya.I have joined here three days back.I have been working for last 2 years in city A branch.I got a transfer recently.

Its nice to meet you."

Aleena felt a strong connection with this girl. She observed the girl.She is very thin and looking beautiful. But a flash of sorrow can be visible in her eyes.Leena said.

"I am Aleena.You can call me Leena.I have been working here for last 1 year.In the future,We have to work for the same project.

Its nice to meet you."

She gave shake hand to Haya.