
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Don't live alone.

He tried to recollect himself and gave a look around. He asked her whether she have any friends or relatives nearby. She told .

"No I don't have".

This surprised him.

"How she is living her alone?" .

She slowly said.

"Thanks Shawn for taking care of me.Now you can go back.I can manage myself".

But he suddenly said.

"No you are not allowed to live here alone.You should come along with me till the wounds are fine".

He's surprised on his own words.

"Why I asked her to come with me. I don't know. But I don't want to leave her here".

He tried to calm himself.

"It may be because of human consideration.nothing else."

She was surprised by the request of Shawn. She felt little bit irritated. She asked him.

"Why you are asking me to come with you?.I am not related to you. I am leading a simple life and I want to live on my own loneliness. You don't need to worry about me.yesterdays was a simple accident which can happen to anyone.I don't have any complaint against you. You spared your valuable time for taking care of me. That's enough.Please leave now."

He don't know how he persuade her to come with him. But his mind eagerly asking him to take her with him. He don't have any other way to deal with this adamant women. He moved forward and took her in his arms.

She startled by his sudden action. He carry her like a child. Her eyes looked straight to his. She struggled to get down from his hands. But he didn't allowed her to do so. She don't have any other way,she hold her hands around his neck.

He carry her to the elevator. Some residents of that apartment were seen on their way. They rolled their eyes while watching both of them.

Most importantly he is a well known celebrity and they didn't expect him to come to their apartment. She is embraced by their looks. Don't know how she will live here thereafter.

He slowly placed her in his car and started the engine. He gave a side glance to her. Still she in a Surprised state and not able to identify her emotions.