
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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29 Chs

Past life.

Silence surrounding the room. He ordered food and they ate food without talking each other. After sometimes he gently said good night to her and lay down on the couch on one side of the room.

The couch is not big enough to accommodate his tall figure.Because of the series of events held today,he felt tired and suddenly throw into a deep sleep.

Aleena is still awake and turn to the side which give a clear picture of the man lying on the couch.

She wondered whether all todays happening are all dream.

Otherwise how a superstar like him sleeping in same room as her's. She closed her eyes due to fatigue and sleep after some time.

Next day morning when she opened her eyes,she saw the beautiful figure of the man arranging breakfast. He looked into her eyes and said

"Good morning".

She smiled and said

"Good morning".

Smile of her is gave a refreshing feeling for him..

He thought he had seen a lot of beautiful woman everyday but why I am attracted to this woman. She is an average looking girl. Her features are also not excellent. But some cuteness is there in her face and loneliness and sadness in her eyes.

She tried to get down from the bed and he helped her to do so. She slowly walked towards the bathroom.

"Thank God". Because of the high expensive room,they provided all the basic needed items. She freshen herself and came back to the room.

He gave breakfast for her and told. Doctor told that you will get discharge from hospital today. But need to take rest for few days. Don't pour water to the wound otherwise it will get infected.

She nodded her head. She want to go back to her apartment where she can camly stay by enjoying her loneliness. She don't want to became a disturbance to this man.

He done the procedure for the discharge from hospital. She accompanied him near his car. She asked him to call a taxi for her ,so she can go by herself.

But he didn't her words and opened the passenger side of his car and gently push her to the seat.Then he come near to her and her heart started beating fast. He fastened her seat belt and closed the room.

He opened the driver seat and started the engine. She looked around that expensive car. This is the firstly time she is sitting in this kind of car and the feeling is good.

He asked her to tell the route of her apartment and as per her directions he drove to the apartment. They reached there and she immediately step down from the car.

She came to the driver side and intending to say thanks.But he suddenly open the door and came out. He said.

"You are not alright till now .I will accompany you to your room".

She politely refused his request. She is afraid that if somebody saw them together what they will thought. Also he is a big celebrity and there life style is different. There each and every step is watched by papparazies.

He is adamant and wants to accompany her. She can't refuse him because yesterday he take care of well.

Finally she thought to let it go and started walking. He accompanied her behind. Thankfully nobody seen him coming to her apartment.

She opened the apartment and Shawn also came in. Its a small apartment but it's neat and clean. He can't see the trace of others living with her.

Then he saw a photo of handsome man and a boy with her. She is very happy in this photo. She saw him looked deeply into that photo.She gave him a dry smile and slowly said this is my husband and son.

He looked her straightly and seen emotions welled up in her eyes. He wondered what happened to her family. He heard her voice saying last year they died in an accident and left me alone.

Tears rolling down from her eyes. He wants to hug her and console her. But he stood there with mixed emotions.