
Days with a super star

She lost her husband and son in an accident.No hope to live.But one day he came to her life, a handsome superstar.How the fate binds the two.Did he fall in love with this average looking girl?. Is it possible for her to love a new person other than her husband and son.

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By the time Aleena wake up,its almost lunch time.She can't open her eyes because of the oversleep.When she opened her eyes,unfamiliar room made her confused.She then remembered what happened last night. She looked herself and felt shy because of the nakedness.

She rose up from the bed and looked into the mirror.Hickeys are placed all over her body.She looked all over the room and not found Shawn.A bitter feeling aroused inside her heart.

She wondered how she can forgot her husband and gave herself to a man whom she know only for a few days.

"What kind of feeling I am harboring for him?.

Yesterday if I pushed him away,he may not had sex with her.But when he touched her,she lost herself and wanted him more.She enjoyed being with him.She enjoyed every moment and attained maximum level of happiness.

"Do I started loving him unknowingly?".

She didn't feel any regret about what happened yesterday.

She snapped out from her thoughts.She wondered where is Shawn?.He may be in the living space.She walked towards his bathroom and had a shower. She don't feel a foreign feeling while using his bath products.

She showered fastly and with her bathrobe she walked towards her room.She wore a nice dress and come to the living space.

She searched him for the whole house.But unable to find him.She felt a little sad and she reassured herself."May be he is avoiding me because of yesterdays doing.He may be feeling wrong."

She also don't how she will face him.Whether he will think she is easy going.Otherwise nobody will fall with this short period of time.He also don't have any feelings for me.yesterday ,as because of alcohol he has done those things.She felt anxious. She don't want to misunderstood by him.