
Dawn of the Guardian

'HELLO MASTER' (The words Faded into the blank page) I screamed and let go of the book 'PLEASE, DO NOT BE FRIGHTEN, I COME TO SERVE WHOEVER THE BOOK CHOOSES' "Wow, I'm now going crazy, what's more weird, the fact that words are magically being written on the page or the fact it just turns itself" 'THE ANCIENT BOOK HAS HELPED PEOPLE GET THEIR DESIRED ONCE UPON A TIME AND HAPPY ENDINGS. BUT ARE YOU READY TO ENBARK ON THIS JOURNEY' She had a perfect life, a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect grades she had everything she could ever want But all that is about to go up in flames. What happens when a teenage girl is chosen not only to save our world but dimensions that have only ever existed in books She has to remember: What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most.

Tae_Spiffy02 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 8


I stood between the wall of the coffee shop and the next building as I opened up the letter. It read:

Dear Jessica,

I hope when you find this letter you be in good health and hopefully alive. Everything I told you is true and I want you to remember that, the fact that you are reading this letter proves it.

I am sure by now you have alot of questions for me but I cannot answer them right now as what we have feared is upon us sooner than we expected.

I hope by now you have decided to take up the challenge of the book, if not I urge you to as we have no other alternative choice.

In the course of when you pass I will be there to help you understand everything that is going on.

You are the key to our Victory and the evil ones have already began to make their move.

I do not have much time left as I am no longer the guardian of the book but I will leave you with an advice, Have Faith In Your Heart, It Will Never Let You Down. Until we meet again. Good Luck.

From Jonathan

I read the letter I felt a tight pang in my chest, I confused and scared about what to do next. What if something bad had happened to Jonathan because I wasted time making a decision.

Alot of thoughs crossed my mind as I sat down there thinking about my next course of action, I read through the letter again looking for clues when I noticed the fine print below:

P. S: When you are ready to take on the challenge, the flower pot by the side houses the keys to the store. Make good use of it.

I opened my bag and took a look at the book and the amulet glowing faintly on my neck, finally I made up my mind on what to do next.

I stood up, gathered my things and crossed the street to Mr Jonathan's book store, I walked over to the side of the shop and sure enough the key was where he said it would be.

I opened the door slowly as I walked into the antic book store, it was a bit dusty, like no one has been here for a while. I walked over to the front desk as I ran my hands through the dust and I found another note on the table:

"In the course that you have to read this letter means you have decided to make the right choice.

I have left some spells you would eventually need. When reciting them hold on to the crystal amulet and repeat it three times with your eyes closed.

I have stored some of my magic in it before you get your's:

1. Cloning spell:

In Desperate Times Of Need

A Double Face Is Key

Exactly Like Me

Down To The Soul of my Feet

2. A Pleasant Meal spell:

As The Volcano Rumbles

So My Tummy Crumbles

Something Pleasant To Eat

To Get Back On Strength

P. S: It Is IMPORTANT That You Keep Your Eyes Closed And Concentrate. I Have Simplified The Spells As Best I Can. The Clone Will Explain Things In My Stead. Good Luck.

I read the letter with the amulet still in my hand wondering what kind of powers were in this thing, I suddenly got a feeling of dejavu, it all felt like something out of a Harry Potter series.

But what I couldn't understand was why I needed a clone... "Well only one way to find out" I said out loud

I closed my eyes holding the amulet tightly as I took a deep breath before I recited the cloning spell:

"In desperate times of need, a double face is key, exactly like me, down to the feet" I repeated the spell three times waiting for something to happen

"Wow... I didn't think you'd get it in the first try. Maybe you really are the chosen one" I opened my eyes immediately I heard a foreign voice and what I saw shocked me.

Right in front of me was a girl who looked exactly like me, every feature, her dress, her height, her smile, this was literally me.

"That's so cool... I wish I could get a double to do this job instead of me... I'd be relaxing in a bubble bath now" I heard the voice again as I turned around to see who it was. To my surprise, it was a little girl with what looked like a sharp knife-sword thing

"Who are you?!" And it seems she was just as shocked as I was because she scrambled behind a bookshelf saying curse words.

"Hey, don't run, are you lost, you're not supposed to be here. Did you lose your Mummy, Little girl...."

"Little girl!?!?!... I'll have you know that you are in the presence of the greatest soldier in Sorania" The little girl said cutting me off as she swung from the roof in front of me.

"How did you...?!?"

"No no no no no, She not supposed to be awaken yet, she doesn't have Standulf's blessings yet, is it because she recited the spell correctly... No no, that should take time.... Oohhh... This wasn't in my training...." The little girl or whatever she was continued to complain, so I decided to speak up...

"Hello, still right here" I said as I waved at the little girl

She was about to say something when she stopped, I believed something caught her attention...

"Say... Where did you get that crystal, Did Standulf give that to you??" She said walking closer to me which was kinda creepy so I took a step back, and with every step back she took forward...

"Standulf... No I got this from my friend Mr Jonathan, the owner of this shop and the reason you shouldn't be here" but she kept coming closer until I bumped into the clone and fell over...

"Ouch!" We chorused at the same time and like that my attention was shifted back to her immediately, I think it also got the attention of the little woman too

"I should really remember to give instructions on how to turn on these things" My look alike said standing up also lending me a hand.

"Ah, I see you've met Guendal too"

Confused I called " Mr Jonathan??" And she turned to look at me "Yep... In the flesh or your clone perhaps... Which is very comfortable if I must say..."

"Standulf?!?" The little woman asked

"Ahh Guendal, it's nice to see you too but I'm afraid we don't have the time for pleasantries now do we??" Mr Jonathan asked raising an eyebrow at the little woman thing who seemed to be a little calm now...

"Right, I'll start with Guendal to clear up this misunderstanding..." She or he or whatever turned to little girl thing

"Then what is she doing with the Crystal of Queen Zaafariana, Forged by the Giants for Eurion, Enchanted by the wizards of the East" She asked in a very unfriendly tone even I thought was disrespectful

"Guendal, let me ask you, Do you remember the queen's prophesy before she passed her soul into this little crystal..." I-- I mean Mr Jonathan said touching the amulet on my neck

"Of course... It's says...." Guendal was cut off before she could say something important

"I'm glad you are aware but Jessica doesn't know these things yet that was why you were chosen to guard her during her trial period" Jonathan said leaving me now even more confused than I actually was

"So you mean she's the one our dear queen Zaafariana spoke of??" Guendal said taking a good look at me, then she turned around and shouted "WE ARE MOST CERTAINLY DOOMED!!" She said throwing her hands in the air

"I wouldn't put it that way, yes the girl has alot to learn but look she performed the cloning spell perfectly... That counts for something" Jonathan said sounding like he was convincing himself more than he was trying to convince Guendal

"Too perfectly if you asked me. Hey girlie... how were you able to cast that spell without any bazzard misfortunate mistake happening" Guendal turned to look my way

"I just did exactly what was written on the paper" I said giving the little woman a strain look

"Hey... What you lookin' at" I guess she felt offended cuz' the tone in her voice changed but I still remained unfazed, I wasn't about to let a little woman-thing bully me around

"ENOUGH!!!" Mr Jonathan said in a loud voice... I'm sure I felt the ground shake, which was a little scary

"I don't have time for your rivalry, you should know better Guendal and as for you Jessica there is still much to learn. Those spells were connected to the crystal so it did 75% of the work, the other 25% came because of your pure heart and intentions." I looked at Guendal giving her a smug look as she rolled her eyes over what Jonathan said

"Jessica, like I've said before, the fate of two world's rests in your hands, so no mistakes will be tolerated, Ok?"

"Fine" I said looking uninterested but within I was I was abit scared, although I felt like I was a lead character in an awesome adventure book, Like Harry Potter, Eragon, that elf or whatever in Lord of the rings kinda character, This was going to change my life forever.

I wondered if I'd get a magical pet or sidekick or something, unintentionally my eyes traveled to Guendal slouched back on a books sticking her pinky finger in her ear. A shiver went down my spine...

"Are you listening to me Jessica?" Mr asked demanding my attention

"Y-yes, yes I am"

"Good, cuz' you've got something big coming your way"
