
Dawn of the Guardian

'HELLO MASTER' (The words Faded into the blank page) I screamed and let go of the book 'PLEASE, DO NOT BE FRIGHTEN, I COME TO SERVE WHOEVER THE BOOK CHOOSES' "Wow, I'm now going crazy, what's more weird, the fact that words are magically being written on the page or the fact it just turns itself" 'THE ANCIENT BOOK HAS HELPED PEOPLE GET THEIR DESIRED ONCE UPON A TIME AND HAPPY ENDINGS. BUT ARE YOU READY TO ENBARK ON THIS JOURNEY' She had a perfect life, a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect grades she had everything she could ever want But all that is about to go up in flames. What happens when a teenage girl is chosen not only to save our world but dimensions that have only ever existed in books She has to remember: What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most.

Tae_Spiffy02 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 9


"Now, I'm going to leave you with a set of instructions and Gwendal here is going to guard you for the next one week or more you'll be here..."

So... We're in the middle of getting instructions from Jonathan as I'm still overwhelmed with the fact that I was chosen to do something that involves saving the world or two worlds even

"Ok... Wait, O-one week!?!" I gave the What-would-I-be-doing-here-for-one-whole-Freakin'-week face to Jonathan

"That's where the clone comes in, She will be living your daily life until you are done with the test, no matter how long that would take" He finished

"Wo wo wo... Hold up there, so I could be stuck in that thing for at least a week for a test that even you know nothing about... Is that right?"

"Sure, if that's how you understand it" Jonathan said seriously, but looking at my face made it kinda hard to gasp how serious all this was...

"So... What if I get hungry, or have to go to the bathroom, or have to take care of lady stuff... What happens then??" I asked arms folded

"According to past experiences, your soul will be transported to another dimension where your test will begin. You could be tested based on different things, your greatest fear, deepest desire, biggest secret and whatnot but whatever it is you must overcome it, if not for anything, think about your family, your friends, your favorite places and everything else that could be destroyed if you can't help..." As Jonathan spoke, flash images of everything he was saying crossed my mind and also the dream I had been having for awhile now

"... There's a spell for something to eat, it can only be used twice, before and after the test. Gwendal will be here to watch over you during your time here, she is to wait a week, if by then you show no response you will be declared failed and you would be stuck in that dimension forever." He said looking at me with hope deep in his eyes

Jonathan took a deep breath before he said "My time is up, the rest is left for you. One more thing before I leave, Remember, What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most. Be careful" and with that the clone me fell on the floor like something had left it.

Immediately I touched it, it felt like a spark between us, it opened it's eyes as it looked up at me "What are you staring at, you've never seen a clone before" it said standing up

I sat there on the floor in awe thinking 'am I really this rude, I mean, I'm the nicest person I know'

"Wow... I seriously look good but I didn't think I'd be this clumsy" the clone said to me and honestly.... Actually, I felt offended

"Hey, remember that you're the clone and I'm the real thing" I said standing up

"Ooh... I like her" Gwendal said pointing at the clone giggling

"Hey... You're supposed to be on my side" I whined

"Now listen missy, I'm on no one's side, I'm just here to babysit" Gwendal said uninterested while my clone crossed her arms giving me a smug look which really irritated me, plus the fact that I was looking at my own self

"Fine... Do what ever you want" I stormed out between them "Besides, I have better things to begin with" I mumbled on the way to the spell paper Jonathan left me.

I said the spell and it worked out fine, I got two club sandwiches and a glass of orange juice, I would have preferred a soda but I guess I was hungry enough to eat anything.

I finished my somewhat lunch or breakfast or brunch.... I actually lost track of time in here with everything going on.

While I was eating I think Gwendal and my clone actually started hitting things off quite well, since I heard them laugh a few times and all but since I wasn't interested in their bonding time I went over to a quiet corner and opened the book, immediately I did a message began to appear:


"As ready as I'll ever be"  I said to no one in particular


And with that the same golden dust I saw when I first found the book slowly rose in to the air making me very sleepy, everywhere became blurry and before I knew it I went blank....


I opened my eyes to the warm sunlight that gently touched my face, to the familiar room I knew was mine, I stretched as I sat up feeling like the mattress was softer than it usually was, I rubbed my eyes searching for my phone on the side table, it was 7:30. S***.

I jumped out of bed rushing to get a shower wondering why Mom hadn't come to wake me up yet. At this rate I was going to be late for school

I dashed out almost as soon as I rushed in, I threw on something from my closet, half dried my hair as I put on my snickers running out shouting...

"MOM!!!!.... Why didn't you wake me up, I'm gonna miss the bus" I shouted running down the stairs

Dad was already sitting at the table drinking his morning coffee "Good Morning Dad..." I said giving him a kiss

"Morning sweetie"

"Mom, why didn't you wake me up, I'm going to be late for school now. And AJ hasn't call me yet, how am I supposed to get to school" I said complaining but that just warranted confused looks from my parent

"Honey, is there something wrong with your car, I'm sure it was working fine when you came home yesterday" Dad said but I only got more confused.

Both Mom and Dad knew I was too scared to take the driving test so they never bought me a car so it wouldn't just sit there

Mom looked alittle disturbed "Sweetie are you ok? Sit down and have something to eat, you'll feel better after that"

I didn't want to argue with Mom so I changed the topic "I'm ok Mom, I'm already late for school" I said leaving but my curiosity was piped a bit

"Err... Mom, where are my car keys" both she and Dad looked at themselves in pure confusion, but she showed me the keys nonetheless.

I walked over to the Garage where my parents parked their cars... Now if I knew all of Mom and Dad's cars which I did, I'd say my car was....

I couldn't believe my eyes, I was looking at a custom painted pink Lexus convertible, I didn't even know when I screamed

"What is it, something wrong honey" Dad shouted running out, I was kinda embarrassed so I turned around to look at him

"Oh... Nothing much, I just realized how much I love you" I kissed him on the cheek and ran over to the car...

This was exactly the type of car I would want if I ever learnt how to drive... This was amazing, it was like a dream.

I got into the car and put the key into the key hole or ignition... I don't know, don't judge me but all I knew was I had a new found confidence like I could actually drive a car.

I started the car and immediately fell in love, like I've never heard anything like it, I put my hand on the gear shift when in noticed pink fluff on it... That's when I realized the whole interior of the car as a perfect blend of black and pink. Girly but a big girl kind of girly. In short, I loved it.

I pulled out of the garage as if I knew what I was doing, all I knew was that I was driving a car and it felt great. I turned on the radio and guess what? My favorite song was blasting while I sang along all the way to school..

"Ooooooh.... I'm blinded by the light, sooo I can't see you even when you're gone" I wasn't sure if that's what the Weekend said but that's what I heard... Lol.

Before I knew it I was already at the school's parking lot, like how fast was this darn car. I parked the car, looked into the mirror to adjust myself so I could take a selfie in this awesome car.

As I was on the maybe 30th picture there was a knock on my window, I panicked abit before realizing it was some girl I didn't really know.

I adjusted myself, cleared my throat as I was feeling on top of the world right now before I got out and locked the doors.

"How may I help you" I asked posing in front of the car so she could see the keys properly

"Jess, are you feeling alright or should I take you to the nurses office" I knew that voice anywhere but this girl?!?



Hi Everyone

Me again, Thanks to as many that take time to read my book, I've edited some chapters for a better reading experience. Thanks

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