
Dawn of the Guardian

'HELLO MASTER' (The words Faded into the blank page) I screamed and let go of the book 'PLEASE, DO NOT BE FRIGHTEN, I COME TO SERVE WHOEVER THE BOOK CHOOSES' "Wow, I'm now going crazy, what's more weird, the fact that words are magically being written on the page or the fact it just turns itself" 'THE ANCIENT BOOK HAS HELPED PEOPLE GET THEIR DESIRED ONCE UPON A TIME AND HAPPY ENDINGS. BUT ARE YOU READY TO ENBARK ON THIS JOURNEY' She had a perfect life, a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect grades she had everything she could ever want But all that is about to go up in flames. What happens when a teenage girl is chosen not only to save our world but dimensions that have only ever existed in books She has to remember: What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most.

Tae_Spiffy02 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 7

'My.... So you are the Chosen one... You're just a dear child. This is too much of a responsible to be shouldered on just a child"

It was dark, cold and filled with a foul smell, I didn't know where I was or who spoke to me

"Oh, Do not be afraid child. I'm just... a friend" she stalled before saying the last word

"Who are you and what do you want from me"

I couldn't see her so I followed the direction of her voice, it felt like I was in maybe a room or some sort a lab.... or maybe both. The floor was cold with marple stone, who uses marple flooring in this age...

"Oh I see someone means business, so without wasting much of your time... I want that spell book" I froze at those words, How did she know about the book, I thought no one else was supposed to know about the unless...

"Who are you" I asked again

"I already answered that, I said I'm a friend.... who wants to relieve you of your duties as the guardian of that old book, see absolutely nothing else to worry about" I felt like she was smiling at me for some reason. The woman's voice was soothing and calm, almost alluring but I still spoke up again...

"And why should I believe or trust you" and with that came a sensister and evil laugh and that's when everything just felt wrong

"I see you didn't learn your lesson during the party seeing as the book showed you the future and all... You really must be a special seedling" This time around, she sat down although I still couldn't see anything

Fear began to creep in now "What do you want from me, how do you know what I saw"

"Again with the questions... It's simple child, because I planned it all to take place to see if you could handle the power of the book. Humph... Kids this days"

"Surely there would have been easier ways of doing these things right??"

"Enough of your insolence, I demand that you give me book and I need it now. I would have done it myself but that crystal is always in the way, it would have been easier if I could control your mind" She screamed in a tired voice

I felt like I swallowed my heart or maybe some bail but I was definitely scared and she definitely wasn't someone who wanted to be friends with me...

I took a step back so I could look for a way to escape but I immediately felt her presence behind me

"Weren't you taught that it's rude to walk out someone when they're not done talking with you" She said turking my hair behind my ear, out of fear I abruptly turned around and accidentally landed on the floor

"Little girl why are you so stubborn, just give me what I want and everyone can go back to their normal lives, Wouldn't you like that" She said coming closer

Immediately she stopped in her tracks and let out a little laugh

"Looks like my time is up. I will get that book one way or the another" She said with a wicked laugh echoing all around me

I closed my ears with my hands and screamed, immediately I woke up on my bed in cold sweats breathing heavily, I took my phone to check the time... 8:05 in the morning.

Thankfully today's a weekend, I had plans to see Mr Jonathan for answers. Ever since that day his book shop had been closed whenever I visited so I decided to camp there today.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I brushed my teeth, I didn't realize I was still shaken up by the dream... But it felt too real to be just a dream.

I opened the cold shower over my head as I relived the moments of the dream, I really needed to meet Mr Jonathan today no matter what.

I came out few minutes later got dressed and went downstairs to get something to eat. I saw my Mom in the kitchen as I made my way to refrigerator

"Someone's up early on a Saturday morning" she said as she gathered things for breakfast I guess

"Yea, I'm spending the day at Mr Jonathan's book store-- helping out" I said as I ended up taking out the carton of milk deciding on cereal

"That's nice, but you should have a proper breakfast before you leave"

"I'm fine Mom, besides I have alot to do, I'll fall asleep if I have your perfect breakfast" I said as I cleaned out my bowl

"Hey, don't you flatter your way out of this one"

"Already did Mom, Bye Mom. I love you" I said as I dashed out of the front porch.

I looked at my watch and the time was 9:05am, it was still early so I decided I would first stop at a coffee shop first and try to get some information out of the book.

The bus was right on time at 9:15am sharp, I walk in to sit by a window seat as I gazed outside playing with the crystal on my neck thinking about when I'll be brave enough to take a driver's test.

It took a while but finally we arrived at my favorite corner coffee shop Big Joe's Coffee Shop. It was a good place to camp out especially because it was opposite Mr Jonathan's store.

I found this place by chance when I was in the 6th grade and it was also around here I first noticed Mr Jonathan's book store. I had alot of memories here and I wouldn't want those to go away...

I walked over to a table by the window so I would keep an eye on the store. A little while later Robert the waiter came by to take my order

"You're early today, any special reason or did you miss me" He said leaning towards me. Robert and I met at the cafe a year after i started coming here, he was a year ahead of me and has had a crush on me for as long as I can remember, not to brag tho.

Sometimes I felt he was too nice sometimes corky but sweet so I tried turning him down in the nicest way possible but he never gave up and we eventually became friends.

"In your dreams Romeo"

"Always" He winked at me smiling, and as usual I shook my head and opened my laptop so I could get some projects running.

"So I'm guessing you're having your usual, Ice tea with whipped cream and chocolate and rainbow sprinkles" I looked up at him and gave him a big smile

"I'll take that as yes, be right back. Don't go anywhere ok" Robert said tousling my hair like Tyler always did.

I guess that's also a reason why I never considered his feeling, cuz' he felt like a brother to me

"Here you go and as usual extra whip cream and chocolate shavings and a little extra something on the house"

"I really appreciate it but you don't have to give me free stuff everytime I visit, it's coming out of your paycheck. You know I know you need the money right" I said as I truly felt concerned about him

"True but if it's for you I'm fine with it, besides you look so happy when you eat the things you like. Absolutely adorable" I looked down blushing alittle

"T-thanks" I said still with my head down so he wouldn't notice me blushing

"So cute" he said under his voice which I'm sure I wasn't supposed to hear, I smiled abit. Robert was a heart-throb and many girls came to the cafe just to see him but he always had a different look when it came to me even now.

Whatever, I came here for business today so, yeah, since Robert works here he must know about Mr Jonathan...

"So tell me, what's up, if you didn't come to see me why are you here so early?" He asked breaking my train of thoughts

"Y-yea, I haven't seen Mr Jonathan around for a while now and I really need to see him" Robert gave me a weird look

"Don't get weird thoughts, it's about a book I borrowed from him" Now he gave me an "Oh" look

"You read alot of books you borrowed from him here right, maybe I could help, besides I was good in literature back at school" He offered

"Then again you were good at all subjects, Remember you were the valedictorian of your class year"

"And you of yours" I looked at him surprised

"Word gets around, and also I come around when a teacher need some of my study materials, so you could say I stalked you alittle" Robert said giving me his award winning smile that could melt any heart including mine

I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of my ice tea, as usual it was nice and refreshing, I didn't even know when I smiled and Robert's eyes became fixed on me

I cleared my throat as I continued "As I was saying, I just really need to meet Mr Jonathan ok, So have you seen him please" I said pleading with my eyes

Robert cleared his throat too "H-he did stop by the other night while I was working overtime and left a note for you saying he'd be out of town for work, I have the at the back, I'll get it for you" Robert stood up to get it, guess he's not the only one with tricks hehe

A little while he was back "Here it is" he said scratching the back of his head

I took the letter from him, it was written beautifully "To Jessica". I started packing up my stuff

"Thanks alot, I'll be leaving now" I said as I was in a hurry to find out what the letter said

"W-wait" Robert called out "C-couldn't you stay a bit longer, I mean... With me" he said avoiding eye contact with me, he was so adorable so I walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek

"Maybe next time" I said, thankfully there weren't many people around

"Then how about dinner" he looked so hopeful that it made smile "Sure, Dinner's on me alright" I took out a piece of paper and wrote down my number and handed it to him as I dashed out

"BYE!!" I walked out and looked back at Robert through the glass, he looked dumbfounded for a second before he jumped up pumping his fist in the air shouting "YES!!!" Before he realized people were looking at him, he apologized as he walked away looking thrumpant.

I smiled as I walked over to the corner. I have to find out more about this situation


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