
Dawn of the Guardian

'HELLO MASTER' (The words Faded into the blank page) I screamed and let go of the book 'PLEASE, DO NOT BE FRIGHTEN, I COME TO SERVE WHOEVER THE BOOK CHOOSES' "Wow, I'm now going crazy, what's more weird, the fact that words are magically being written on the page or the fact it just turns itself" 'THE ANCIENT BOOK HAS HELPED PEOPLE GET THEIR DESIRED ONCE UPON A TIME AND HAPPY ENDINGS. BUT ARE YOU READY TO ENBARK ON THIS JOURNEY' She had a perfect life, a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect grades she had everything she could ever want But all that is about to go up in flames. What happens when a teenage girl is chosen not only to save our world but dimensions that have only ever existed in books She has to remember: What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most.

Tae_Spiffy02 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 26

Third person's POV

Back in the castle deep in the forest, screams could be heard from as fast as the ear could hear.

The Red Lady mourned in pain as the spell she used was now taking an unusual toll on her causing her great pain. With the powers she had lost her age began to show itself on her making her look like the old hag she was.

"Get me a Newton's eye and a fire phonix feather." Morgan ordered as she tried to mix a pain relief potion for her mother.

The servants came running with the ingredients as she added them on the lavetating bowl, the content shimmered blue and settled in the bowl.

As Morgan served her mother one of the minions ran in out of breath screaming "Mistress! Mistress!!"

"Can't you see my mother is still weak, what is it. Speak now!" Morgan demanded as the creature flinched.

"S-she lives, the girl lives. Our spies have just confirmed it." it said shifting backwards.

"What!!" Roared Altheda "She survives while I'm in this state. Amalda didn't I task you to make sure she doesn't survive if she escapes the book." Altheda said heated.

"M-mother, i-i can explain..." And in an instant Morgan was slapped across the face dropping the substance on the bed.

"How could I have such a failure as a daughter. LEAVE MY SIGHT AT ONCE!!" Altheda screamed storming out of her mother's room.

"You better watch your back Jessica, I'm coming for you." Morgan said as she stormed through the stone passage hallway.



Meanwhile, Back on Earth...

"Ethan!" I didn't know when I said his name out loud.

"I told you we should have told her about the party pooper." someone whispered behind me but I was too occupied to look back.

"Oh that's nice honey l, you remember the Floyd's boy Ethan. Good kid right." Dad complimented Ethan.

"Right, and look how handsome he's grown up to be, sweetheart do you have a girlfriend" Mom asked making Ethan turn pale abit.

"Yes Mom, he has a girlfriend friend. Now what is he doing here?" I asked not hiding the disgust in my voice.

While I just stood there I thought, if this was my real life then me and Ethan were still mortal enemies and there was no reason to be nice to the boy who broke my heart multiple times.

"That's no way to speak to a guest Jessica, he's like a part of this family and besides he came over to see you after I called his mom that you had woken up." Mom started.

"He's parents wanted to come tomorrow but Ethan insisted on coming tonight." Dad finished explaining.

But before I could say another word, I felt a hand drab over my shoulder, I looked to see who it was and it was Tyler, I relaxed abit at his presence as he gave me a small smile.

"Mom, they haven't spoken to each other since we moved, it's definitely going to be awkward between them, besides the young man has a girlfriend, he shouldn't be spending too much time around other girls." Tyler said in my defense.

"Oh, but I thought you went to school together, well that explains thing. Kids you should eat before the food gets cold." Mom called everyone

I looked back at my friends and they all nodded back at me, it was only one dinner, how bad could it be.

With AJ breaking the silence with what's been going on around school the tension around the table lessened and we all joined in the conversation except for Ethan who only spoke when my parents asked him a question about school.

For dessert, Mom brought out two jumbo bowls of ice cream Sunday with different sprinkles which was my favorite type of ice cream.

After we ate and were full, Zoe and Valery helped Mom with the dishes while the rest of us moved to the sitting room to watch TV, although I still wasn't comfortable with Ethan's presence I had to up with it for the sake of my parents.

"I hope you guys enjoyed yourself tonight?" Mom asked coming out from the kitchen.

"Dinner was Delicious Mrs A, could I come back tomorrow?" Jack complimented Mom while receiving a smack from Ace as usual.

"Hey, what was that for?" Jack held the back of his head, making all of us laugh.

"I'm sorry for his behavior Mrs Anderson, dinner was delightful. Thank you." Ace said like the perfect gentleman.

"It's fine dear, he can come back anytime, that goes for the rest of you too." Mom said giving Jack the right to get back at Ace.

"I know, why don't you all invite your families and we can have a nice little party to celebrate Jessica finally waking up?"

"Sounds good to me." My Dad said still watching TV.

"Including you Ethan, you should spend more time over here as well, your Mom said you've been to yourself since Danny passed. We're here for you darling, you have a whole family here for you." Instantly I felt a pang in my chest at the mention of Danny.

I thought about Ethan and felt sorry for him, but at the same time glad because if my test was slightly a resemblance to real life, the Ethan was better off as he is.

"Thanks Mrs Anderson." Ethan said with a sad smile making the feel of the room strain again.

"Call me Mom dear." my mom said giving Ethan a hug.

"Don't worry dear, we'll have everything set by tomorrow." Mom said with a smile.

I watched both of them as I felt I was seeing another side of Ethan, as if he had changed but I'll find that out later, what matters now were the people in front of me.

After their sentimental hug Ethan excused himself to the backyard, I looked between my friends and they all had blank looks.

"I think it's time for us to go." Ace started as he got up looking at the rest of my friends


"No buts, Jessica need to rest, it was your idea that made her pass out." AJ added shutting Jack up.

"Besides, you need to take me home and we can come back tomorrow and spend the whole day like we use to." Valery added.

"That means I'll be having your delicious cooking tomorrow night right, Mrs A?" Jack asked like a child high on sugar.

And everyone laughed as I saw them out the door, Ethan wasn't back yet so I went out back to check up on him.

I found Ethan by the pool side, as I moved closer to him, I noticed something in his hand, probably a picture.

As I got closer I noticed it was a picture of Danny, and Ethan looked like he was.... crying??

I walked over to the other side and sat down beside him, when he noticed me he dried his eyes but said nothing. I was silent, but not the awkward kind the peaceful kind of silence.

"You know, she would always tease me that we would end up together one day, I guess she really liked you." he said not looking up from her picture.

"I know I never said this but I'm sorry I left you, it was never my intention. You were my best friend." I said looking over the water.

"It's not your fault, I couldn't handle Danny's death well so I took it out on everyone especially you. It was after her death I started drinking at such a young age and started pushing everyone away." I looked at him again and saw him holding on to the picture tightly like he was going to rip it.

I immediately held his hand and he instantly relaxed as his head fell on my shoulder, I could feel his warm tears damp on my shirt.

"I'm sorry Jess, I'm sorry for all I've put you through, I get it if you hate me cause I deserve it, I'm really sorry." Ethan said in tears.

I smiled as I stroked his hair, and that was how we ended our almost 10 years feud. Ethan wiped his eyes as he stood up, it looked like he wanted to say something but he decided against it so I left it that.

He walked away and I followed him as he walked back to the living room where my younger siblings and Tyler were tapping away at their phones while Mom and Dad were enjoying a movie.

"I think it's time for me to leave mrs- I mean Mom, I have a long way to drive" Ethan started getting everyone's attention even mine.

Well I didn't expect him to stay forever but we had just made up and I still had alot to talk about and catch up.

"Oh no you don't sweetheart, I already called your Mom and she's fine with you staying the night, besides I believe what's happened between us is in the past." my Mom said looking at both me and Ethan.

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to-"

"You could sleep in Jessica's room, just like old times." mom said excitedly and my eyes doubling in size at her comment.

"Mom!!!... Dad!!!" I call out to both of them.

"I'm fine with it as long as he behaves like the gentleman I've know him to be." Dad said.

"Big T say something." I turned to Tyler who just pretended to not pay attention to me which made the twins giggle.

I looked back at Ethan and saw him blushing red but not saying anything, this was going to drive me crazy as I messed up my hair.

I looked back at Ethan "You can come up in like 30 minutes or so." I said as I ran up the stairs. If we were going to be sharing a room after a long time I wouldn't want that to happen in my pigstyle room.

I sprinted up and opened the door and was immediately startled and shocked at the same time.

"Finally, I thought you would spend the night down there, so I did a little tidying up for you."

Not Again!!!.

Hello Lovelies,

First, Happy New Month, Secondly, It's been awhile since I updated last, but here's a new chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

We're almost at 3k views, I don't know if you're as excited as I am but thank you all for taking out time to read my book even with all the grammatical errors and poor editing. Thank you. I promise to do better so keep reading, vote, drop your comments and add to your library. See you next chapter.

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