
Dawn of the Guardian

'HELLO MASTER' (The words Faded into the blank page) I screamed and let go of the book 'PLEASE, DO NOT BE FRIGHTEN, I COME TO SERVE WHOEVER THE BOOK CHOOSES' "Wow, I'm now going crazy, what's more weird, the fact that words are magically being written on the page or the fact it just turns itself" 'THE ANCIENT BOOK HAS HELPED PEOPLE GET THEIR DESIRED ONCE UPON A TIME AND HAPPY ENDINGS. BUT ARE YOU READY TO ENBARK ON THIS JOURNEY' She had a perfect life, a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect grades she had everything she could ever want But all that is about to go up in flames. What happens when a teenage girl is chosen not only to save our world but dimensions that have only ever existed in books She has to remember: What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most.

Tae_Spiffy02 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 25


I was being released from the hospital today after spending an extra two days because the doctors wanted to observe my wake state and also conclude that there was actually nothing medically wrong with me.

But it's also been two days since I woke up and till today, the day of my discharge, no one has decided to check in or visit me, not even once. Just my Mom who frequently comes to check in on me, and when I would ask she would say that everything was just perfect, which was really weird.

Mom came to pick me up from the hospital later that evening, even though today was a weekend and I had been set to be discharged earlier today. She had this smile on her face since the moment she picked me up from the hospital, I guess she's happy to take me back home.

I was kinda disappointed that no one came to see me or see me off from the hospital, at least Tyler should have been the one to pick me up, and the twins, those traitors. But the biggest traitors of all were the people who called themselves my friends.

I mean, not even one single phone call and I had been in the hospital for two weeks, it doesn't matter if I was unconscious, but at least seeing their phone calls would have made me feel a bit better.

Now that I think of it, there were no flowers or balloons in my room when I woke up, or even a box of get well soon chocolate. Some friends I've got.

That aside, the whole ride home was awkwardly silent as Mom still had that creepy smile on her face and said nothing. When we pulled into the driveway I noticed the lights in the house weren't on.

"It's almost 7pm Mom, shouldn't everyone be home" I asked my mom as I got my things from the back seat.

"Oh, I'm sure everyone is just in their room, probably one of those rough days, right?" Mom said locking the car doors.

"Right" I stressed.

Anyways we walked towards the front porch and Mom got out her keys, open the door and on entering the house there was a deafening silence, no sound what so ever which made me panic a bit.

"Mom, are you sure someone's home. Mom! Mom!!" I turned around in the darkness and there no reply or anyone around.

"This isn't funny Mom, where are you" I had a bad feeling about this in the pit of my stomach.

What if that witch got her before I did, but that can't be possible, but she could have sent someone to do her dirty work for her.

I was panicking, I wasn't nearly as strong to take her on, especially not alone. No I can't give up now, if I could just fin-


I turned around abruptly as I turned towards the screams. I'm almost certain that I almost passed out.

Come to think of it I am kinda feeling kind o-

"Wow there now, they shouldn't have let you out if you were still this weak" Those were the last words I heard before I passed out.

Few Minutes Later

There was bright light up ahead, my head was throbbing but wherever I was, I was really comfortable. I don't think I should get up just yet.

Few more minutes later

Someone's talking, actually not a single person but people, they're taking about something but I can't figure out their words.

As I opened my eyes slowly my vision was abit blurry but thankfully I could figure out some words they were saying.

"I told you it was a bad idea" the first person spoke. I'm sure I know this voice.

"How was I supposed to know that she would pass out" Someone else argued.

"I guess it was a bad idea to turn off all the light, I guess we gave her quite the scare" that sweet voice... Valery.

"Yeah, I was so scared when she went lights out on us" This was definitely AJ.

"You should have seen Ace's face, I'm sure he panicked the most" Obviously Jack.

"Shut up before I make you eat your words" Obviously Ace.

"I really do hope she wakes up soon, I've missed her" Awww Zoe.

"We all miss her" That had to be Tyler.

"Everything's just not the same without her" Zack.

"And St Andrew's not the same without it's smarty-pants ice Queen" Jack I said in my head smiling inwardly.

I'm sure I cried, this were my friends my real friends, the ones I love so dearly. I shifted a little as I tried to balance myself.

Everything was coming into view now, I was in my room and everyone else were around the bed having a nice chat. The first one to notice me was Valery.

"Shhhh, guys she's waking up" They all gathered around me watching me closely like a documentary.

"Get out of my breathing space, I'm waking up not photosynthesizing" I said trying to sit up.

Before I knew it I was engulfed in the tight group hug, which was full of affection but also deadly as I almost couldn't breathe.

"Time out, Time out" I managed to say through their hug.

"Shut up, do you know how much you scared us" AJ started.

"Jess, you were gone for two weeks straight" Valery continued.

"How dare you sis, you left me with the boys, we have a lot of catching up on" Zoe said, I'm sure trying to hold back her tears.

"What gives Jess, you made Ace cry" Jack joked receiving the death glare from Ace.

"I said shut up idiot" Ace said grinding his teeth before returning his attention to me.

"Jess, are you okay? What happened" He continued.

I was so emotional at this point I didn't know when I started crying along side everyone.

"Welcome back kid" Tyler said standing beside my bed, I looked at him crying harder realizing he was the only one I didn't see during the whole trial.

I missed them so much, that it hurt. This was my family no pretend, no faking it. After another 20 minutes of waterworks everyone calmed down, my parents both came in to check in on me before going back down to set the table while I caught up with my friends.

"So, was this the reason none of you visited me at the hospital. To surprise me?" I threw the questions sarcastically.

"Hey, don't make it sound like wasted effort, we put alot into surprising you" AJ started.

"And all you could do was pass out" Tyler said with a smirk.

"It's not my fault you scared the daylights out of me" I fired backed while everyone laughed.

"But seriously Jess, we were all worried when we got the message that you were in the hospital and not waking up" Valery said obviously sad.

"Yeah Sis, you have everyone quiet the scare, you just... fell and wouldn't get up no matter how much I called out to you" Zoe added tearing up again. I held her in my arms this time.

"Do you remember what happened to you that day" this was the first time Ace had said something in a while.

I contemplated in my mind if I should share my experience with them, it would be easier than lying them.

But what if they don't believe me, I mean I can't will my powers yet and even if I could I wouldn't know how to use it, so I decided to keep them in the dark for a while.

"I honestly can't remember anything that happened since last Saturday which is now two weeks ago" I half lied, I was true that I had no memories after leaving Robert.

Wait!! Robert!!! I totally forget about him, wait not totally because he was there, in my trial, messing with me, I needed answers from him too.

"What's it's like being in a coma, did you see a light, was it like a deep sleep, were you aware of anything going on around you" Jack bombarded me with questions and as usual the back of his head got assaulted by Ace making everyone to laugh.

I do hope my friends in the other dimension are doing alright, I know they weren't real but they were still my friends for a few days.

Other than that, we just talked for a while before mom called out to us to come have dinner.

My friends helped me get down as they watched my every step, it felt like everyone was on edge around me and I just shook my head.

"Hello, I appreciate the help but I'm not dieing, I don't need you watching my every step" I said and they all but eased up a little.

We got downstairs and walking into the kitchen and I got the biggest shock of my life. Ethan was seated at the table with my parents... WHAT!?!
