
Dawn of the Guardian

'HELLO MASTER' (The words Faded into the blank page) I screamed and let go of the book 'PLEASE, DO NOT BE FRIGHTEN, I COME TO SERVE WHOEVER THE BOOK CHOOSES' "Wow, I'm now going crazy, what's more weird, the fact that words are magically being written on the page or the fact it just turns itself" 'THE ANCIENT BOOK HAS HELPED PEOPLE GET THEIR DESIRED ONCE UPON A TIME AND HAPPY ENDINGS. BUT ARE YOU READY TO ENBARK ON THIS JOURNEY' She had a perfect life, a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect grades she had everything she could ever want But all that is about to go up in flames. What happens when a teenage girl is chosen not only to save our world but dimensions that have only ever existed in books She has to remember: What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most.

Tae_Spiffy02 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 27


My room was spotless, almost as if it wasn't mine at all but the most surprising thing wasn't the clean room but the person comfortably laying on my bed.

"This bed is quite comfortable you know, I could definitely get use to this." He said sipping a glass of what is guess was orange juice. I hope.

"Robert!!" I said shouting his name

"Now now, I wouldn't do that if I was you, your family and your little boyfriend aren't too far down." Robert said with sly written all over his face

"Why in the world are you here." I said in a hush voice

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because our date was two weeks overdue or maybe I came to binge watch Riverdale with you, or maybe I was sent by that stupid book to be your new guide, isn't this fun." Robert said

I watched in horror and awe as I had never seen Robert this annoying more or less sarcastic and it was like a new kind of Robert.

"Look, o don't know what brought here but you need to- My What!!!" I looked at Robert again as he floated off my bed like some Peter pan character...

"Ding ding ding.... You got the right answer, I'm your spirit guide, the one to follow you and take you on this dangerous task, where evil lurks and nothing is as it seems." he said waving his hands in front of me.

I was stunned for a moment as I tried to understand what in the world was going one, why was Robert in my room, why would he say he's my spirit guide, how in the world does he know about the book.

"Look, if this is all a prank, it's not funny at all, I've had enough of pranks for one day." I said getting extremely angry.

"Okay, fine, you need to loosen up a little, but seriously, from the moment the formal guardian gave you his blessings it was time for me to come out and meet my new master." He said as he came down gentle sitting on my bed.

"Wait, so the spirit guide the book talked about, man or beast, was you?" I asked curiously

"You should be luck you got me, Bruce the fox would leave you with tons of riddles and Agnes the leopard is such a square... Always going according to the rules." he said as he laid back on the bed.

"Then why are you here, aren't you a real person, you work at big Joe's, you're supposed to be getting ready to leave for your college degree soon, why is this happening?" I saw the smile fade from Robert's face as I asked those questions.

"You see-"

Knock knock knock

"Jess, are you alright in there, you've been n there for a while now, your mom said to check up on you." Ethan said from the other side of the door.

"Seems like our little boyfriend is here, time for me to buzz out." Robert said

"You can't, you were about to say something, I guess it's important." I whispered reaching out to him.

"Meet me at the cafe after school on Monday and I'll tell you everything you need to know." And with the snap of his fingers he disappeared into thin air.

I shouldn't be surprised after what I've been through this past month and that snapping sound is begging to get irritating.

"Hello, Jess, I'm coming in." I immediately laid on the bed and picked up a book pretending to read as Ethan slowly opened the door, I wish I had my earphones on right now.

"Oh hey, I didn't hear you knock." I said

"Yea, probably because of the earphones you're wearing." I looked at him confused as I raised my hand to my ears and surely they were there.

"Yes, yes, the music was a bit loud I guess." I said giving an awkward laughed

"Okay, are you sure you're okay, I mean I could get you something if you'd like, no I'm good, great even." I said as I dropped the book I was holding on the side table.

"Cool, so I'm just gonna freshen up and then head off to bed. That cool with you?" Ethan asked and I nodded

Immediately he walked into the bathroom I breathed out and took in a very deep breath not even know when I held my breath.

Where in the world did my earphones turn up from, like this is seriously crazy.

"It's perfectly normal, you already have Standulf's blessings so these little things come naturally." I panicked abit as I looked around to see where the voice was coming from.

"There's no reason to be afraid dear, I'm also here to protect you," I heard the voice again but this time closer.

I looked at the crystal on my neck glowing "In due time we will get acquainted, for now you need rest. Good night my dear." then the light faded...

Just when I thought this day couldn't get weirder now my pendent just spoke to me, but oddly, I felt more at peace after hearing the voice.

"Emm Jess, do you have any clothes I can sleep in, maybe shorts or something, I have to use mine again tomorrow, so if you don't mind..." Ethan said peaking his head through the door.

"S-sure, I guess I have some of Tyler's old clothes that should fit right." I said walking over to my closet to get out some clothes.

I picked out a large old shirt, shorts and jogger pants for him to chose from. I knocked on the door but he didn't respond so I tried opening it at the same time Ethan opened the door causing me to fall in. He caught me right before I fell, holding the cloths in my hand.

I looked up realizing that I was against his rock hard abs, immediately I realized what was happening I stood up quickly, shoved the cloths into his hands and ran out.

After a few minutes, Ethan came out with only the jogger pants on, I found myself staring for a good minute before I hear Ethan chuckle, making me aware of what I was doing.

"Err, don't get me wrong I wasn't staring, i-it's just weird that you're in my room again." I said looking away

"I didn't say anything though, besides it's fine to stare at something you like." he whispered in my ear as he got into the bed.

I felt my face get red hot as a blush creeped onto my cheek, I reacted quickly and threw the covers over my head.

"Come on don't be shy now, it's just little 'ol Ethy." my eyes shot open as I turned around to look at him.

I had speech issues growing up so people were always correcting me whenever I said their names wrongly except Ethan.

He told me he liked the way I said his name. But that was a long time ago, maybe when we were like five. I guess that's was one of the reasons I was disgusted when I heard Morgan call him by that name.

"Got ya," he said when I turned around and met his eyes. After a few seconds he laid on his back and stared at my glow in the dark stars I had in my room.

"Don't act so surprised, I practically remember everything we did as kids. You were my best friend remember?" That came out sounding more like a question and not just a statement.

I also laid on my back so I could gaze at the stars too.

"Remember when I got into my first fight because of you?" he continued

"Yea, against the bullies in first grade." I replied with a small smile reliving the memory.

"First time in my life I ever got a beating because of a girl. Haven't lost a fight since then." he said as he let out a short laugh.

"Once, when I was sick you also pretended to be sick so we could stay together and you'd always cheer me up." I could feel the tears at the rim of my eyes.

"That should have been the dumbest thing I ever did because I would always fall sick for real the next day." He added making me laugh.

"Actually the dumbest thing I've ever done in my life was to push you away," I didn't react and kept on staring at the ceiling.

"After I lost Danny and your family moved away soon after, I kinda lost it. And what I said to you that day at the school dance was wrong." I turned to look at him this time while he still stared at me celling.

"You were and always be a woman to me, and I know I screwed up and I've been a jerk up until now but if I can't have you as a best friend, then could we at least start over as friends." Ethan said looking at me this time.

I looked into his deep blue eyes and found senserity in them. I could feel like he truly meant every word he said. I was skeptical at first but I did the first thing that came to my mind.

I moved closer and kissed him, I felt his eyes widen then when he was about to deepen the kiss I pulled back.

"Sure, we can start over as friends." I said with a smile while Ethan still had this surprised look on his face.

"Do you always kiss all your friends?" he asked regaining his composure. I felt my face heat up again as I turned towards the opposite side of the bed.

"Shut up and go to sleep." I said from under the covers. I heard his deep laugh and I smiled.

As I closed my eyes I felt some fingers creeping over my waist and pulling me in. My eyes shot open as I turned around in his arms.

"Err, what are you doing?" I asked

"Exactly what you told me to. Sleep." He replied smartly.

"I know what I said, the question is why are you so closet to me?" I asked again

"And why did you kiss me earlier?" He said opening his eyes this time. I looked at him mentally sending dagger in my mind as he just stayed there staring at me with a smirk.

Hesitantly I turned back around and tried to get some sleep. The truth was I felt so warm and safe in his arms that I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.