
Dawn of the Guardian

'HELLO MASTER' (The words Faded into the blank page) I screamed and let go of the book 'PLEASE, DO NOT BE FRIGHTEN, I COME TO SERVE WHOEVER THE BOOK CHOOSES' "Wow, I'm now going crazy, what's more weird, the fact that words are magically being written on the page or the fact it just turns itself" 'THE ANCIENT BOOK HAS HELPED PEOPLE GET THEIR DESIRED ONCE UPON A TIME AND HAPPY ENDINGS. BUT ARE YOU READY TO ENBARK ON THIS JOURNEY' She had a perfect life, a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect grades she had everything she could ever want But all that is about to go up in flames. What happens when a teenage girl is chosen not only to save our world but dimensions that have only ever existed in books She has to remember: What you want doesn't matter until it matters where it's needed the most.

Tae_Spiffy02 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 18


Those words coming out of Robert's mouth couldn't have come at a better time, I mean the feeling of someone finally understanding maybe not totally but at least someone you can share something with an finally feel at peace with yourself

"Y-you really mean it... You mean my situation isn't that hopeless after all, could this mean t-that there's a way out of this whole mess" I said with my hopes lifted sky-high as I held unto Robert's hand

"Wo-wo there now, I didn't say I had a solution, I just said there's a possiblity" he tried to assure me

"I know, but it's better than being looked at like a crazy person" I said withdrawing myself back a bit

"But you are a crazy person, just the pretty type" He said with corny smile and before I could make a comeback

"Hey Rob, Chat times over, we need someone over at Table 5, now" A man from behind the counter shouted cutting our conversation short

"Sure Tony..... I'm sorry our conversation has to stop here but I do really wanted to help" Robert said looking down a bit

I felt bad also that we couldn't talk more but I wanted to act like the bigger person since he already gave me hope and also made my day

"No, it's fine, we were strangers after all, weren't we" I said sipping my tea looking away, so much for being a bigger person

Robert thought for a while before "Hi, my name is Robert Q. Benjamin and I would like to be your friend, if you don't mind" Robert stood up stretching his hand towards me

A small smile creeped up my face, lightening my initial mood as I took his hand of friendship "Nice to meet you Benjamin, I'm Jessica K. Anderson" I said shaking his hand

"Pleased to meet your acquaintance my lady" Robert said planting a kiss on the back of my hand which made me a blushing mess obviously

"Now you don't have a reason to call us strangers anymore now do you Kimberly" Robert winked and walked away before I realized he called me by my middle name but it was too late to ask now...

I finished my ice tea and Cheesecake which actually proved to be the best cheesecake I've ever tasted, meanwhile Robert was sneakily stealing glances from me and I knew because I was also checking him out... Just look how shameless I've become staying in this world

Finally it was time for me to go home and figure I'd leave my number before leaving, hopefully he'd be the one to clean up my table.

On my way home all I could think about was Robert's smile and how it made me feel like I could do anything I wanted, and also about the possibility that he spoke about, maybe he was just saying but it's possible that he could have lead me to something that would bring me closer to me goal, which is leaving this place of course...

Even in my real world, I've always felt I'd have to please everyone and still be low-key about it but it seems this world's Jessica was more gusty than I ever was and I envied her but not enough to stay back in her shoes and play pretend...

I always use to think, as long as it doesn't cause me pain, I'd always get what I want but now I've realized, what I want may not necessarily be for me, but I'd surely be taking one thing with me from this world, that's the strength and courage I'm gathered from this world...

If only I knew how this world's Jessica was handling my life back home, cause I assume we switched places, and from this moment on I was determined to get my old life back what ever the cost...

I got home and ran straight to my room even though I could hear Mom calling for me from the kitchen "Sorry Mom, but I've got bigger fish to fry" I said to myself as I ran to my shut my door, but the next thing I saw was nothing more surprising, but shocking...