
Who told you to annoy me when I’m hungry?

Regina watched as the first mansion was being redecorated, she felt one step closer to opening the most profitable business in this world. She looked at the roof before frowning slightly, she had to make the roof damage proof.

"Is there away to replace the roof with a more durable material?" Regina asked the head construction worker, he scratched the back of his head and stared at the roof for a while.

"Yes young miss, but i would like to ask, exactly what material do you intent to use?" He asked Regina. She wasn't sure, she had only been this this world for a few days so she found herself unable to reply immediately.

"What is your strongest material?" She asked so they wouldn't suspect her to be an imposter.

"That would be dragon scale enforced glass.

"I want the roof to be completely taken off, replace it with dragon scale enforced glass." She said making her decision. Alein leaned towards Regina.

"Miss, there is currently a national shortage of dragon scales." Alein said quietly next to her. He wasn't surprised that she didn't know, after all she was formerly obsessed with beauty.

"Why is that?" Regina asked slightly displeased with his information. She really didn't know a lot about this world, however she was able to work out that dragons existed here.

"Well a few days ago the Kingdom of Farben had and argument with our Emperor and they stopped trading. Due to that all trading routes have been cut of including the roads to the dragon lands." That was stupid, have an argument and leave your country without trading routes. I guess there was only one solution.

"Is that so?... ok then we'll go and get some." She said as she put away the blue prints in front of her, she wasn't the kind of person to waste time, she wanted to get this over and done with.

"What?" Alein said a bit taken back, was she actually that fearless or that stupid? Go to the dragon lands? Did she not value her life?

" You heard me, we'll go to the dragon lands and get some dragon scales. I can't stand the food here so this shop has to open quickly so you people can taste delicious food." Regina really hated food without taste, the food in this world was just too bad, she couldn't stand it!

Alein couldn't understand her logic but he could only bow and help his mistress into her carriage.


Regina quietly savored the flowers in the green house with her uncle next to her, they were beautiful purple flowers. Apparently they had been in the Regilor manor for more than two centuries. She dropped the medical book she had been reading in other to really appreciate such beautiful flowers, a small grumbling noise came from her stomach but she decided to ignore her hunger. "You really want to go?" Her uncle asked, he really didn't understand his niece. Since she had been dumped by the second prince she hadn't been the same. She was most likely still disheartened by that event, his niece had suffered.

"It's good experience, and i wouldn't mind seeing a real dragon." Her uncle only sighed, His father hadn't come back from the imperial palace yet so he couldn't ask for his advice, but he couldn't say no. He could try to persuade her, but as soon as he attempted to persuade her to stay a middle aged guard immediately came in and bowed in front of the two.

"Master, young Miss, The Emperor has summoned you to court."

Her uncle's face darkened, if it was just marriage decree then they wouldn't need to go to the court, something must have happened. "What happened?" He asked darkly and the guard gulped, he suddenly felt that his life was coming to an end, he didn't sign up for this!

"The Miss has been accused of attempted murder on Isabella Mandrie ." In a fit of fury Domnitor threw his teacup to the floor. The sound of shattering ceramics echoed and sent chills down the guard's spine.

"Good! Very Good! Even the side branch is bullying my niece!" Domnitor was livid, never would he expect this to happen, had the Regilor household really fallen that low!?

Regina's heart wavered at her uncle who was angry for her, her family in her past life had never been this loving. Her will to protect her newly acquired family grew stronger. She wasn't worried so she was naturally smiling emitting a calm aura. "It's ok uncle, we should go, the emperor shouldn't be kept waiting." Seeing his niece's calm expression Domnitor bottled up all his raging anger and was taken to his chambers to get ready to meet the emperor and stand up for his niece. There was no way he would let people walk over her, over his dead body!

It took at lease 30 minutes to get to the imperial court. It was a grand hall decorated with red and gold banners with the Emperor at the end and the court officials at the sides. The emperor's throne was gigantic and made out of pure gold, even in her past life Regina had never seen so much gold before. Regina - who was escorted by Alein - walked confidently towards the Emperor with her uncle following closely behind her, he was being pushed by a guard and he kept his heard high. The officials scoffed at Domnitor's noble demeanour, to them he was a cripple with no future.

As soon as she got to the stairs leading to the throne she said in a clear but melodic voice, "Greeting to the Emperor! May the Emperor Live a thousand years!" Domnitor said the same thing and was pushed to the side in his wheel chair. Only Regina was left standing looking up fearlessly at the emperor.

"How can i live a thousand years if the younger generation keep trying to kill each other!?" The emperor said in a loud booming voice, Regina looked up and saw the second prince stood beside him sneering at her, two can play at that game. Regina sneered back and said, "Emperor please have mercy on this servant! Isabella Mandrie Lost herself when i diagnosed her pregnant and tried to use her soul weapon on me! So to defend my self i also fought back because i value my life!"

The officials were shocked, some were pleasantly surprised while others were not, who would've guess that Isabella was pregnant?

"Liar!" A wretched voice shouted, the ragged voice echoed throughout the hall. "I didn't do anything to you! I'm also not pregnant! You were just jealous that the second prince left you for me!" Everyone's attention turned to Isabella Mandrie who was being carried in, she was wearing a veil as to cover her now hideous face, she looked so pitiful, so pathetic, it amused Regina how easy it was for her cousin to lose her composure.

"Miss Isabella, i am said to have no soul weapon. How could a weak little girl like me hurt the owner of Blue flame? And as for the fact of her being pregnant that can easily be checked by the imperial doctors!" Naturally Regina wasn't willing to admit anything, all she wanted to do was to go home and eat.

"you-" Isabella tried to speak but was cut off by the Emperor who asked for silence in the court.

"Go and call Doctor feng to have a look at that woman" The Emperor said to the head eunuch who left quickly and was soon back with a middle aged man in white robes. He bowed to the Emperor and quickly left to check her pulse.

After a while he turned backed and bowed to the Emperor before he said gravely "Lady Isabella Mandrie really is pregnant." This caused a huge uproar, everybody suddenly began to wonder, who was the father? Naturally Regina was more than willing to drag the second prince down in the dust with Isabella!

The second prince could feel Regina sneering at him, he immediately knew she would expose him, and if that happened his reputation would be ruined so he took the initiative to speak first, he wasn't planning to speak up for Isabella anytime soon. After all, who would be willing to give up a kingdom for such a cheap woman? "Who is the father you whore!" He shouted pointing at Isabella, Isabella's face paled. Why was the second prince asking her this question!? He clearly knew this child was his!

"But second prince this child is-"

"silence!" She was immediately shut up by him. Was he actually going to abandon her at this point? Didn't he promise to give her the status of Empress? What is he doing now?

"You immoral woman, i can't believe this!" He said acting pained.

Regina smirked, she wasn't going to let him off that easily. "But second prince why are you denying your lover in front of all these people? Even when we were engaged didn't you take her to your bed everyday!?"

The second prince's face darkened ad Regina's sneer grew wider, she was naturally enjoying this very much! As she had explained before, two can play at that game! The Emperor's face darkened. Just like that, his chanced of sitting on the throne was crushed as his reputation was destroyed. For an engaged man to be sleeping round with a noble woman was practically a sin. And he even denied the poor woman after she was found to be pregnant! Such a man can't ever be Emperor! He was too fickle! Obviously Regina didn't forget to show the second prince her look of triumph. It was such a brilliant feeling, winning without leaving the opposing team a shred of dignity!

Just like that Regina had Demolished his future as the Emperor.

Who told the to annoy her when she was hungry?