
He just wanted to make a good impression!

Isabella Mandrie found herself in a state of shock. She couldn't believe it, the second prince had left her, completely deserted her. All his promises, everything they had planned together had all amounted to this. He had turned his back on them, her and her baby.

He had dessert his child.

Isabella felt her eyes begin to sting, she had really been a fool. She thought she was lucky to have such a prince in her life, she thought she was the clever one when he had approached her on her cousin's fourteenth birthday. She thought she was cunning, she thought she was making a future for herself.

She thought wrong.

She was in fact digging a grave for herself.

She felt cold tears roll beautiful down her cheeks. She had been so full of hope, so full of expectations. Till now she was finding it hard to swallow the truth. The truth hurt. Her tears stopped as she stared at her hands. She remembered how he held her hand on the way to the lure cafe. She remembered how confident she felt. She remembered every single emotion that buzzed through her mind, she was foolish, and now she was forced to carry the burden of this child.

The child would be forced to carry the burden of his father, the child was better off dead.

Suddenly the carriage was hit with a huge force and Isabella found herself being crushed inside the small carriage. The carriage hit a tree and fell trapping the young expecting mother in between it's walls. She wailed in agony as she felt a sharp pain coming from her lower abdomen. Her voice was weak, it was pathetic, she couldn't even scream for help. A youth clad in white noticed the scene and he immediately rushed to the place the young girl was trapped.

"Hold on! You'll be ok!"

Yes she would survive, but she would lose the child in her womb.

Meanwhile in the palace, a certain duke had watched the whole ordeal from the sidelines, this was the girl Jezebel told him about, she wasn't as bad as she had described her. It's too bad he knew her true nature or he would've been smitten by her. "Impressive, it seems like my duchess is rather cunning, the people of yang would've loved her, even Joseph." He looked around him, where was Joseph exactly?


The Emperor glared at Regina he wished he could just kill her right then and now, but his son was the one at fault so he couldn't do anything to this loathsome girl. He was angered, why did his son have to insist on cancelling the engagement? Now he had just lost a brilliant pawn to the yang empire!

"Rise Daughter of Duke Regilor, you have been wrongly accused, This king will make it up to you by give you seven plots of fertile land! And this can also serve as my engagement gift to you." No matter how much he wanted to spill her blood, he couldn't.

Regina was a bit shocked. She had completely forgotten about the engagement, how did she forget that easily? Who was she engaged to? What did he look like? Does he have lots of lovers? Was he even cute? He really hoped he wasn't a perverted old man, imagine marrying a gross old man.

A countless number of questions swirled around her head but she could only sigh and bow saying "Thanking the Emperor for his grace!" With that she stood up and accompanied her uncle and left with Alein close behind.

As soon as they were out of the Imperial court Domnitor let out a loud sigh, he hadn't been able to breathe calmly inside the imperial court hall. But he never expected his niece to handle everything so well, she really had changed since the prince cancelled the engagement, hopefully for the best. He was ready to support her if she needed his help, even if he was a crippled waste of space. But she never gave him the chance.

"Cousin in law, you were really cool!" Alein drew his sword but was stopped by Regina who stated at the blonde kid with amber eyes that was stood in front of her, he looked extremely adorable with his eyes that sparkled with admiration.

"A child?" Her uncle asked, not quite sure while the little boy had approached them.

"I'm not just a child! I'm the third prince of the yang Empire! This prince only came because cousin in law impressed me!" What is with this kid? Why was he calling Regina sister in law?

Her uncle only sighed "I'll be heading home first, take care Regina" he said before leaving, he wasn't willing to waste anymore time with the child, he had to prepare for Regina's trip.

"Take care if him Alein" Regina said and Alein bowed and followed after Domnitor. What ever she requested it was his duty to follow, no questions asked.

Regina turned to the kid and squatted to his level, he was such an adorable child. She smiled and he blushed, he was so cute, she felt the urge to adopt him. "I'm your cousin in law?" He nodded slowly, naturally she hadn't seen this child before, so she was curious about him and his cousin.

"What's your cousin like?" She asked wanting to extract some information about her husband to be.

"First Cousin is obviously almost as handsome as yours truly! Imagine this! on father's birthday first cousin got scared of a salamander spider and this prince quickly saved him and killed the spider when first cousin was screaming like a damsel in distress!" He said puffing his chest out, he was the first to meet his amazing cousin in law, naturally he wanted to make a good impression.

"Really?" A dark deep voice said in annoyance, he couldn't believe this was where his cousin was. The kid shrunk back instantly stuttering.

"F-First cousin?" He was so screwed, first cousin had caught him trying to covert his fiancé.

Regina turned to see a handsome man with black and blonde hair, his eyes were a beautiful colour, like the little kid, amber. He was obviously annoyed and his face was dark, he really couldn't believe he was betrayed like this by his little cousin. He couldn't believe his beloved cousin that he pampered endlessly would slander him in front if his fiancé.

"If I remember clearly it was you who screamed at the size of the salamander spider!" Regina couldn't help but laugh at the comical scene, this kid was just amazing.

The two males blushed as they were slightly embarrassed. The older cleared his throat and bowed to Regina with the desire to make a good impression. "Miss Regilor, I apologize for my cousin, he is Prince Joseph of the Yang Empire. I am Duke Jeremiah of the yang empire." Regina bowed as well as it was common courtesy.

"I'm guessing you are my fiance?" She asked calmly with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Jeremiah nodded and grabbed Joseph by the collar, he was still irritated by the stunt Joseph tried to pull. "I must take my leave now my lady." He said before dragging away the waving little boy grumbling profanities before he was embarrassed any further.

Regina chuckled and decided to return home, she had to train her soul weapon before she could travel. Her grandfather won't be home for a while and she wanted to leave for the dragon lands before he came back.

She got on her carriage. And began the long boring ride, her mind wondered to the cousins she had just met and she couldn't help but smile. Suddenly her carriage came to a halt. "What happened?" Regina asked annoyed, she really wanted to get home quickly.

"Miss it's a giant salamander spider!"

What are the chances she would come across such a monster?