
As long as he has a decent body

The three bullets were shot and they wizzed towards her head. She was practically a dead girl standing! How could she be so stupid to forget about Valkyrie!?

Valkyire, the second prince's soul weapon, a kind of metal glove that could shoot bullets, the amount of bullets depends on the amount of spirit power used on it. Under normal circumstances Regina wouldn't be able to defend herself as she had never even encountered a real gun in her past life but this body also had a soul weapon.

Regina found herself sighing in relief, this body had a soul weapon but didn't use it because she thought it would make her look less... feminine. The former Regina had a strong belief that girl shouldn't carry weapons and wear crude clothes. Regina didn't have a problem with being able to laze around because she was a girl, but she was in a life or death situation, she didn't have the luxury to chose to laze about.

As the bullet flew closer she sent all her energy to her feet, abut as she was about to summon her soul weapon a sword flew past her right into the wall and deflected all three bullets.

"Second prince, didn't your mother teach you never to hit a lady?" A strong, deep but gentle voice said. Regina turned and saw a stunningly handsome youth dressed in expensive white robes with black glossy hair surrounded by beauties. Was he a Casanova?

"Crowned prince of the Ying empire!?... I can explain..." The youth's eyes narrowed as he glared at the second prince. " The emperor requests your presence, the Duke of yang has arrived." The second prince's face became pale, if his father found out about this....

"Y-Yes" the sceond prince said quickly then he grabbed isabella and rushed out of the cafe.

Regina turned to the handsome youth who glanced at her before leaving with all the beautiful women that followed him in. Oh wow, so he indeed was a Casanova! Such a pity that a beautiful man would be wasted like that.

Alein looked at Regina with a confused look in his eyes. Didn't they say that she didn't have a soul weapon? Clearly just now she was about to activate one!

Regina stopped pitying the loss of a handsome man and turned to Alein, "lets go home, i have lessons now." Alein bowed and followed after Regina who swiftly left that place and began her journey to the Duke's estate.

Alein couldn't help but quickly glance at Regina ever now and again to make sure that she was the same Regina who he'd heard so much about. He couldn't help but smile. At least he wasn't serving a useless mistress. Who said she was abusive, spoilt and cruel? If she was that bad then no other woman under the heavens could be considered virtuous!

Regina was lost deep in thought, surely Isabella's parents would soon come to the Regilor estate and look for her trouble, she didn't want to bring harm to her uncle and grandfather so she needed to become powerful quickly. She sighed, and here she was thinking she would be able to laze around in this new world.

As soon as she got home she met her uncle waiting for her. "Regina I got your message and the supplies you wanted has been prepared." He was naturally haply that his niece found something to keep her mind off the second prince. Even if she was only playing doctor or shop owner it was fine as long as she was happy.

"Tell them to set it up in the mansion. They should also thoroughly clean it once they are done they should name both places 'Celestial' hospital and Celestial Restaurant." She said to her uncle who immediately passed the instructions to his guard who immediately left.

"Where is grandfather?" She asked her uncle, her uncle was hesitant to speak; at first he hoped she wouldn't ask about him, but alas, she did.

"he went to receive another marriage proposal for you gifted by the emperor."

Regina stopped dead in her tracks. "He what?" She asked as he face darkened. Her uncle gulped, another marriage proposal was really the last thing his niece needed.

"The emperor set an engagement for you and the duke of the yang empire."

Regina thought for a moment before concluding that it wasn't that bad. "If he's not handsome I'll never forgive that king." She mumbled before leaving.

She knew she didn't have a say when it came to marriage but she really didn't care who she married as long as he was handsome and at least liked her. Even a little bit.

Actually. .. it didn't matter at all if he liked her. As long as he had a decent body... Regina's face heated up. She destroyed her thoughts. She completely forgot about Alein who quietly smiled at her blushing face.

He couldn't help but feel drawn to her full lips. As soon as he noticed his thoughts he gritted his teeth and bowed before quickly leaving.

Regina's tutor was the maid from that morning, Regina was soon taken to the library for tutoring.