
Darling Demon

Welcome to the Night Devision and meet your darling demon Evelyn! Now she may not be the best but she's trying and that's all we can ask for. Evelyn is the newest recruit for this little devision. She gets partnered with a human boy known as Oliver, her new target to scare, her new target to fear the night, her new target to steal ice cream from, her new target to fear her. But what if Oliver steals something from her? What if he doesn't fear every time he wakes up and see her? What will happen then? Let's find out together, shall we?

Angel_Grave · Teen
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3 Chs

2-Dinner Time with The Serpents

"Miss. Hiccup, do you like spaghetti? Just plain ol' spaghetti? 'Cause that's what I'm making with a pot roast that you can place on top with a bit of gravy like wow I stole that from Mr. Pheffer and I haven't gone back."

"Yes sir-"

"oh darling don't call me sir, makes me sound old, just call me Lucifer and you can call Eve by her first name too!" He told me, fixing his pink apron and grabbing a bottle of wine. "Do you care for some or do you not wish to for the age you died at?"

"Umm I'll take a bit. I may be dead and everything but I heard drinking too much wine can really effect the outer appearance of us new demons."

"Well how old were you when you died? What, 19?" He asked, pouring some sangria into a cup for me.

"18 actually."

"Oh! so now yourrrrr-"

"18 still...I decided to take the forever package but you know, basically everything down here over 18 is free use."

"Really the forever package? You don't see that often." He handed me the cup before running into the kitchen. Suddenly we heard the door open.

"I'm baaaccckkk!" Mrs. Serpent sang, walking into the dinning room. She looked at me and smiled as she placed her coat on the rack and took off her shoes. "Why hello Miss.Hiccup, my husband hasn't gnawed your ear off with just yet, has he?"

"I heard that!" Lucifer yelled from the kitchen, causing both of us to laugh.

"Anyway, would you like us to call you Evelyn, Miss.Hiccup?"

"Oh yes ma'am."

"I told you to call her Eve! She likes that much more!" Lucifer said, bringing in some of the plates in and Eve grabbing herself her own glass of wine. Once Mr. Lucifer brought in all the food, we started to eat in silence, listening to the opera music in the back for no reason.

"Do you like the opera?" Eve asked me.

I cleared my throat and smiled. "Not personally but my mother loved the opera, she was an opera singer before I was born. I was told she was great, beautiful at the art of singing. My father told me they met at a practice. He played cello with her aannnddd, well, they hit it off from there."

She smiled back at me. "That reminds me of how I met Lucifer."

"Ahh yes! At the All Hallows Eve Showing!" He gently placed his hand on top of his wife's before they stared at each other with love, interlocking their hands. "What a glorious night...I could only focus on you my star.."

They got lost in each others eyes while I kept on eating. It's one thing to be a third wheel but another thing to be the third wheel to Lucifer himself and his wife in their own home. No scratch that, their own castle. Not gonna lie, kinda awkward on my part cause ya know...I don't trust no love a dove sort of situations anymore and for very good reasons.

Suddenly, the opera stopped and soon enough songs I knew while still breathing like those above us. Maybe not at the time I went and died but when I was still seen as a teenager.

"Born..too late...for you to notice me..To you..I'm just..a kid that you won't do date, why was I born too late?~" I sang along softly with a smile on my face. My friends and I used to harmonize with the song simply because one time we got board and wanted to do something. Now I still know my part. Well It was more like we'd switch around the parts per play, just to keep it interesting.

"Ooohhh you like classics I see!" Lucifer said with a grin, grabbing my now empty plate. "I did enjoy the music back then but I say nothing beats the 90's-"

"90's really? 80's is where it's at. C'mon, we all should know that. 80's end of story." Eve exclaimed, looking over at me.

"I-I like the songs from the 70's...Those are cool..But I think both the 90's and 80's have their own great classics and you shouldn't compare them because both decades had different generations with their own sets of problems. That's just me though.."

The Serpents nodded in agreement. "You are absolutely right Evelyn...But I still think that the 90's are better and that's final." Lucifer said.

"You just like to try and be edgy and a stubborn prick" Eve said, throwing her napkin playfully at him. He just chuckled and grabbed all the plates to bring it back to the kitchen and clean them just a bit.

Now it was only Eve and I sitting at the table. "So I bet you're wondering why I have invited you over for dinner tonight."

"Yup!" I blurted out. "I'm really questioning alllllllll of this."

"And that's ok! I didn't even tell you why!"

"Did I...do something wrong?"

She laughed. "No no no, not at all! Give me a second though, you'll understand in just a bit!" She got up and started to walk into another room, leaving me all alone. Man...It was really scary being alone in the dinning room. You would think I'd be uncomfortable but it wasn't me being uncomfortable, I was legit feeling like I was going to be shot at any moment.

Lucifer came back in with a confused look. "She's getting something." I told him so he could understand.

He nodded and sat back down at the head of the table. We just kinda..sat there? We really didn't do anything except drink some wine. Finally, Eve came back with a file in her hand and a smile on her face. Once she sat down, she slid the file over towards me. I looked down at the file, staring at it like it was a fortune cookie that was randomly thrown at my head in the middle of the street.

"Should I-"

"Open it? Definitely."

And so I did. Inside held papers and papers of information, photos of a boy that looked around my age, and casual health papers. I looked at it all confused. It had been almost 8 years since I've seen this sort of file. 8 years ago, I was taken out of the paralysis devision and placed in the death news journal, a news paper stating who is knew in the city, obituaries, and what business are opening up and/or closing. You know, normal stuff. Pretty boring compared to the paralysis devision.


"I was thinking Evelyn, it's been what, 8 years since you've gone out on the field? Well, my team and I have decided that we wanted to start a new devision. Night Demons. See Night Demons will sort of like paralysis demons except...not paralysis demons? The humans can get up and walk around and everything which makes your job a bit harder but I feel that you can get the hang of it. All you have to do is spend 1 to 3 hours scaring your target at night. Don't care what time of the night, you just have to get there to scare him. If you get attacked, which they shouldn't be able to do as you can't be touched by them, we will call in for an immediate paralysis demon attack where you'll be called back to the office."

"So does that mean I'm gonna get some sort of insurance?"

She looked at Lucifer then back at me. "Why wouldn't we give you some insurance just in case? Anyway, you'll start on Friday with the Darling Demons and you'll be partnered with this here human. Up for the task?"

I looked up at their smiling faces, waiting for my response. I gave them a small smile. "Why not?"