
Darling Demon

Welcome to the Night Devision and meet your darling demon Evelyn! Now she may not be the best but she's trying and that's all we can ask for. Evelyn is the newest recruit for this little devision. She gets partnered with a human boy known as Oliver, her new target to scare, her new target to fear the night, her new target to steal ice cream from, her new target to fear her. But what if Oliver steals something from her? What if he doesn't fear every time he wakes up and see her? What will happen then? Let's find out together, shall we?

Angel_Grave · Teen
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3 Chs


"I'm craving....ice cream...yeah" I turned towards Janet my neighboring desk partner, silently doing her work. "Pssstt....Janet."

No response.

"Janet...Janet don't ignore, I gotta question for ya."

She kept on ignoring me.

"Look we all get it that you were a princess and you weren't taught to talk to 'peasants' but that was thousands of years ago so I'd appreciate it if you at least looked my way."

I could see her roll her eyes at my presence. Slowly, she turned her gaze to me where I slyly smiled at her. "What.Do.You.Want?" Janet said, her annoyance with me clear in her voice.

"You wanna get some ice cream with me?"



"I don't care for sweets."

"..Ok I feel like we both know that's a lie."

"I'm serious, I was raised to be a-"

"A lady of the thrown. One to be seen by the side of the king as a caring woman. She must be elegant and poise at all times. A lovable lady who cares for the children and the kingdom her king shall rule. We know, you tell us that all the time" I told her, resting my head on my hand.

I love seeing her get all upset though. She sorta takes a deep breath in to puff out her chest a bit and looks at you disgusted. It's comedic for no reason. Anyway, she just turned around and mumbled something under her breath while getting back to work.

I rolled my eyes and just decided to go by myself. My whole division is just so boring. No one talks to each other and it gets so awkward. What makes it even weirder is that when we're out of the office, most of them are super chill and have great stories of their once lives. Except for Janet...No one likes Janet..I think her real name is Mary actually..Eh, I'll just ask someone if that's right.

I walked out of the silent division and traveled down towards paralysis devision that was full of laughs. Immediately there was a smile on my face. The paralysis devision used to be where my office was which I think is why Janet doesn't like me all that much. See the paralysis division is known for the pranks and laughter, enough to make those who died rich and stuck up get oh so very aggravated.

I looked inside where I saw my friend Henry talking about his twin and the story of when they got stuck underneath some benches at the circus. Henry was from 1923 and died with his siamese twin, both connected by the hand. When they died, they were separated. Henry came here, Gary went to heaven. No one actually knows why they got separated, Henry never did anything wrong, and you would've thought Siamese twins would stick together even through death but it just wasn't the case. Luckily, Henry was perfectly fine with being away from his brother and even got his own hand!

While Henry was talking, he quickly glanced over towards me which caused the rest of the group to look over their shoulders and see me. One yelled out "Evelyn!" and so everyone else followed suit. I giggled and walked over to the group, greeting everyone. "So what is the marvelous Evelyn doing back here with the party?"

I shrugged. "Asking if you wanna go get a nuclear sundae with me."

"Just say a sundae."


"You always say a 'nuclear' sundae. You can just call it a sundae."

"You don't want me to share my part of history?"

"Well you can, we just find it funny thats all" He chuckled, hoping off the desk. "Anyway, I'd love to go for a sundae."

I smiled at him and we walked out of the division, saying goodbye to everyone we crossed paths with. While we walked towards the ice cream parlor, we talked about Janets real name and we both were pretty sure I was correct about her name being Mary.

"I heard she changed her name because she was so embarrassed."

"Embarrassed by what? Like if she died cause of illness, it happens to the best of us."

"Well it was sort of that but.. also something else.."

"Explain Henry, unlike Uma over there, I can't really do that 'reading minds' thing.

He quickly looked around then leaned in to whisper. "She died of the Black Plague."

"Ummm....Ok? Why is that so important?"

"Well her whole family supposedly didn't leave their castle whatsoever and so did none of the servants but one day she vanished and later was found in the woods by some travelers. She told them that she was ok and was waiting for someone but she had to return to the castle where she eventually died at 16 and no one knows who she was waiting for. Some say it was a forbidden lover and they planned to escape together and that's why she has that necklace on at all times."

I looked at him, stunned at what I heard. "B-But she say's-"

"She died old and alone? We all know that wouldn't have been possible for a princess. She would've have to marry someone and given birth."


"Can y'all order now? Not to be rude but my legs are killing me here." We heard Mr. Trenzek say to us with his tired voice.

Mr.Trenzek came from 1993 at the old age of 74 from North Dakota. He runs Unlucky Lick, a joke towards his old ice cream shop when he was alive, Lucky Lick. He's kinda grumpy but, who can blame him? We're all stuck down here with no reason. No one understands why we were put here. Some of us didn't even do anything wrong.

I giggled and told Trenzek our orders though he did try and correct me for saying nuclear sundae again. Henry and I stood near the glass window and watched others walk passed. Some happy, some sad, some new, some old.

"Do you ever miss working in the paralysis devision? Like the work? Going into the field? Or do you like the writing devision?" Henry asked out of the blue.

I took another bite out of my sundae before speaking. "Well...My division is very boring but I did always want to be a journalist, this just wasn't exactly the dream job though." I chuckled at the end which cause Henry to chuckle as well.

"Being stuck down here isn't really anyones dream. I always wanted to travel the world alone, go to France maybe, get a wife for myself, normal stuff for someone not tied up to their brother. Didn't you say you had a brother yourself?"

"Oh yeah.." I got kinda quiet. "He was older so we never hung out or anything..not even on my last day..he told me he'd reschedule the ice cream for a different day....if only he didn't....."

I stared down at my sundae, thinking of what happened that night. I always hated bringing up my life just like Janet but no one dares talk about mine. With Janet, many can ask her questions, I just go silent. With my time period, it's ok and I even make jokes but dare ask me about myself, you won't get an answer. I got into my head, how much I hate him, how he could just do something like that, just watch me, the song he played, every-

"Ev, you're going too far again. You gotta snap out of it." Henry said suddenly, getting me out of my mind finally. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "You're safe here. He's not near and we all know he's guilty for what he had done. I'm sorry."

We both went silent for a moment before I continued the story as if nothing had happened. Henry doesn't like it when I do that but I know me and I won't stop doing such a thing. Suddenly, a woman stopped in front of our window. I looked over then quickly down at my sundae. "Ah shit...What did I do this time.." I mumbled to myself, wide eyed.

From the corner of my eye, I watched her walk pass then immediately the door to the ice cream store opened with a small ring of the bell. I glanced up and saw her walking towards me. Oh my is she intimidating in person.

Jet black hair stopping only an inch below her shoulder, black Prada glasses covering her empty eyes that matched her Prada, leather bag. Her fire truck red fur coat overlaid her black shirt and made her diamonds pop even more somehow. Her red stilettos hitting the floor, making her sound even more terrifying with each step coming closer and closer to us. She stopped, a sly smirk on her face.

"Hello Miss.Hiccup," She said to me as she pulled down her glasses to show me her white eyes.

"Hello Mrs. Serpent..." I said quietly towards her. "What would you like?"

"I would like you to join my husband and I for dinner."

Hey there! Was it ok for the frst chapter? I hope you enjoyed it. Have any questions, just go on and ask! I'd be happy to answer any questions you got for me! See you later!

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