
Darling Demon

Welcome to the Night Devision and meet your darling demon Evelyn! Now she may not be the best but she's trying and that's all we can ask for. Evelyn is the newest recruit for this little devision. She gets partnered with a human boy known as Oliver, her new target to scare, her new target to fear the night, her new target to steal ice cream from, her new target to fear her. But what if Oliver steals something from her? What if he doesn't fear every time he wakes up and see her? What will happen then? Let's find out together, shall we?

Angel_Grave · Teen
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3 Chs


Name: Oliver Craz


Eye color: Black

Hair color: Dyed white hair, hair down just below the eyes

Height : 5"11ft

Weight: 140lbs

Relationship status: Single

Fears: Spiders, Thunderstorms, Snakes, Roaches, Failure

Average sleep schedule: 1pm-6am

Sleep walker: No

Heavy sleeper: At times


Name: Evelyn Hiccup

Age: 18, took forever package

Eye color:



Hair color:

Alive-Brown, down to mid back

Dead-Neon peach, inch above the shoulder

Height: 5"2

Weight: 110 lbs.

Relationship status: Single

Average work schedule: UPDATED-8 YEARS AGO- 2pm-9pm


"Those son of a bitches..my hair is Periwinkle right now, not neon peach.." I mumbled to myself. It was only a day later and I was sitting on the counter, waiting for Henry to come on by to talk with me since he knows one of the other Darling Demons.

You know, I don't know why I decided to do this. Last time it didn't end well. The whole reason I was taken out. I loved being in the devision, on the field but I knew I was taken out for a very good reason and something I regret with all my cold heart...but then again I wanted to get back on the field to make things right, and make sure it never happened again. No one knows why I was taken out except for me and I intend to keep it that way.

There was a sudden knock at my door. Thinking that it was Henry, I walked over and opened it up. Welp...it wasn't Henry. Instead I was greeted by a somewhat happy Janet. "Oh..Hey Janet. What's going on? I heard a lot of cursing next door." I smiled, glancing down at the plate wrapped in tinfoil.

She shrugged and smiled back. "Oh you know, baking. Didn't go as planned but effort is all that counts for me. May I come in?"

I was taken aback for a second. Janet had never asked to come into my apartment before. "U-uhhh sure?" I stepped aside to let her in and she did just that, leading the way into my kitchen. She placed the plate wrapped in tinfoil on my small table and sat down, looking out my small window where the night sky was filled with bright red stars and the lights of Hollow City from below.

I walked in, towards my table where I sat on the opposite side of her, looking out as well. "Evelyn, may I ask a question?"

"Of course! What's the question?"

"Why did you stay here? Why stay in this city? Other than the devisions, of course."

I sat there silently, staring at the wood table. I had a very good reason to stay, one that was still holding strong to this day, a favor to him...but until I see his pale face staring at me with his new dead eyes, frightened. Until he'll be in court for what he'd done to me so long ago in his eyes. Until I see him cowering in fear, begging for my forgiveness while at my boots. Until the day they all see what he has done. Until that rightful day, will I have myself the reason to leave. Then I'll decide if I want to move.

I smiled and shrugged. "My family and I always lived in the suburbs. Though it was nice, being near the forest, a town not on top of each other, a nice house, great friends who I'd take long car rides with in the hills, I've always been interested in the city life. Now I'm here, and I get to experience it. Why do you stay?I would've thought you'd go to the country side."

"I'm waiting for him...I believe he had been assigned in some other city."

I looked over at her confused. "Then why not travel to each city to find him? Who is 'him'?"

She looked over at me, opening up the wrapped plat, holding some cookies. She grabbed one and held it in her hand. "Because I know that if I leave, then we will never cross paths. My Jacob was always an adventurous man. I know on day he'll come here...just one day..." She handed me the cookie which I took from her, thanking her softly. "So," she started speaking again. "I heard you may be switching over to the new group, the Darling Demons, correct?"

"Oh yeah...How'd you find out?"

"Well I'm supposed to write an article on you guys. I hope you understand that you're the talk of the town. You are the youngest of the group which makes it oh so very interesting."

There was a knock at the door. I excused myself from the table and went to open the door. When I did, I was greeted by a lady, looked like she was in her 20's with a red pixie cut. "So you're the one tasked with Oliver Craz I hear."

I looked at her super confused, unsure why that even mattered. "Hey Evelyn," I heard Janet say coming closer with each word. I looked over my shoulder and saw her standing next to me with a smile. "I should head back, I need to do some work. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"

I nodded and said goodbye, Janet squeezing past the other lady and I. Finally, I turned my graze back to the other lady. "Care to come in and explain to me why it's so interesting that I have this Craz boy?"

She smirked at me as I let her in. She walked into my kitchen while saying "Sorry, Henry said he couldn't make it, something came up with his target."

"At least you told me." I chuckled, sitting on top of my counter. "Now can you at least tell me your name?"

"Oh yeah.." She said, picking up the file. "Penelope, 27 now."

"Forever pakage?"

"Nope, add 5 years. You?"

"Forever package for me." I shrugged.

She looked up at me. "Honey you got a hot human."

"mmmm you sure about that? Don't get me wrong, I'm gad I got a somewhat cute one here, but he isn't exactly my type."

She giggled, sitting down. "This boy has made already made 4 demons get out of the field. He's extremely charming."

"And how do you know that."

"Well my sister was the first for him. First demon to try him out. Well more like she had to do some stalking on him for a bit. He caught her in action and let's just say...he's definitely a player sort of human."

"What? She caught feelings for someone who can die?"

"Hehe...yeah..Not exactly the smartest move. She caught feelings hard for him to the point where the job had to be passed over to another..than another..than another.."

".....Then why am I put up to this test?! I'm the same age as him! That's just stupid!"

She put up her hands. "Girl I don't know!"

"Who was stupid enough to put me as his Darling Demon?! I may have had a bad experience with love but that's stupid, I'm sorry. So Stupid."

"Well maybe that's why they picked you. Also, you're still very known in the field!"

"Why is that? It's been 8 years."

"Your style of fear and uneasiness is nothing to scoff at. You may be the youngest of us, but you sure is hell not the weakest. Your style is unlike any one else's and that's why you're known."

"We all know others have used sound method, and the food method before."

"But not together! And not the way you did it! With the dogs and the mother getting sick anytime they screamed and they came on in! Now that took skill!"

I shrugged it off and got off the counter. "Look I don't want to talk about how I used to scare people."

She looked at my confused. "Why not? Yo-"

"I said I don't want to talk about it Penelope and we're going to leave it like that." I said sternly. And so we went silent for a bit until I asked in a soft tone, "Would you like some tea?"