

This story follows Allen Flydrod through how he lost everything to judgement day and how he is going to gain back everything . At the start it's mainly tragedy based it will lighten up as it goes

V2m · War
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7 Chs

Chapter two




A large gate dropped out of the blood symbols . It was a black gate with red markings in unknown languages allover the gate . Skulls with frozen creams of desperation could be seen on the sides of the gate .

Slowly the markings on the gate started to shine deep red untill the gate finally opened.

At first nothing could be seen but dark fog until a foot covered in red and purple armour came out of the gate. The full body came out of the gate but the appearance of the thing that came out was breath taking and not in a good way .It's face could only compit with that of Frankenstein and am sure it would win .

It had a face that could put fear in any body it had white skin with red cracks on the face rotten looking sideburns on the sides of the face , black pupiless eyes, horn looking eye brows that were raising up , a black tongue, sharp looking teeth that could easily bite through anything dripping with blood , ragged broken up armour with black accents on the side , razor sharp black nails twitching every second for blood .

After it got out , it let out a battle cry like it was putting the finishing touches on a ritual slowly large armies of different races of demons started to match out .

The coldness stopped increasing but it still stayed at that uncomfortable temperature not enough to kill mankind but enough to torture them slowly.

Every demon that came out didn't waste any time and they started running where it thought there would be civilization hoping to kill everything in it's path .



My ears were hurting and I couldn't hear anything properly but I had to get strength to show the young ones that every thing would be fine . My ears kept ringing in the most uncomfortable way possible in my whole life but slowly I gained back my sense of hearing.

The roar scared not most but all of us we were shaking but we couldn't do anything about it .The thing which I didn't know was good or bad was that the coldness and fear was numbing the hunger we were all feeling.

The coldness suddenly stopped increasing which was a relief but it did not decrease leaving us in the same situation as before.

I felt my blood circulation slowing down due to the coldness .My every instinct was telling me to run but I never knew the reason. Slowly as I kept on trying to accumulate a little amount of warmth in my body.

Me , a few other elder orphans and two of the old matrons who had a total of four matrons in the whole orphanage decided to go out to try find some resources. We were led by Smith who was the most experienced orphan in such situations since he was once in the military training program but left due to a lack of funds .

So we started looking around the neighboring blocks to find what we were needing when we luckily found a few resources like bread , milk and a few wayer bottles but what we saw shocked us even more . Sure we were getting the benefit of the doubt in the current situation but my instincts was telling me to run. I was a little shaken up by my body but I thought it was just my body overreacting because of the lack of warmth so I just advanced on our scavenging hunt .

We kept on trying to knock on some doors to look for a source of hope but weirdly no body was at any house we knocked at.

As we were walking we saw a figure of what looked like a woman approaching us . She had black curly hair and a tall yet fitting body structure with blood all over her yellow sun dress. She was staggering towards us and just as she was one metre in front of us she fell Rion ( one of the elder orphans ) ran and picked her up she was super cold without any help she would die in the next minute .

Unknown lady: Run. ru.un.Do .do ..n't... go there... only death awaits. she said while stammering forcing herself to finish the sentence as fast as her body could before she died .

Slowly I saw the light of life leave her eyes. looking in the direction she came from we saw a large muscular man or something along tjose lines at least 190 cm in height in ragged purple armour and animalistic body features such as claws , fangs and black eyes looking at us . Or in my opinion at me .he was moving towards ud super slowly while dragging a massive sword on the ground making a lot of noise indicating his presenceas if he was on a hunt.

It did not take an immensely intelligent brain to figure that he was the cause of her death we immediately knew what to do.run. Rion placed her body gently on the ground and took off. We sprinted with all our might towards the orphanage but we soon noticed that one of us was lacking behind I used all my speed to pick up the matron who was lacking behind but in the corner of my eye I saw the man still walking behind us even after we made countless corners . He had a wide freaky smirk on his face like he was enjoying the chase or to him the hunt .

We immediately picked up our pace and in no time we arrived at the orphanage door and we knocked with all our might until James one of the elder orphans who stayed opened.

James: Allen ,Rion ,Alex, Smith , Madam Sandra and Prona what happened ? Did you get the resources ?

None of us answered him as we entered the elder orphans I went with and I closed and locked all the windows while the matrons locked the doors and added extra weight like beds, tables, refrigerators and many more to avoid them from opening , we warned all those who were old enough to help about what happened. At first they thought we were jocking but after the unexpected turn of events today and our worried faces they immediately sprang to action.

We went and collected all the children and took them to an underground iron bunker built during the world war one periods .

We were forty six children. Those twelve and below were twenty two , those thirteen to eighteen were around sixteen to twenty and the rest were above eighteen and four matrons .We barely fit so our matrons went out to see if anything was happening but then a few more about four or so of the elder orphans followed to show that everything was fine to the young ones .

They closed the bunker after giving us all the remaining food and resources . Since this bunker was kind of underground ten feet deep down to be specific it was kind of warm.

With beds and chairs some of us started to rest until we heard a scream of one of our matrons up but we couldn't help since we cold only open it from the entrance up.

Then I remembered the man who was chasing us at first I looked at Smith who didn't go up since he was the most capable to protect the children if anything happened but even he had a trace of fear in his eyes as everyone else but who could blame him he had just turned eighteen.

The scream woke every body up and removed any trace of sleep in our eyes.

I hope u enjoyed the chap and . comment

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