

This story follows Allen Flydrod through how he lost everything to judgement day and how he is going to gain back everything . At the start it's mainly tragedy based it will lighten up as it goes

V2m · War
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7 Chs

Chapter one



A teenager can be seen crawling on the ground blood allover his body ."Helllo there , you might be wondering who is this scrawny teen crawling for dear life and unfortunately that's me , but to get a grasp of what is happening I have to take u a month back."The boy says.

"Through reality there is one aspect that can never be altered by man and that is death but what if living was death well, or rather in my prospective worse than death ,then welcome to my world."The boy narrates.

My name is Allen Flydrod a seventeen year old orphan by the time my journey started and this is my story . The world was stained and painted with sin when the great diaster happened . If I remember correctly it was on Monday in the month and year of December 2032 when it happened .

December was always known as the month of love , reunions and happiness but this time it was the start of suffering.

Most religions up to date had held information about the day but no body took it to heart until it finally happened. THE JUDGEMENT DAY.


It started out with all satellites losing signal and power out of the blue leading to a lot of commotion among the intercontinental world authorities who started speculating that the other different countries were starting a new world war through destroying the means of communication to block all ways of preparing them selves. Aeroplanes fell to the ground cars caused accidents just know it was chaos allover the world .

Through out the world the air became chilly and windy as if it was in the winter season it did not spare even most parts of Africa which did not experience winter .Sure it was a momentarily relief for desert countries but not for long.

The countless questions from the people increased until an ear piercing roar or more of a cry was heard throughout the whole world it carried a lot of anger and depression but nothing could compare to the pain it was promising .

The voice : Beware ! Beware! It is coming. AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAhhhhhhhhh. What first seemed as a cry turned into a maniac laugh.

The voice :AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAhhhhhhhhh hahahahaha .

Immediately after the roar or cry whatever you want to call it but later on it was called the war cry . The great river euphrates started drying up leaving only a dark fog .

Red and black runes started surrounding the depth of the lake until they all gathered around to make a circle with three pointed edges .This happened for more than a day until it completely dried.

Slowly an arm appeared it started crawling out of the river until the whole form of whatever was crawling came out .

It had snow white skin ,edged teeth dripping with a dark fluid .red blood eyes surrounded by a dark aura promising death , ragged clothes with broken armour , three black crow wings and a broken one .It started flapping its wings to arise from the base of the lake.

It raised up in the sky using it's wings until it was around fifteen kilometers high then it said :"Ariseeeeee brothers, for thy time has come."

Slowly three more came out of the depth of the river through the runes all of them having almost identitical body structures except their faces . Together they made the fallen.

They moved and made a circle then they started drawing some certain symbols on their stomachs using their razor sharp nails dark blood started flowing through the newly made wounds but as this was going on the sky was darkening and wind was picking up it's pace rapidly. You might wonder how I know all this but you will soon find out.

Back to the fallen just as they had finished drawing the symbols dark red light started shining from the wounds ,the blood which had dropped to the earth from the fallen created a small pond of blood and it levitating until it was in the middle of the circle formation the fallen had made.

Slowly the blood started spreading out forming it self in to the exact structure and pattern as the symbols on the stomachs of the fallen . Slowly the more blood spilled out of the fallen from all the body spores still maintaining the same pattern as the symbols the fallen started spreading out until they were fifty kilometers away from each other . The blood continued spreading out in order to occupy the space left by the fallen .As their ritual looked to be in the finishing touches


POV: ALLEN FLYDROD. ( main character)

I couldn't believe my eyes when it started I was walking around the orphanage using the matron's phone searching the internet for a school project when out of nowhere the phone powered down I tried tasting the battery using the little physics I knew to try and see if the battery had a problem because I remembered charging it before leaving but this was becoming annoying so I entered the orphanage only to find a power outage inside too .We started to hear crashes outside but to be safe we stayed away from trouble .

The matron said: "This must be one of the government tricks on us . She tried to joke to enlighten the mood."

I would have believed that but at this time of the year I couldn't believe it since the government was receiving a lot of revenue due to the festive season.

As I waited for the power to come back I went outside to look at the stars but just as I put my foot outside I was assaulted by skin piercing coldness , I immediately went inside but nothing could stop the cold weather in spite of the fireplace blankets or jackets we used.

It became so cold in the orphanage that we had to huddle up to get more warmth . I and the other adult orphans started calming the kids while the matrons tried to start the fireplace.

Just as we had started feeling a little warmth we heard a scary roar it voiced out some words which made the young ones cry .Even I myself felt scared . I could feel fear plastered on my face .

Every inch of my being was screaming with fear but i got the guts to try to quiet down the babies but it was kind of unfruitful but the elder females and matrons were able to accomplish it adding to the irony of the situation.

The coldness increased leaving all of us shaken up even our old matrons. Our candles and the fireplace blew out and our Solar lights refused to work leaving us in complete darkness.



Slowly the blood started feeling the gap . Just as the gap was being fully filled The fallen let out a cry saying : May death fill our destination.

Suddenly something massive fell out of the blood runes leaving a trace of smoke as it fell.

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