

This story follows Allen Flydrod through how he lost everything to judgement day and how he is going to gain back everything . At the start it's mainly tragedy based it will lighten up as it goes

V2m · War
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7 Chs

Chapter three




Hearing our matrons scream in such a way startled us . I immediately got a ladder and climbed to the entrance .

As I was placing my ear near the entrance's hatch. I heard madam Sandra screaming in such a painful way I felt my knees weaken .

I immediately tried to open the hatch but then i heard .

Stephen :" Don't open this haaaaaaaatch." I heard Stephen say or scream . My hands froze I didn't know what to do , my heart started to pound faster."

Slowly a familiar sound started approaching the hatch entrance .That's when I realised what was actually happening , it was that thing that was following us before . I found a new resolve climb my heart to open the hatch , not actually using my brain to think what would actually happen to everybody down here.

As I was turning the knob , the creature hit the entrance from outside sending vibrations throughout the surface and paralysing my hands and actually bringing common sense to my mind once again. Even though my hands felt weak I tried to close the hatch finally understanding my former mistake .

It hit the entrance a second time . This time I immediately reacted faster and removed my hands and put them on the ladder . It started hitting continuously .each hit was loud enough to wake up all the kids and to eventually scare them .

It hit so hard it created a hole through the iron enhanced entrance. The hits came to a stop. I looked through the hole then I saw the demonic looking creature which was chasing or hunting us . It's former maniac smirk was gone and it was replaced by a look of anger and frustration. It's breath was heavy and rapid .

It started moving around frustratedly like it was going mad .

Then unexpectedly it looked straight in my eyes and it smirked again

I felt so startled that I fell from the ladder leading to the opening hatch. .

The courage I had was replaced by fear . I thought it would hit again but silence is wat welcomed us expect for the countless orphans .

No body had an idea on what we were supposed to do so we just stayed down there waiting for wat we would describe as our demise .We shared some food among ourselves which was bread and water . And milk for the babies even if it was cold and unhealthy for babies . But we couldn't cry for what isn't around.

We mastered up enough courage to go up and check if anybody was still there but the coast was clear so I slowly opened the hatch but just as I had opened it the smell of blood hit me even if I had not fully exposed my face out of the hatch .

I climbed out with two of the remaining eighteen year old orphans.

I was the first to come out but what I saw almost made me vomit the little i had eaten .

I saw most of our elders who we looked up to lying in a pool of their own blood. I slowly approached one of the matrons who was still moving .Matron Elizabeth was her name she would always act as the strict moral matron but now she was looking at me with the softest and kindest smile I had ever seen her give anyone . I put her in my embrace tears flowing down my face.

Matron Elizabeth : My ...children ..I would ....like to ask one thing from you... can you help me to protect our family please? she said but her words were slow and barely a whisper but they could easily be heard.

Tears rolled out of our eyes uncontrollably . I felt pain in my heart I opened my mouth to tell her that she was going to be fine but nothing came out because I couldn't believe my words so I just kept quiet . It was like she knew what I wanted to say so she continued.

Matron Elizabeth : You all know how much we loved you so keep that love and survive . There are some things that can help you to survive in my office but don't leave anybody behind . I don't know what attacked us but am sure there are more of them so please stay strong and fight the evil. She finished the remaining spark of life leaving her eyes.

The tears had long dried and there was only a anger and regret in our eyes .We started getting all what we needed for defense and survival like knives , brooms anything that can be counted as a weapon of self defense.

When we went to the matron's office we started looking for the resources she told us about . While we were walking we found a loose part of the wooden floor we immediately removed the planks revealing a big hole containing multiple bags with dried and reserved food , some water bottles around five hundred , spare clothes which were taken since they used to no longer fit us or they got lost, spare pampers, milk powder and surprising four guns two short gunsand two pistols there was also another medium sized bag with three medical kits, bullets , ammo and magazines .

I managed to get a pistol and two magazines . I had got some training on how to use a gun from Smith but every time I looked at the gun I would remember the ugly face of that bastard who took the lives of the people who raised me . I made a vow to make sure that I would kill him no matter what .

I could feel my heart beating with a new resolve of revenge but what over took that resolve was the urge to protect my family as long as am alive and kicking.We started to make plans to establish a way of living to avoid this from ever happening again .

Different rules were made and different counter measures were set to avoid unnecessary death ever again.

sorry for the short chap . I was kinda rushing it

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