

This story follows Allen Flydrod through how he lost everything to judgement day and how he is going to gain back everything . At the start it's mainly tragedy based it will lighten up as it goes

V2m · War
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7 Chs

Chapter six




After the angel put what looked like a shield made out of his aura around me it seemed like the shockwaves no longer had an effect on me , I felt the urge to grin at the demon but my body was too weak , to move .

I focused on their battle again I saw the angel being scratched on the face because of trying to save me , even with such an injury his appearance was more appealing than that ugly beast.

He let out a painful growl but he continued the battle , he axe kicked the demon hoping to make some space but it held onto his leg and cut horizontally all over his chest making more blood to flow out . The angel blocked the slash with his sword to avoid his arm from getting injured .But his actions were kind of futile due to the lack of balance .

He jumped and kicked the demon with the leg which wasn't being held . Then he cut off two of the demons fingers to remove its contact with its sword .It all happened in a flash that I barely knew how he maneuvered his body do all the actions at once. With the sword out of the way he slashed vertically on its body then spartan kicked it with force but he kicked it so hard it got close to my location just a few metres apart.

I started to panic and prepare to run but my body was weak from all the beating I received but I was able to pull off crawling away that's a win, right?

Just as I was panicking , he realised my fear and immediately rushed to the demon and attempted to throw him away , key word is attempted because half way in the air the demon turned it's body, caught one of the angels wings in the heat of the moment ,removed a dagger from nowhere and butchered the wing off .

That's when I think physics started to take up it's role , the angel's momentum of the throw kicked in and tossed the demon metres away .But just after the action that's when the pain kicked in .

The angel cried out of in pain while the demon was getting up while smiling although it's crown and eye were destroyed from the earlier slashed black blood flowing all over its face.

I felt anger but it was directed to myself I felt frustration at myself since most the injuries of the angel were because of me .

The Demon: Or.... look .....at ....you ! how could a mighty archangel like you reach such a satisfying position . You even killed hundreds of my pack only to face death because of saving a lowly ... human . it said in pure mockery the demon stood up and it spread it's arms with two daggers appearing in its hands .

It did not look at the angel but it looked at me with a menacing smile showing it's sharp canines mixed with black blood. My crawling became faster .

It reached my position and stabbed me in the back , it made a carved x on my back suddenly the angel kicked the demon off me saving me again .But i felt kinda relieved because I would no longer have to suffer but then I remembered the children at the orphanage and my resolve was renewed I tried standing up and crawling away again .

I fell to the ground with a thud with the daggerstill impaled in me then I heard a familiar voice yet it felt new .

The angel: Noooooooooo he screamed with anger and disgust . He picked up his sword , his aura got stronger and denser he rushed to the demon and started overpowering it .

I put my hand on the handle of the daggers and I tried to pull it out from my back but each centimeter was hurting like hell I slowly pulled it out until half way before my arms became weak and numb.

I started praying that the demon would die a terrible painful death and I think my prayers were answered because the demon started to look more miserable than me only blocking with his right gauntlet but every slash would deliver more damage to it .I smiled with satisfaction but even the slightest movement of my body led to pain which made me wonder why am even still alive.Imagine being face down on the ground with two daggers on your back ."Now that we are on the same page and u have caught up with how I got here , let's continue. "

The aura of the demon became denser and darker its horns grew and they made a curve .It was like it had regained it's strength then it deeply scratched the part where the angel's wing was cut making him wince then it axe kicked the angel's head then it gave a Spanish kick on the chest of the angel making him cough white blood before giving a vital round house to the angel's neck making him lose strength completely even the aura of the angel became less and it lost some of it's light and he fell down but he kept a kneeling position meaning he still had some fight in him to continue.

The demon made a small dagger with weird engraved markings out of it's remaining aura and instead of attacking the angel it turned to me and it started to run towards me at break neck speed in no time it had already reached it's destination and it immediately aimed the dagger at where my heart is supposed to be in the back but it was too fast for my brain to process .

I started chocking on my blood I tried taking in deep breaths to make my time my time on earth longer . As the demon was smiling maniacally a sword cut it's head swiftly and cleanly off .

As the head was rolling off I swear I could still see the smile still plastered on it's face with it's eyes seemingly looking at me.

When the whole body finally fell revealing the injured body of the angel but strongly holding up he knelt near me and started saying some incantations in a language I couldn't understand . Then his hand glowed green then it made a dagger out of it's remaining aura . The angel removed all the daggers from my back and cut horizontally on my chest but now i could no longer feel pain because of the my continuous bleeding .

Slowly my skin started becoming grey my feet became roots digging into the soil then my skin started getting buck just as my body started becoming rigid and stiff I looked at the angel standing near the dead body of the demon he looked at me with a reassuring and kind smile.

The angel : Brother ! Rest we will one day meet again but now rest. After he said that I lost consciousness completely leading to my body becoming a tall big tree. But just as I was losing consciousness I was mainly praying for the kids at the orpganage to be safe and sound.

hope u enjoyed the chap . comment and review

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