

This story follows Allen Flydrod through how he lost everything to judgement day and how he is going to gain back everything . At the start it's mainly tragedy based it will lighten up as it goes

V2m · War
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7 Chs

Chapter five





Hope , I never thought I would still hold on to it even in such a crucial moment. But this isn't time to think of useless fantasies .We were surrounded , no fire power and am sure we would be meeting Madam Sandra soon.

We stood up to give our last battle until our dying breath but we already knew we were dead meat because our bullets didn't work so hoping that a machete would work would be totally stupid.

But then a shockwave hit us we couldn't move actually it wasn't a shock wave but fear of something , i was very familiar with I opened my eyes from the shock only to see the demon which killed our matron there giving me the same maniac smirk making my mind get déjà-vu.

He slowly walked up to me . Anger consumed my mind and I stood up through difficulty and held my machete firmly .

Allen :" Y .You sick ma..i minded freak come and fight me like a man ." I shouted with all my might but only stummers which couldn't show the courage i wanted to portray .Suddenly he raised up his arm . Signaling all the demons to stop moving , some growled but they went according to his order.

I looked around waiting for an attack but the demons just gave off menacing growls.

As I was looking around . I felt my neck tighten and my body lifting off the ground . Then I saw the cause it was lifting me off the ground by my neck . Yeah , I felt short of breath but in my mind I was wondering where were the others while all this was happening to me .

Then it started speaking in such a weird voice it sent shivers through my body.

Demon leader: I ....remember.... youuu. The one who thought t. ..I failed to open that littlee.... thing of yours buttt...but should I tell you a secrettt.... their screams were so sweet and wonderful their blood was so appetizingly red but most of all when I butchered them I felt like I was in cloud nine.hiihihihihuhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa. He said in deep slow husky voice but every sentence he said made the anger to keep increasing that I forgot that i could no longer breath properly since he was clutching my neck tightly, I started losing oxygen but I didn't care only anger was present in my mind.

I raised my machete tightly and used my last remaining energy to attempt to cut off the hand which was holding me . i used all my energy to cut off his hand but but it only made a small almost invisible scratch on his skin rather than hurting him he looked amused the smirk grew bigger and wider on his face.

He started hitting me in the stomach , each punch knocking the little air I would gather up each time I inhaled .

I tried calling out the other guys but silence is what I received ,that's when realization came upon me they were either dead or they run away when the demons stopped attacking us or rather them .I gathered all the salivar and the blood irony taste in my mouth and spit on its ugly face. Then it just licked the spit on it's face making me more disgusting than I already was.

It increased the strength of it's punches each hitting harder than the last . I looked behind and the other guys had escaped not carrying about even saving me .

I felt betrayal for the first time in my life tears rolled down my face and but they were mixed with blood he kept on punching me until I almost lost consciencness but the more I looked at his ugly face the more I made a promise of his death I felt my lights going out but then something unexpected happened.

The cracks in the sky made a loud noise like a trumpet again .It started giving out light ,the light moved in an impossible tangible way in the sky making something like a gate .

The gate opened and battalions on battalions of what looked like angels came out . They were arranged in numerous rectangular formations.

Each formation started spreading in different directions then before I blacked out I noticed an angel heading in our direction . Then my world was covered in darkness I didn't see or hear anything.

When I finally opened my eyes I saw a tall man about 2 metres in height wearing white and golden armor, tanned skin, brown hair bright blue sky eyes, white golden aura was coming out of him . He was holding a long battle sword covered in fire , he was swinging it without difficulty but each swing would lead to the death of a demon each swing was so perfectly planned and positioned .

Demons in numerous numbers started ganging up on him but suddenly his eyes gave off a stronger shade of blue and a brighter flame enveloped his sword he swang his sword round in a circle and a big golden slash travelled and hit the demons, they were not cut as before but they were completely burnt to Ash .

The demon was still holding me , a serious expression enveloped his face . He then threw me away like a doll and his whole body was enveloped by a dark red and purple aura he started growing horns on the top of his head then large crow wings came out of his back and engraved markings started spreading allover his body and armour.

He picked his massive sword and he started flying to the angel at break neck speed .The angel made a battle stance and he gripped his sword strongly his white and golden aura became stronger and denser then his dove looking wings with golden assents became larger with a crown made out of the aura appeared on his head looking similar to his armour. He also started flying towards the demon.

( Insert similar photo here)

My body felt weak and fragile because of the lack of oxygen in my body and I was still having difficulty to breath .

I looked at the demon and angel hoping that the demon dies but then a large shockwave hit me because of their collision sending me away across the ground making my body get more wounds .

They both started striking each other . The demon was on attacking while the angel was on defence . Each strike would cause the ground to shake or cause shockwaves which caused pain to me .

When the angel realized that he removed his attention from the battle and he sent some of his aura to envelope my whole body . I felt my whole body getting surrounded by something warm and protective .

The demon used its claws and scratched the face of the angel blinding his left eye Because of me he was injured now immediately he focused on the battle again after giving me a caring family looking smile which sent me hope again.


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