

This story follows Allen Flydrod through how he lost everything to judgement day and how he is going to gain back everything . At the start it's mainly tragedy based it will lighten up as it goes

V2m · War
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7 Chs

Chapter seven





Countless years passed since the war against races ended as the humans liked to call it .

Humans have always been known for their ability to adapt so slowly the humans learnt how to tap into their aura after countless struggle and blood shed rnablimg them to fight back .

They called and refered to it as nature's aura not needing any explanation at all since it just rhymed .Turning the tides of the war . The war was won after countless death then the demons retreated to their wasteland they call a home but those few who stayed were treated like the plague , multiple humans were able to exert their revenge .

But to reduce on the violence in the world a peace treaty was assigned by the humans ,angels and the remaing stentch of demons .By the time the peace treaty was signed all the races had faced heavy losses The leaders of the races by the time were Seoron Resonvoth for the humans , Glith Forstad for the demons and Glory the assistant chief archangel who signed the treaty for their section respectively.

In the past century the races intermarriaged leading to new breeds of the races named respectively the crowns , leavrons and firedoms coupled up with the three original bloodlines.

The crowns were a mixture of angel blood and human blood being able to access angelic and nature's aura while firedoms are a mixture of both demon and human bloodlines making them able to access nature's aura and demonic aura but this race was not completely welcomed because they only started existing during the times of the battle where the demons committed unforgettable and unforgiveable things to the humans. Then lastly leavrons a race of a handful people.

These are a mixture of all races but I guess you know the rest but they are few to non-existent because of the light and dark properties in the bloodline making the child explode at birth since thir dna keeps breaking apart but that didn't mean there weren't lucky occasions were a the baby survives at the smallest chance but most of the time if the child survives, they mysteriously disappear without a trace that's why there are rarely any demon and angel couples , truely a racist place this world has turned out to be. But no one can be blamed , personally I would vote for it .

Even with the treaty there was still tragedy in the world caused by those who couldn't believe in true peace, who would seriously fight with the legion cooperative which was the organisation which had authority over all peace and order operations in the world and protecting it .

These repulsive idiots were under the influence of the devil whose power reduced due to losing most of his army in the war .

He convinced them that there could never be complete unity among their races leading to absolute disorder in the world so the LC or legion cooperative in full organised a special organisation unit which was involved of specially trained soldiers called founders who were in charge of protecting the world and stopping disorder.

You might be wondering who is speaking ,don't worry u will know me soon just know am a Varvin amidst the storm.

In an unknown location #

A large tall tree started emitting a dim greyish kind of light from its overgrown leaves and they started to fall off one by one . If one is to listen very properly he can hear slow breaths from the tree .



In an office in the hospital there is a flat screen TV hosting news presented by a beautiful reporter.

"More and more rebellions have been consuming our streets but the Legion Cooperative has made an announcement that the next enrollment program for the founder recruits are going to commence next month .

To help increase our defense and order . But the question on every body's mind is how will this make our lives better .This is the daily report by Nerion Province on Central Town life news." The repoter said with a beautiful charming smile . "Tune in for more exiting and". But before the reporter could finish her statement the television was turned off by a young woman with blueish hair which matched with her light green eyes .

"Why is this always happening to me ?"she asked her self with a stressd and tired look on her face.

She had been treating patients for a whole week and she was clearly tired of this shift even if it was remaining with only a few hours she was tired of the countless back and forth due to her being the newbie surgeon overlapping her age of seventeen years of age but these days , one is an adult by sixteen.

With a glance people looked down on her but you couldn't imagine that she had got numerous rewards in Biology major and chemistry minor at the age of fourteen years and she was mainly working in the hospital as an internship in order to enter the medical field of the founders .


I am Green Morean MG in short what my family and friends call me .I am a seventeen year old and I am an low level crown race individual. My main abilities mainly revolve around intelligence and minor light manipulation.

I have been working non-stop since last week for the damn of it and am tired.

I mean I have to fix my hair , nails and I have to move out of this damn dress . Lord I feel so dirty and nasty with all the blood and other body fluids which splashed on to my clothes . I mean I have caught in some body's intestine to remove a clot of food in the illeum.

But the good thing out of all this the founder enrollment program is coming soon and am hoping to get out of this place and join the intelligence unit for the founders. I just have to be a little patient as I work here .


You can a child in tattered clothes and a frail physic going through garbage cans looking for a meal not knowing that his destiny is going to drastically change for the better or the worse . His name is ...

Thank you for reading and i hope you can comment. And am out .

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