
Team 8 (Part-3)

(Little Village at the east border of Land of Fire) (Night-time)

There was a glow of a fire and the village was burning.

"I will ask you again, Who stole the money"



One of the goon whipped an Elderly man...

"P-Please show mercy, we don't know who did it"

The men's horses neighed and Villagers saw a weak, scraggly looking villager being cut by the goon.

"Last chance who--"

"I-I did"

All the villagers and the goons looked at the young man who said it.

"Hoh..!! You got some guts, Brat", the Goon asked as he kicked down the young boy who stole the money.

"That was our money, to begin with, we earned it with everything we got, You are the ones who stole it"

"Do you want to die..!!"

"It's better to die than living this life of Humiliation"




The Young man throws some blood as a sword pierced through the boy's back.


The Audience shrieked as they took some steps back.


All the while, a Pair of a young man in a dark cloak and a lady in a red clock were drinking tea someplace nearby, as they kept watching this drama.

There was a hand tapped on the Goon's shoulder.

"Take the money and few people, and then let's go"

"But Sire"

"This is my Order, Let's go"

"Yes, sire"

The Leader of those smiled wickedly, as held the face of a married woman


And forcefully kissed her

mmmpppphhh mmmpppphh

She pushed him


The guy slapped her...



"What did you say?"

"T-Thank you for k-kissing t-the Slut like me"

The leader grin, "Take her and load her up, and take her daughter as well"



"Load her up, take those as well"

While the goons were Leaving, The Pair of the Black and red cloak disappeared without any indication.


The goons on their horses were laughing drinking and moving with a wooden cage.

They were on the way to their personal pleasure house when the pristine incredible looking building appeared on the distance...

"Hahaha, Good Job bringing them", One man wearing Konoha appeared from the trees.

"Boss", the Goons Laughed as the Boss licked the face of the Lady.

"No... Mother", The Young girl beside her struggled

The Boss wearing Konoha Headband grinned, "They are good, Load them up, and bring them to the Pleasure house, I will have our Client seize them up"

"Yes Boss"


(30 minutes Later, Pleasure House)

After a while, A fat ugly guy with a chuckle came.

The Goons and their Boss were Grinning as some of them held the naked woman and her young daughter by the hair.

It was then, the whole world turned upside down for the goons

The horse outside the building suddenly lifted its front legs...


From outside an average-looking man came out




The Man who came out from the outside puked out a lot of Blood, as his eyes whitened and he laid in his own pool of blood.


"Who is it---

One person with the Black cloak on him was walking to them in a leisure manner.

The man was not making any kind of sound what-so-ever.

If he didn't choose to show himself in front of these goons, they would have never found out about him.

The Goons immediately took out their weapons.

"Who are you"

"I am the night, The ruler of sheer Darkness"

Rat → Tiger

"Ōjunzenyami no Jutsu" (Ruler of Sheer Darkness Technique)

The surrounding area began to shroud in darkness. The Black cloaked man used a little of his spiritual energy, that's why the darkness wasn't thick enough.

He could have made the darkness thicker but considering they are all civilians it won't matter.

There was a panic in everyone when...

Using the 'wolf' sign, the Black cloaked man created shadows out of the darkness.



There was a huge panic when the wolf sounds came from no-where.

The Pack of dark Shadow wolves charged and bit the neck of the goons, trying to tear it apart.


The Sharp Claws of Dark Wolves buried deep inside the flesh of Goons.

The Goons struggled as they kick their hands and legs trying to break free but couldn't.

The wolves were Sucking their Chakra clean through their's bite.

And soon taking out the Fancy black daggers, The Black Cloaked man moved as well.

As he Cleanly slices the neck of everyone that comes his way.

When the thick darkness settled down and the light comes out.

There was no one in the building, Everyone was dead.

The mother and daughter pair were kneeling on the ground and trembling with pure fear.


(Unknown Location)

"Unhand me", the Goon who was wearing Konoha Band was struggling as he was tied up with the chair, and a black cloth covering his eyes.


A series of footsteps come in, and the first thing it did was cutting the finger of the goon.

"No No NO

Guuu Guuuuhhh

Heavily breathing the Goon wearing the Konoha band was feeling the pain and was fearing for his life.

"I did that because Now you know what's gonna happen if you don't answer truthfully... You will only have one second to answer the truth", a Voice of a Lady came as the Lady in a red cloak was sitting opposite the goon.

"Who gave you the Konoha Headband"

"It is mine, you are messing with the wrong person here, Soon Konoha will come and fi---


The Lady in red twisted her Kunai and another Finger was gone.

"One Second, One answer, Who gave you the headband"

"Noboru... Noboru, I purchased it from Noboru"

"Who is this Noboru"

"I- I don't know, he just... He just makes some headbands of the hidden villages and sells them"

"And where will we find this Noboru?"

"H-He is a Night Illegal Vendor... You can find him in Underworld, He is quite famous"

The Red Cloak lady removed the black cloth covering the Goon's Eyes.

There were tears in his eyes, "W-Who are you", He asked pleadingly

The Red Cloak Lady stood up from the chair, "Konoha's reconnaissance team, Yuhi Kurenai"

When she was out of the warehouse carrying the goon, The Goon died, and the warehouse was destroyed.


(Someplace far)

"So, what do we do now? Take care of this Noboru", Okami asked

She shook her head, "We inform Hokage sama"


"So that's it?, We ain't even going to capture the main culprit behind it"

"Yes, that's it," Kurenai answered sharply. "Because completing your mission is what shinobis do. Proving who's tougher is a schoolyard game"


"This isn't an Infiltration team, this is a reconnaissance team. We gather information, not infiltrate the enemy's base"

"Staying to fight when the Hokage needs our information isn't just stupid, it's treasonous. Ninjas who don't learn that lesson usually die as fools. Their names won't even be carved onto the memorial stone because they threw their lives away, rather than sacrificing them for something meaningful."


"Do you understand?"

"Crystal Sensei"

"Very well, since we are done, Let's have something to eat. Once we are done reporting"



"Can we take a buyout from Ichiraku Ramen"

"Why?", she was confused

Okami smiled a bit, "My Little Brother likes it... a lot"

"Naruto?", she asked

Okami Nodded

"Sure, after we are done eating... say wanna eat at Choza's restaurant"

Okami nodded again.