
Team 8 (Part-2)

It had been a long night and Yuuhi Kurenai was exhausted.

She'd worked independently for years, ever since that incident.

The Accident that took her most precious people away from her.

She wasn't happy about being forced to work in a team again, but when the Hokage asks, he doesn't necessarily have to say please.

She was given information about her student. Well, considering the information she has, it is sufficed to say that the boy is way too overqualified to be a Genin, She is not qualified to be his teacher. He has been trained by the best of them. And she, well, she is just a recently promoted Special Jonin... not even good enough to become a fully-fledged Jonin.

Anyone with even a little bit of brain will be able to tell that the boy is not selected to her student, but her partner instead.

She shook her head, What happened to Nomaru, Mattai, and Kobaru-sensei had been a tragic accident.

At least that was what she told herself on her good days.

On her bad days, her thoughts were much darker. Much Much Darker.

If left to her, she would never take a partner ever again.

Sighing, she made her way to the training ground 8. Where her partner is waiting for her.

She went to Training ground 8 and watched Okami who was leaning on a Big stone, doing nothing but sleeping his head out.

'It's been too long since I am working alone, Perhaps, It's time, I work in a team again', with that resolution, she made her way towards the sleeping boy.


Okami slowly opened his eyes and said in a soft boring tone, "Are you, my new teacher?"

Kurenai nodded, "I have been told that you are not a graduate"


Okami didn't respond.

"It's basic to know that every Genin must be graduated from the academy, no matter what. But you were especially promoted to this rank. But you should know that your written documents and resume does not allow you to take Chunnin Exams, let alone permit you to become a Jonin"

She frowned when she saw him. Okami was sleeping.


"With the way things that are going on now, you don't even have your own headband, and the only solution is that you take special permission from Hokage sama, and take the Graduation test, to become Genin Officially"

"Sensei", Okami slowly opened his eyes.


"I don't care about being promoted"

She frowned even more, "I don't work with people who don't have any ambition"


She grinds her teeth, of all people, Hokage just have to send this boy to work with her, "So, that's it, you not even gonna tell me why you don't want to be promoted"

"Because I think It's better for me to work alone", Okami said

She sighed and sit on the ground opposite him, "I have been told about you, about your... Eidetic memory, and the fact that you can't get over any---


Okami wasn't listening but sleeping again.

"Kid, There are people in this world who prefer solitude. But there is no one who can withstand it. I know it very well, I spent years working alone."

"...", That got his attention as he opened his eyes to look at her lazily.

"Most of us, who fought in the third war, lost, what we always considered precious"


"But time heals our scar, I get it, Time is not a factor for you, to you the death of your precious people will always be like it happened today... But If you are looking back all the time, you'll never move forward"

"Did you?", He asked

"No, but I am trying to cope up with their death, trying to move ahead. and It's not just me, Everyone is trying their best to move forward"


She smiled, "Very well, since we are so like-minded, let's start with the introduction, I am Yuhi Kurenai, and till now, I was a Chunnin, recently promoted to Special Jonin, I'm a specialist with various types of Genjutsu. I like to study human psychology, sing karaoke, and work in my garden. I dislike perverts, drunks, and people who think I can't be an effective ninja because I'm a woman. My ambition is to make Genjutsus that will even trick Sharingan or Byakugan"


He was sleeping again.

Her mouth twitched as a tick mark appear on her side head, "Your Turn"

"Okami", he said lazily



"OKAMI", she yelled

"My name is Okami"

"You already said it, tell me other things about you"

Okami opened his eyes, "Okami", and he closed his eyes again.

She grits her teeth in frustration. "Meet me tomorrow right here, at the crack of dawn"


"BAAA, why do I have to drink milk every day?", Naruto complained since Okami always forced him to drink it every day.

"Because Grandma used to do it, now she isn't here, It's my job to make sure you finish your milk"

"Booo Booo", Naruto pouted and folded his hands looking at the side

Okami smiled, "If you eat nothing but noodles, it's no wonder you're the shortest kid in your class. Don't you know if you don't eat right it will stunt your growth? From now on, I am limiting your Ramen"

Now the boy looked horrified.

Okami chuckled, "I do not mean not to eat it again. But if you don't get some vegetables and a good amount of protein and dairy products in your diet, you'll never achieve your full growth."

"B-But I drink milk every day," he said defensively.

"You still need protein, and vegetables contain vitamins."


"In short, be ready for me to prepare your food diet, that also means, Ramen on only Sunday night"

Naruto's face was horrified, "Y-You are only 2 years older than me"

Okami smiled, "I am just doing what Grandma used to do"

"B-But she didn't forbid Ramen"

Okami smiled, "I know, I added that myself"


(Next Morning) (5 A.M.)

"Before we officially get started, you'll have to undergo a combat test for me to believe you're ready"


"Very Well, Since, you have nothing to say, Let's get started", She grinned and dashed towards Okami who was standing.

Making a wolf sign, Okami muttered, "Blade rift"

A tiny bit of Spiritual powers flows out of Okami and a phantom blade appears out of thin air.

The blade rotated sideways and charged right at Kurenai.

She smiled, "Weak", She ducked at the end second, the side spinning sword missed its target.

The Illusionary phantom sword that appeared out of thin air, Disappeared into thin air like a Mirage.


Another Blade rotating sideways appear and charge at her.

Another Side spinning blade.

Another side spinning Blade.

In Just a moment, the entire area was covered with side rotating swords. Castling Okami in their protection.

Kurenai used some fancy footwork to get to Okami. But swords attacked her, she dodged, but another sword came at her side, another at her back, she was covered in swords all around.

"Tch", She clicked her teeth and Jump into the air like a gymnast to dodge those Swords.

Rotating swords coming at her from all around.

She made the cross sign, "Shadow Clone Jutsu"

Another Kurenai appeared. While at the same time she threw a kunai with wire attached to it and throw it towards a tree.

She pulls herself up. While her clone makes the hand signs in a blur, "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu"


The blade went through her, as the clone disappeared.

Kurenai managed to pull herself out of danger when another sword just cut the wire. and she has to do emergency landing.

The Fireball that was heading towards Okami just disappeared when a rotating sword went through it.


A trapped Kurenai looked at him with shocking expression.

"Blade Rift: Impregnable Defence"

She Kept staring him, as Okami changes the wolf signal

"Blade Rift: Impregnable Defence. Counter"

Several rotating swords made their way towards Kurenai, she clicked her teeth and took out her Kunais.

Watching the spinning sword coming at her, she blocked it with Kunai.

Only for the sword to went past her Kunai and herself.


She watched her hands, "I didn't get hurt... at all"


'My Chakra... The swords are cutting my chakra'

This time she hurriedly dodges any and all Swords coming at her.

'Incredible, an attack that can not be blocked or dodged, a perfect lockdown attack and defense, But you left a place', She grinned and made a hand sign.

The sword came and went past her.


With a white cloud of smoke, she disappeared


"Earth Release: Head Hunter Jutsu"

"Phantom Steps", he muttered

When a hand appeared out of the ground, he is already moving in incredible agile footwork and dodging the attack like it's nothing.

He waived his right hand, "Blade Rift: Impregnable Defence. Cyclone"

The swords moved and made a cyclone.


Kurenai was sucked out of the earth and into the cyclone.

The attack is not blockable, Once she gets sucked inside, there will be no coming out, as the numerous Swords will just cut through her chakra.

And if all of her chakra is cut, she will die immediately.

Okami just made a wolf sign to destroy the cyclone, but before he does, she made her hand sign.


'Crap, she planted the bombs inside'

"Soul Synch"

Using the soul weaver arts taught to him by Grandma, his chakra covered his body and his figure becomes transparent. This was an incredible defensive technique that allowed everything that touched him to go through him.

[T/N: Just like Kamui]



Two explosions took place and the smoke covered his eyesight.


But it doesn't matter he is after all Chakra sensiti--


'What the hell is going on? I can't sense anything in this smoke'

"This smoke is a medical mixture and is sealing your chakra, brat", the wolf voice came inside his head



The world began to crack

"I am already in Genjutsu, She is good", Okami brought his hand together to break the genjutsu

"Kai", he breaks the genjutsu only to see her standing in front of him with a kunai on his neck.

She grinned, "My win Kid"

He smiled, "Yes, you are good"

Her smile flattened, "You are good as well"

She lost her consciousness. As she fell on him.

He lied her down on the ground with utmost care.

"You let her win", came the voice inside his head


"The Old lady's techniques require Chakra, Your Chakra sensing require chakra as well, so does your Genjutsu resistance... but you don't require chakra to use Ninjtsus, You require spiritual energy"


"Almighty Barrier would have easily stopped and repelled her attacks"

"She is stronger than me"

"what do you mean"

"Because she is able to do something I could not"


"She still remembers everything, yet, she moves forward, it is love that can make us weak. But it's also love, that makes us strong"


"I am weak because I loved my family, She is strong because she loved her Friends"

"Good Point"

"And when are you going to tell me who or what are you"

"When the time is ripe Kid when the time is ripe"


Okami couldn't care less.

He sits opposite Kurenai sensei leaning on the big stone, sleeping his head out.