
Personal Disciple (part-2)

Moving apartments turned out to be easier than expected.

Naruto, true to his word, helped Okami with the transition...

Naruto being the nice and gentle boy he is, even helps to look after Grandma and keep her Company while Okami was at work.

Naruto told her everything about his day... But most of it was about being the best Hokage ever.

According to Okami, the boy just never shut up, he was loud, brash, and keep going on and on about being the best Hokage ever.

On the Other Hand, Okami rarely speaks with anyone... well, except that of Naruto, of course, he was rather forced to talk to Naruto because Naruto is like a rabbit on steroids every day.

The apartment itself was small and simple, traditional with wooden floors and white walls, old windows that were a pain to open and close, a small refrigerator, and an ancient cooking stove that only took coals.

But for such a great price, it seemed like a palace to Okami.

But, Okami earns very little... He can not pay the rent to Naruto and continue to buy medicines and food, that costs higher than it should have been.

And Naruto never really asked for the money anyway. Despite having it tough himself.


Sensing the true heart of its container and the dead old man, The Big Black wolf decided to act once more.

That night, when he was sleeping on the cold floor holding her hand.

A black wisp of spiritual power passed through him, and into the grandma.

But this little Kindness brought the vigilance of White Zetsu...

As it's sense hit Konoha again.

"Tch", The Dark Wolf growled and hides deep inside the body of the boy.


From Next Day onwards, Grandma is getting better and better, together with all this medical assistance, she was able to move her hands now.

One time, when Okami was in Clothing shop, and naruto was blabbering about Being the greatest Hokage ever, Naruto felt an Old hand on his head, He raised his head to look at the smiling grandma who was coaxing Naruto.

Naruto Blushed and grin like an idiot, not knowing where is this feeling of warmth and family is coming from...

Things are going pretty perfectly and Grandma is able to move her hands quite often, by which she would coax Okami and Naruto every day without fail.

She would get better... Okami couldn't contain his excitement and jumped around like a 7-Year-Old Child he was supposed to be.

He was double happy since Naruto jumped with him as well, for the first time ever, he wonders, is this how it feels to have a brother?

Naruto taught Okami how to eat ramen and also about the best place in the entire Konoha... The Ichiraku Ramen

Okami finds the Ramen too fascinating, as he alongside naruto ate 3 bowls... but his eyes widened when he saw Naruto was on his 10th bowl of ramen.

'Just how fast does he eat?'

He smiled looking at the scene though


They look after Grandma... but some mistakes are still done

After all, they were kids, nearing 7 and 5 years old, how can they take care of an old lady who was not in a position to do any motor function.

Kakashi always came whenever Naruto and Okami were not there and help the old lady...

Whenever the old lady looks at him, the cyclops man just smiles cheerfully with his eyes in half crescent moon position...

Just Like that 1 year has been passed


"Don't you want to enroll in the Ninja Academy", asked the old Lady boss

Okami who was twitching the clothes looked up and smiled, "I don't have enough money"

"You can try for scholarship"

Okami shook his head, "I can't bear to leave Grandma alone for so long, besides I heard that the graduates work daily from morning till night."

"Don't you have dreams? To become someone strong and rich enough"

Okami smiled and start twitching the cloth again, "I only have a single dream Grandma... I want my Grandma to live happily and watch me grow... Until unless she is fine, I don't care about anything else"

"Sigh... you are such a good Child"


Everything was going perfectly till it came the destined day, the day the Kyuubi died, and the day they throw stones to him...

Okami shook his head in disappointment as he went to work...

When he came back, his body shook.

Apparently some Drunkards managed to enter the apartment and ransacked the entire place...

He somehow stealthily made his way towards his apartment door

And there lied grandma on the bed.

He gently smiled, "Grandma, I am Home"

When he holds her hand, he panicked for she had a very high fever...

He panicked and turn around to bring the doctor


He slammed onto one of the drunkards in front of his door...

"Sorry, I am in a bit of a hurry"

"Why you little shit... Get him, he is living in the same building as that of that Demon Brat, he must be related to the demon as well"

The hidden ANBU frowned... But his orders were clear, Protect Naruto, and no one else is his priority

So he did nothing...

As the ANBU moved again to find Naruto, who seemed to have disappeared from the apartment

"Let me go, I truly am In a hurry", said Okami


A stick hit his head as blood started coming out of it... as he fell to the ground

The stick was moved again above the head of the civilian


The Bat moved...

The bat hit.


His breathing haggard, his eyes widened as he watched the smiling figure of the old woman giggling at him.


She was glad that she was able to move... she finally was able to move and she protected him... her precious Grandchild.

Her figure kept dropping to the ground in front of him


Her body fell to the ground, as blood kept coming out of her head.



He stood, his eyes shook, His breathing haggard, his mouth agape, Tears fell from his eyes.

"Grand... ma", he shook her and holds her hand.

They were cold.

Just like Grandpa, when he was dying.


"In your Next life, Think what you have done wrong boy, and maybe the old woman wouldn't have to pay the price of your Sins", the Drunk Civilian said as he raised his stick to kill Okami


(Council room)

Sarutobi was bored out of his degrading old mind because he had to sit in yet another boring council meeting that seemed to have nothing to do with him or his shinobi.

He looked around the room specifically the civilian council. Comprised of thirty of the most annoying people in the whole nation; they were just talking about the civilian affairs and how to improve them, nothing to remotely do with the shinobi in the room, he included. Those being the heads of all the shinobi clans that made the other half of the council: the Aburame, Akimichi, Hyuga, Inuzuka, Nara, Yamanaka, and of course his own clan.

Then there were the village elders and his advisors from time to time: Homura, Koharu, and Danzo, his old teammate and former best friend. Over the years they have become more distant to each other, they still talked, but it was purely professional.

It was then little red flags danced through the wisen man's head as all of the civilian sides of the council seemed to grow increasingly nervous.

He picked up a few things here and there like the way that some of them kept looking from the clock to him, the nervous whispers between two or three council members and the fact that they all seemed to be sweating.

Then it hit him like a ton of bricks.

Oh, it hit him alright, and everyone involved would suffer for it.

The room suddenly became deathly quiet. All eyes shot to the old Hokage so quick in silent terror as the killer intent that permeated off of the third like sweat, which in itself was so palpable a dark aura that little light shines through surrounded him. safe to say that the Hokage was not mad, he was furious. The ruler of Konoha then slowly rising from his seat, head still lowered.

"What have you done?" he asked, barely a whispered but everyone heard him perfectly.

Everyone in the room was quiet; nobody wanted to feel the full wrath of the third Hokage's ire.

Not used to this terror, a middle-aged portly man with short brown hair, brown eyes, and in a regal purple Kimono from the civilian council side shakily stood up on shaky, stubby legs and stuttered out. "W-w-what d-do y-you mean lord Hokage?"

"…did you think I wouldn't have noticed? ME, THE HOKAGE; I may be old but I'm sure as hell not senile yet so. Tell. Me. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" By the end of Hiruzen's mini-rant, he has gone from softly emphasizing himself to a rage-filled bellow. Standing at his fullest he tipped his hat so that everyone could see his eyes burning with righteous fury, leering down terror-stricken ones from across the council room.

The advisors looked to their old friend in both fear and surprise. Never have they seen their calm and collective Hokage in such a state, it's quite a scary sight for them to be honest.

Finally, after a few moments that felt like they would go on forever, Koharu spoke up, trying to coast her friend back to some semblance of normalcy.

"Hiruzen-Kun, what's wrong?"

When the Hokage spoke, his voice was so cold, it physically lowered the temperature in the room.

"Why are we here?" he said coolly, "Why are we all here if these aren't shinobi matters. So far we have heard nothing that justifies me being here. Not to mention your audacity for demanding my presence, you do not demand anything from me. This is not a democracy, this is a dictatorship. I am your dictator. So I ask you again and you better give me a straight answer. Why are we here?"

Nobody spoke, they were to frighten to speak, to move… to breath. It was, at last, he asked a simple question, a question that every civilian seem to glaze over, a question that drove the last nail into the imaginary coffin.

"What is today's date?"

Those four words brought a sudden realization to everyone except for those who were involved, namely the civilians, in whatever they have done.

When the realization hit, the shinobi clan heads and the elder's head shot up, widen their eyes, before squinting and brought their killing intent down onto the squeamish civilians. Not having the strength, or mental capacity, to counter all that killing intent, a woman in her late twenties with black hair and an expensive-looking black Kimono that had sakura blossoms on the bottom stood up and hysterically confessed what they did.


It was then a VERY pissed of Inuzuka Tsume shot to her feet practically frothing at the moth, shut the women up with a nice claw swipe to the jugular, spraying blood everywhere, some even went to her face giving her a more feral and deadly look.

"You FOOL! Don't you realize what you just DONE!?" She screamed at them, "You actually think that a six-year-old boy, A FUCKING CHILD, is the Kyuubi? If that was true, and it is CERTAINLY as hell ISN'T, then WE'D ALL BE DEAD BY NOW!"

At those words, some of the civilian's eyes widen tremendously and looks of absolute horror have crossed their faces at the atrocities they have committed.

Before anything else happened Nara Shikaku, with a strangely serious face plastered on his usually bored face marched to the wooden door, "Enough of this, we don't have much time for this petty moral debate, we need to try and stop this before it's too late."

That was all it took for the clan heads, the elders, and Sarutobi himself to snap at attention realizing they have a defenseless boy to save and headed to the door, but before the Hokage pushed opened the door, he paused.

"ANBU!" he shouted

To the call of the 'god of shinobi,' four snarling animal masked ninja appeared bowing next to him, awaiting their new orders.

"Make sure all of them are tried for attempted assassination and let Anko have extra fun with them." they saluted.


(Somewhere in Konoha)

"Hah… hah… hah…"

Naruto panted heavily, his orange jacket torn, unable to catch his breath. He was currently running away from a mob of villagers that wanted his head.

Though he did not know why they abuse and starve him so he has a stunted growth at age 7, he knows that every time this year, the Kyuubi festival which is coincidentally his birthday to be exact, the attacks become more frequent and more deadly every year past...

Passing through the alley to avoid the main street seemed ideal as going through the main street only served to draw more attention to the boy. He was hoping his ANBU protectors or his jiji would save him before the crowd catches up to him.

Under normal circumstances, the blonde was always protected by the Anbu, he never saw them in person except for an intervention for they lurked in the shadows, only seen when they chose.

Unfortunately, the Anbu were so few in number so it was so hard to notice if they were watching after him at all, and today seems to be that day.

"Die you filthy demon!" a villager seethed with malice who hurled a pitchfork at the boy's exposed calves which grazed him leaving a good-sized gash that was bleeding profusely.

"Ahh it hurts!" the boy cried in pain. Running now with a limp like the devil himself was on his tail, which was not far from the truth.

After a few minutes of running and evading attacks, He hides in the valley, the blonde he finally lost them.

Naruto knew that his respite from the chaos wouldn't last long, not with the bad ninja chasing him too, but still, he caught his breath.

The only good thing that has happened is the bleeding has stopped and the gash closed halfway.

He still doesn't know why he heals really fast, but Hokage- Jiji always called him special when he mentioned his miraculous healing factor.

"Never Run away from your House, Idiot"

A voice entered Naruto's ears, as he tried to look back but a sharp pain in the neck made him unconscious...


Kakashi was in a bad mood for he was searching for Naruto on the streets when he felt a sharp chakra from the apartment, his body flickered as he saw the dead civilians in the hallway of the Apartment and the bloody Okami with the Old lady in his arms.

Okami was acting weird, He wasn't crying, he wasn't moving either, He was just staring ahead.

His entire clothing was torn and bloody... and he was kneeling on the ground in the pool of blood coming out of her body, as he holds her hand.

Kakashi's eyes grew colder he truly liked the old lady, he really liked taking care of her...

Kakashi gritted his teeth as rage boiled inside of him, as his body flickered yet again...


The horrifying screams were heard from the streets, as the very very pissed Kakashi just massacred the entire Konoha's civilian horde. Let's just say, they died very very horribly

When Lord Hokage Alongside ANBU Black Ops found Naruto.

They saw Kakashi carrying the unconscious Naruto in his arms, with blood covering Kakashi, whose eyes were cold, very very cold that is...

They turned their head to look at the civilians, who were murdered and died in brutal and in a very horrible way, their bodies were not even in the proper position to give them proper burial...


Grandma was given a proper burial by Kakashi, as he shifts the wheelchair containing Okami. Who just kept staring ahead.

A single tear roll from his eyes, when he saw the tombstone of Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa.

It was raining when he buried Grandpa... It is raining when he buried Grandma.

Kakashi sighed watching the boy, who just kept staring ahead. Without moving a single muscle.

The Graveyard was in slums.

They watched the dumb Okami sitting in the wheelchair. In front of the grave of Old Lady.

They Whispered.

They call him Cursed... the Bad omen for the family, He took the life of his entire family.

Kakashi frowned, How could they say that to a Kid who lost his final family member. But he did nothing.

Okami heard but didn't move his muscle.

As he wonders, How great it would have been if he never was born in the first place.

Kakashi watched Okami who was shaking and shivering in front of the grave.

It wasn't purely visible since the action was minuscule. But to Kakashi, he saw it clearly, Okami was crying heavily.

Kakashi knelt and hugged him, Because no one hugged him when his dad died, No one hugged him when Obito died, and no one hugged him when Rin died either.

He wanted to fulfill that role for the boy in front of him.


The next day onwards; Okami was dump Kid again.

He wasn't moving, or talking or doing anything... He was just staring ahead.

As he sleeps on the floor, right beside the bed, Holding Grandma's Imaginary hand.