
Personal Disciple (Part-1)

Okami adjusted himself in his new apartment.

He was happy since Naruto didn't take the money for rent. As Okami used the remaining money to purchase things and helped Grandma with nearly everything, he always changes her clothes, makes her bath, and then feed her through spoon on a daily basis with a gentle smile on his face every single time.

Both him and grandma didn't need extra furniture since they are tight on money and one bed is sufficient for her to sleep, as for him, well, he just sleeps on the floor of the room holding her hand.

And after a week he decided he had to work now... they need the money.


Okami was living with the pariah of the village. The Demon, A boy people hates and wants to kill.

It arouses suspicion of the higher-ups.

Various ANBUS moved in shadows and checked the background of Okami and the old lady that was with him. Multiple times.

And only after making sure that the boy is of no threat, and he also the grandson of the old man that showed kindness to Naruto simply because he was nothing but a Hyperactive Kid without any greed. Hokage allowed Okami to live with Naruto.

But the danger is too high, Someone has to watch over the new Kid and the Old Lady alongside Naruto.


The next morning, he readied himself and went out of the apartment but before exiting the room, he turned back towards.... nothing in particular.

"Please Look after Grandma, If anything happens, please call a doctor right away... Thank you"

He bowed towards the empty air and silently walk to find the work.

A shadow with a Poof!! of smoke came out of thin air

A masked man with an orange book and silver heaven-defying hair watched the kid with extreme curiosity... the boy sensed him, the boy who by norms is a civilian, sensed him... him who is a Jonin, and that too when he was suppressing his chakra levels.

He turned to the side, looking at the old woman who was lying on the bed, sleeping peacefully.

'Interesting', with that the masked man vanished with poof!! of smoke and appeared near Hokage in no more but a mere moment.

"What is it Kakashi?", asked the Old man Hokage

"There is something I need to report Lord Hokage"


Okami tried finding Job, but he was unsuccessful, No one was willing to give the job to someone who lives in the same building as that of Demon.

Okami tried every place throughout the Village. But eventually found no Job in this entire Village.

Ichiraku Ramen's boss and his daughter were nice to him... But Okami was Just 7 Years Old, and he can't really work in Ramen store.


Every week, he tried different places with different jobs, he even thought of going to the red-light district, since at least they earn money.

Okami's face was good, and he was good enough to become a Prostitute... But because he was associated with the demon. He was not given a job even there.


Three months he wondered on the streets, Bills piling up... If Naruto was taking the rent, Okami and his Grandma would probably have to sleep on the street.

It was then he witnessed an Old Lady trying Hard to lift a bunch of Clothing Materials...

Okami ran towards her, "Do you need any help, Grandma?"

Okami asked the Old lady.

"Will you?"

"Sure", he Grinned

He carried the Clothing material all the way to a little Store.

As soon as they enter and Okami put down the clothing materials, he bowed to the old lady.

"Then I shall take my leave"



"I know you, You are the one running around in those ragged clothes asking for Job"

Okami Blushed...

The old lady smiled, "Do you know anything about stitching"

"Y-Yes, Grandma used to make clothes for me"

Old Lady smiled Gently, "Alright, take those knives and needles, I will teach you the basics"


"Please Look after her, If anything happens please call a doctor right away", he bowed to nothing in particular but thin air


The ANBU hiding in the shadows of the tree was thoroughly shocked...

He was suppressing his chakra with Chakra suppression Seal. He excels in hiding and yet... the boy no more than 7 Years Old was able to sense him.

This aroused the interest of ANBU Black Ops, and also of Lord Hokage's, for the boy is a very powerful Sensor.

But there is something even more terrifying... the boy's chakra can't be sensed, Not even by Yamanaka's, heck even ANBUS don't hear him walking, they always wondered, how the boy could walk so silently.

The Boy is practically a Ghost, ANBUS Black ops were very clear about the abilities of the boy. Once the boy is out of sight, there is no way to find the boy.

And to top it all off... the boy is a Born Sensor, a very powerful sensor that is...

That boy is a Natural Born Assassin...

And of course, this arouses everyone's interest in the boy, Considering the boy does not belong to any clan or organization, It's very easy to poach him... Everyone tried to approach the boy, Clans, Danzo, Council... But Hokage forcefully suppresses everyone.


Apparently, the pay was not that good, It was barely enough to survive after taking care of Grandma, But the Old lady was quite nice, She pays him on the weekly basis since the boy wouldn't be able to survive with monthly payments.

The Job was... Demanding, Okami carefully uses his needles and knives to tear and stitch the clothes.

With Great Spiritual powers, the boy was granted and with what can only be called an Eidetic Memory, he perfectly remembers everything he sees just once, he can even notice if anything is out of order just by seeing once.

Okami grew his skill levels of stitching very quickly.

The Boss Lady was very happy with the dedication of the boy and his willingness to work hard.