
Personal Disciple (Part-3)

A week later, an Old lady appeared in Naruto's apartment.

"Hello, who are you?", asked 6-Year-Old naruto

The Old Lady smiled, "Hello Young man, Do you know anyone named Okami?"

"Okami? He lives right there", Naruto points at the door

Old Lady smiled, "Thank you, young man"

Naruto nodded somewhat dazedly, "Why are you searching for him, Grandma"

She smilingly caressed the blond hair of Naruto

"He hasn't come to work for a week now"

"Oh", Naruto looked down, "Grandma, can you give him some time, He Just lost his grandma"

The Old lady boss titled her head, "He what?"

Naruto nodded, "Yes, They took him to the hospital because he was really out of it after losing her"


"How is he?", Ask Kakashi to the doctor coming from inside

Hokage side glanced at Kakashi, Kakashi is getting too much involved with the boy... well, it's not like it's a bad thing

"Sigh... he has no disease, so can't be cured"

"what do you mean?", Asked Hokage who came from behind Kakashi

"Hokage sama, The Child is not sick, there is practically nothing wrong with him"

Hokage: "So, why is he acting like this"

"Well, before I couldn't have given an answer, But, now, I do have the answer"

"What is it", asked Kakashi

"It's psychological"


"Well, your report, it says that the boy is supposed to have an eidetic memory"

Kakashi nodded

"Well, the thing about eidetic memory is, it does not only store the good memories"


Hokage: "What does it mean?"

"A good and perfect memory, stores everything, never to be forgotten... Including death"



"Take good care of him... because time won't be able to heal him, His brain stores everything, Meaning, he won't be able to move on from her death... Ever"


"I just hope, he does not become insane by the psychological warfare that must be going on inside his brains"


Okami spends his days, watching and staring ahead, doing something

A month later, the old Lady boss came again and using the keys given to her by Naruto, she opened the door.

Only to see him sitting on the floor staring and his hands were twitching the cloth using the needles and the Knives.

She looked to the side, tens of clothes are there, each with a design... All these clothes are for a grown-up woman.

'His Grandmother maybe', thought the Old Lady, as she moved ahead and holds the twitching hands of Okami

"Okami, she is dead... and you need to move on"

He didn't say anything but kept staring ahead

"Sigh... I know it hurts, But that's how life is... we live, we die, we feel sad for them, we cry for them and then, in the end, we move on because if you don't, you will go insane"

"He can't move on, Airi Sama", came the blank voice from No-where

"Kakashi... what does that mean"

"Airi sama... People who can't forget can never move on"

"Sigh... what a pitiful boy... what about his scholarship this year"

Kakashi shook his head, "I am afraid, his scholarship has been canceled"


Kakashi knelt, "Airi sama, this is the order by Hokage sama"

"Tch, tell Hiruzen that If he does reinvoke his scholarship next year, I will call every single ANBU and clan under me, to start a civil war"

Sweat Dropped from Kakashi's head, "Uh... Airi sama, I don't think, it will have an effect after all the times you threaten him using the same trick. which is quite a lot of time by the way"

"Do you believe I won't do it", she growled

"How many times, are you going to threaten me with the same excuse over and over again", Came the voice of Hokage as he was standing at the door

"Hiruzen... Re-state his scholarship next year"

"Sigh... Airi, It's not tha--

"I DON'T CARE... If you won't do it, I will straight up pay his Academy fee"


"Also, I am taking this boy as my protégé,

She jerked her head to look at Okami again, as his hands were holding the knives and the needles while making a design on a cloth yet again.

"That's enough Boy, Come with me"

That day, she holds his hand and brought him to the store.

After she left for a while, Kakashi spoke, "I thought she doesn't teach anyone"

"That's because she does not", Hokage said, "Anyway, Next year, He will join the Academy, I will give the scholarship quota to Naruto, and you keep an eye on him, Afterall, Airi is personally training him"

"Yes Lord Hokage"

The world never knows, Because she never fights anymore, She is retired and took care of the Clothing store... But the old Lady Airi is Konoha's best Shinobi, She is stronger than three sannins.

In this village, People who could beat her are none, Hiruzen Sarutobi might have been able to beat her once... But he has gone soft with the old age, He can never defeat her as he is right now.

If she truly wants to start the rebellion, Hiruzen Sarutobi won't be able to keep his seat and post as Hokage. She has too much political power and personal Strenght.

Both Hiruzen and herself know this, But both also know that she is absolutely loyal to Hiruzen, and definitely won't start a rebellion.

The Entire reason she never took a disciple is that she didn't want to get entangled in this messy political affair. She very well knows that once she took a disciple, everyone will keep their eyes on the little Disciple of hers.

They will use the little disciple, to pressure her, in doing something she does not want to anymore.

But she still took Okami under her wings. Because a child, whose entire wish is to watch over his grandma every day... is worth it.

Besides, the boy is very talented. It's just not his eidetic memory, He saw the boy for a year, The boy is definitely a frighteningly talented person. She is sure she can teach him.

The Boy is born to an Assassin.

But more than that, the most important reason for her to took him under her wing, is to take care of him. The boy right now reminds her of herself... Although, that was a war period, and this is a peaceful period, the feeling of loss very same.