
Dark Lord in Twilight

Under the night veil that enveloped the quiet streets of Forks, the stars whispered secrets to the shadows. Amidst the hushed murmur of the wind, an enigmatic figure prowled the darkness, his presence concealed by the cloak of obscurity. Unseen, unnoticed, he traversed the town like a phantom, his footsteps echoing with the weight of his elusive purpose. In the heart of this quaint Northwestern town, where the line between myth and reality blurred with each passing night, a new player emerged, veiled in mystery and cloaked in shadows. His name whispered in the darkest corners of the night, a name that sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to speak it – Tom . But here, in the midst of the ordinary, his presence remained a secret, a silent predator stalking the edges of the supernatural world that thrived in the shadows. For in Forks, where vampires and werewolves danced in the moonlight, Tom would find the answers he sought, and perhaps, unleash forces beyond comprehension. I won't leave the story without finishing it. Author note: if you want to support me https://www.patreon.com/Talamo Access 20+ chapter ahead. Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Harry Potter or Twilight. Characters in this book belongs to their original owners.

Talamoo · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

20. Festival

Marvolo, upon learning of the existence of the festival in town, stirred up complex emotions within himself. He began to silently converse with himself:

"A festival? How intriguing... Perhaps it's an event organized to add some color to the town's ordinariness. But what does it mean for me? What can I find at the festival?

Although there's a hint of curiosity within me, I'm not particularly drawn to such crowded events. Yet, on the other hand, coming here could be an experience for me. Perhaps I'll meet new people at the festival, maybe I'll discover the mysterious aspects of the town.

However, the crowds and noise of such events disturb me. While I seek peace and tranquility within my own mind, I doubt I'll find such an atmosphere at the festival.

Nevertheless, a change might be good. Maybe I'll find something at the festival, perhaps gain a new perspective about myself. But still, there's a hesitation within me. How will this festival affect me? And what am I seeking at the festival?"

Tom was left to grapple with this internal conflict, torn between his inner voice and the enigmatic atmosphere of the town and the festivity. As Tom Marvolo Riddle stepped into the festival grounds, he was greeted by a bustling array of colorful stalls. He felt engulfed amidst various scents, sounds, and colors. While he wandered through the crowd, he also glanced at the products displayed at the stalls. Tom had never attended a festival before, finding them rather foolish. Of course, he had attended parties, but those were mostly among noble wizards, where political matters were often discussed.

His first stop was at a stall filled with colorful glass bottles and crystal jewelry. A woman approached him, smiling, and showed him some sparkling crystal earrings. "These earrings reflect light beautifully. The carvings on them are quite remarkable, aren't they?"

Tom examined the earrings the woman suggested. "Yes, they do look quite elegant," he said politely, but he didn't consider purchasing them, so he thanked the woman and walked away.

Next, he encountered a man at a stall selling handmade leather wallets and belts. The man showed him a wallet made of brown leather. "This wallet is made from genuine cowhide and is quite durable. Moreover, with its compartments, you can keep your money and cards organized."

Tom took the wallet in his hand and inspected it. "It does seem quite sturdy," he remarked. However, he didn't intend to buy it, so he politely declined the man's offer and moved on.

Finally, he arrived at a stall selling handmade stone necklaces and bracelets. A young girl showed him necklaces adorned with colorful stones. "These necklaces are made with natural stones, each possessing different energies. Would you like to choose one that's special for you?"

Tom examined the necklaces, smiling gratefully at the young girl. "They all look very beautiful. However, I'm not thinking of shopping today," he said politely.

The young girl smiled, "That's okay, sir. I just wanted to assist you."

As Tom wandered among the necklaces, he enjoyed the festival's atmosphere. The colorful stalls and friendly people around him made him feel the festivity's joy and excitement.

Walking amidst the cheerful crowd at the festival, Tom Marvolo Riddle found himself wrestling with complex emotions. He began to silently converse with himself:

"It's strange to be in such a crowded place... After the serene and disciplined environment at Hogwarts, this lively and exuberant atmosphere unsettles me somewhat. But, on one hand, I find it intriguing. People are enjoying themselves, laughing, dancing... Perhaps I should also have some fun. But this void and loneliness within me... It seems to deepen.

Seeing everyone enjoying themselves here, my dark emotions become even more pronounced. I, once known as Lord Voldemort, what am I doing at a joyful festival? Perhaps I should be among the people, witnessing their joy. But this hope... it struggles to be a compelling force against the darkness within me.

Nevertheless, being here is interesting. Perhaps at this festival, I'll confront something I've forgotten. Maybe I'll retrieve a lost piece of myself. But this hope, even as I battle against the darkness within, falls short of being a compelling force.

Despite everything, being here is intriguing. Perhaps at this festival, I'll find a way for myself among these people. What do you think, Tom? What are you searching for at this festival?"

Alice pov

We had come to the festival too. I heard that Tom had quit his job. It lasted so long for us to be together we couldn't even get closer. I can only see him limited in my visions as if something is holding us back. When I heard that he was here at the festival, I convinced my family to attend. Edward first protested but I managed to convince him too.

When I heard Tom's voice, I was startled, he was fighting with a few people in an alley. I was about to act when Edward stopped me. "Let me go, I need to go his head is in danger." "You can't go now Alice, it's too crowded here." Carlisle intervened. "I'll handle it"

At that moment the voices stopped when Tom saw he was going to be hurt he did something to the surrounding to avoid getting hurt.

When he was safe, I breathed a sigh of relief. Edward said "We can go now." Carlisle agreed "Yes, let's go." Tom looked at me and gave a little nod I smiled back at him we left the festival ground.

I was working on the other book. Here will be updated more frequently from now on.

You caan read my other book. 'Accelerator Vampire'

you want to support me patreon.com/Talamo

This book's +15 chapters ahead and my other book's +19 chapter ahead total 6 dollars