
Danmachi Jujutsu Template

A young man on his way to college suddenly finds himself in the world of Gods, Monsters, Adventurers, and The Dungeon, Yet can all of that face the King of Curses. for advance chapters Patreon.com/Overlordfanboy.

Overlordfanboy · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Dungeon 5

"A small cut just a small one," Leo said as he carefully cut his skin with a weird-looking sword. Fels's workshop has become a second home to him,

Spending the morning in the Dungeon then the evening experimenting with Fels and sometimes popping up in the guild library to read about the dungeon and monsters. The same shit every day.

Blood flowed out of the cut as Leo poured a healing potion on it, but nothing happened. Ordinarily something this small would be healed instantly by the potion but this time the conditions were a little different.

"Yup, that is a curse" Leo exclaimed.

Fels brought the elixir in case of emergency while Leo kept his hand on the curse while trying to feel something. He was trying to search for a feeling similar to mana yet different.

Mana felt like it was something that belonged in his body but this thing,

"Here it is," Leo said a tangible and visible pitch-black aura gathered around. This was something that did not belong in anyone's body.

This was something that continuously harmed the body.

『Cursed energy detected』

『Current template progress - 45%』

Just a 15% increase, now it was just being a bitch. I had cursed energy did I not? Let's try things out instead of just sitting there.

I spread the black aura around my hand and punched the adamantine golem.

"It was stronger than before," Fels said confirming what I thought, The strength was amplified though only by a small amount.

Taking a health potion and pouring it over the wound showed that the curse no longer existed, but so was the cursed energy. I need a source of curse energy. That's why it was just a 15% increase,

Seems like more work for [Six Eyes].

"Foreigner," Fels called out.

Foreigner? Was my name that difficult to pronounce? It's three letters, Three!.

"Here" Fels handed him a cloak which was very similar to his own.

"This cloak is a magic item that will hide you from the eyes of gods"

Leo listened with anticipation,

"So can I try that out?" Leo asked as Fels nodded.

and before long Leo was standing at the edge of the Pantheon's wall. It was already night and most of the guild people had gone back to their apartments, This wall was the end of Orario for him until now,

Now here he was, alone covered with this magical cloak about to take his first step out of this heaven of free stuff, out to the wild, brutal but undeniably beautiful...

"What are you..."

"JESUS FUCKING hell! what did I say?" Leo screamed in surprise

Even with the Falna and his vastly improved senses, it is still not possible for him to spot Fels when he goes invisible.

"Ah yes! I forgot. No sneaking up, duly noted. Now that I was saying, what are you doing standing at the edge of the wall?" Fels asked while Leo wondered if this 'duly noted' was even being noted instead of being forgotten.

"Just reminiscing, but enough of that let's test this cloak first," Leo said,

"It will be dangerous, if something goes wrong the guild along with Ganesha and Xenos will hide you in the dungeon," Fels said as he became invisible. Even though the gods might not go to the extreme one can never be too sure especially when this is the gods we are talking about.

"I know" I will be spending a lot of time in the dungeon from now on regardless so it won't be that much of an inconvenience.

"Oi tell me where the hostess is before you disappear" Leo called as Fels replied without revealing himself.

"I will guide you like this, just go straight for now"


Walking down the streets of Orario, never thought that walking would be so liberating. However, it was more the scenery than the walk.

The last time I found myself on the streets of Orario was when I was going to college. Following the same routine, thinking of which classes I could bunk without getting in trouble. Taking out my phone and finding that I forgot to put it on charge.

Then I started to argue with myself if I should skip college today entirely, just to charge my phone silly thought I know, and then bam!

Out of nowhere, everything around me changed, no asphalt roads, no cars, no one with phones in their hands but this medieval shit. Stone walks, carriages, people carrying oversized weapons, I was way too scared to appreciate these views properly.

These roads were made of stones, horse carriages, and people with animal features, and the oversized weapons it was a novelty that would most probably wear off after a few days but right now to me it was a beautiful place.

"Take a left from here" I could hear Fels telling me the direction in a whisper.

Taking a left, I could see one particular place that was shining compared to the rest of the houses around it with many people gathered near that place.

"I will take my leave here," Fels said as he left Leo but kept an eye on him from afar. Even though Fels could hide from him, hiding from the veteran high-level adventurers there, was a different matter.

Getting closer to it I could hear the noise from the busy place.

"An order of..."

"Did you hear about the expedition..."

It was a noisy place filled to the brim with people,

"Meow here to eat?"

Meow? Who talks like that?

I turned around to see a brown-haired Catgirl staring at me.

"Yes, where should I sit?" I asked with a smile.

"Fellow meow, Mew will guide Meow" The Catgirl waitress led me straight to the counter, handed me the menu, and ran off to another patron.

Flipping through the menu I could see some resemblances from the food of earth like different spaghetti dishes, but most of it was new, I wanted to try them all out right now but there was only so much space in my stomach.

"Well, you are a new face" A loud woman appeared before me across the counters,

First Anya Formel and now Mama Mia,

Seeing them in person is a weird experience.

"I will have this and this," I said as Mama Mia noted down what I pointed and went to tend to other customers while I looked around trying to find what I came here for specifically,

There she was, Syr.

What was her full name again?
