
Danmachi Jujutsu Template

A young man on his way to college suddenly finds himself in the world of Gods, Monsters, Adventurers, and The Dungeon, Yet can all of that face the King of Curses. for advance chapters Patreon.com/Overlordfanboy.

Overlordfanboy · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Dungeon 4

A/N: Sorry for not updating I was stuck in family functions for the past week,


"No, you are mistaken," Fels replied diplomatically.

"No shit, It has been three weeks since I was dumped here, and half of that time, I have been either with you or Eina and sometimes Rehmer," Leo said as he massaged his head, constant use [Six eyes] and then a very accurate <Dismantle > was now starting to show it's effects.

Fels remained silent as the accusation continued,

"but mostly you, my friend. Henceforth, I can tell without looking at your skull when you are thinking something weird," Leo said folding his arms and channeling his inner Eina.

The young man continued as Fels remained silent unsure of what to do.

His worries for the future were just that, 'worries' and that too of the future. It was a possibility that might happen in the far future, right now the man was nothing but sincere, cooperative, and curious.

A young soul who just wanted to explore this new world that was so different from his instead of complaining about the problems he was facing due to the unfamiliar place and people. That is the young man he put his trust in the first place.

"What?" Leo asked worried as Fels continued to stare at him.

"Nothing, you were right just a weird thought," Fels said.

Yet instead of being relived, looked more and more concerned,

"listen, I will say this once," Leo said with a concerned expression,

"I am not into necrophilia"



"Here," Ouranos said as he handed Leo a piece of paper.

Leo, wearing pitch-black sunglasses, thanked Ouranos as he read through his status, or at least tried to.

Since he was still using the watered-down version of [Six Eyes] it was difficult to make out subtle details around him with his eyes covered and opening his eyes still hurt quite a bit.

"I cancel the vow to seal my status "

『The vow has been removed』

As everything that I could sort of see disappeared. Removing my glasses I could finally see things. Using [Six Eyes] has now become a daily routine, it not only helped me understand the complex stuff about magic, but due to its constant drain of mind it also helped me train that without cutting things.

But since Ouranos updated his status during the seal it was there on his status sheet.


<Name > - Leo

<Level > - 1

<stats >

 STR - I87 -> H111(Sealed)

 END - I57 -> H101(Sealed)

 DEX - I49 -> I98(Sealed)

 AGI - I71 -> H121(Sealed)

 MGI - G213 -> E453

<Magic >

 [Malevolent Shrine] - Domain of the King of Curses(Sealed)

<Skill >

 [Six Eyes] - ability to perceive everything

 [Incantation] - Ability to modify magic using certain keywords or hand signs to help cast magic and shorten chant.

 [Binding Vow] - Ability to alter the status in exchange for a vow made with either oneself or another entity.


"Your magic has increased tremendously," Ouranos said with his usual stone-faced expression.

"Yes, I realized that is my strong suit. I don't quite like the idea of getting my hands dirty," Leo said with a tinge of humor as Ouranos remained stone-faced.

Tough crowd huh?


"Is there something you need?" Ouranos asked.

"The permission to go out," Leo said,

"I do not control you, you can explore Orario whenever you please but I can only protect you until you are in the guild," Ouranos said,

"I know, I just wanted to know if there is some kind of item that I can use," Leo asked,

"Fels has already begun working on that," Ouranos said as the conversation came to an end. Currently, it was just me and Ouranos in the prayer room since Fels was busy doing his own thing, and they finally trusted me enough to let me meet Ouranos without constant watch.

"Nothing else comes to my mind," Leo said while putting his shirt on.

"Are you adjusting well with the guild?" Ouranos asked once again.

He is worried about me? Leo thought as the questions reminded him of parents trying to understand what their children need and if they are having problems.

"Yes, both Rehmer and Eina are very good people," Leo said as Ouranos only nodded in response, seemingly satisfied by the fact that I was not having problems.

Even though he has that stone-craved face, he is one of the kind gods. Since he is even helping the talking monsters, knowing that if the truth were to come to light he would lose his position, he could have been playing with the rest of the gods but here he is, making sure that the dungeon's lid stays closed.

This was the reason I came straight to him after getting dropped here. Plus he was a lot easier to find than the other gods who I know are kind enough to help me out.

"Is there anything else you need to aid you with your gifts?" Ouranos asked Leo bringing him out of his internal monologue,

"Now that you ask, there is something that I need to work on"


"What's with the sunglasses?" Rehmer asked as he flipped through the piles of paperwork in front of him wondering why Leo was wearing pitch black sunglasses indoors,

On a second note, how is he even seeing anything with those on?

"Just something for a skill" Leo replied as he sipped the tea that Rehmer offered him.

To Rehmer, Leo was an odd one, at one moment he seemed like a member of nobility with his wit and knowledge along with his manner, and at another moment his carcass language and behavior resembled adventurers while the most confusing was often he would hear him say things that he had only heard from the gods.

In conclusion, guessing his origin has only failed. Ms. Tulle had already given up and directly asked but the young man refused, saying that this information was something only lord Ouranos was privy to.

"What do I owe you for this visit?" Rehmer asked putting the matters of his origins aside.

"I believe there is a package for me?" Leo said as he put the cup down.

A package?

"You mean those" But those were?

Leo took off his sunglasses instead of answering, looked at the packages kept beside Rehmer's table, and opened his eyes just a little bit.

What was he trying to do?

"Yup, those" Leo said as he quickly covered his eyes again.

He got up and picked up the packages that Royman handed him saying someone would pick them up, and the last person he expected came to pick them up.

Why would the young man need cursed weapons?
