
Damned Wanderer

Kaito, a young boy with mysterious powers, finds himself in a strange and fantastical world after falling through a dimensional crack. Facing dangerous monsters and uncovering secrets about his own past. But as he delves deeper into this world, Kaito realises that his arrival may have brought with it a darker force that threatens to tear the very fabric of this world apart.

sofianeledeum · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Lost in the Wild

Kaito's eyes flickered open, and he gasped for breath. He tried to sit up, but his body felt weak and heavy. Blinking several times, he looked around and realized he was in a forest. The trees were tall and thick, the leaves greener and vibrant, and the air was filled with a strange, sweet scent he couldn't identify.

Kaito tried to stand up but stumbled and fell back to the ground. It was then that he noticed the gravity felt different. It was lighter than what he was used to, almost like he was walking on the moon. But he couldn't figure out why.

Looking around, Kaito spotted a group of of greenish monster coming towards him probably "Goblins" it matched his master's description perfectly. He didn't feel scared or threatened. It was like he hadn't faced any danger before. Kaito knew he could handle them with his bare hands.

The goblins were almost on him when Kaito leaped to his feet, surprising them. He dodged their attacks and landed punches that held a shock wave on them the impact of each blow sending a goblin flying. It was like his body moved on its own. He wasn't sure how strong his opponent were the only thing he knew was to fight for his life.

The goblins were no match for Kaito. As he finished them off wiping his body from some green blood that got on his nose, he looked around and saw other creatures like boars, wolves, and even a carnivorous plant. Kaito stared at them showing of the aura of an apex predator his instincts were all on alerts searching for even the faintest sign of hostility in this mysterious place he couldn't be careless.

After walking for three days without seeing anyone but beast and plants eating what he could found, Kaito was exhausted. He collapsed onto the ground, his body aching. He realized that the injury he'd sustained during the dimensional crack was still there. It was healing, but it was taking longer than he expected why was that he didn't know but it seemed that the previous energy that was making it's life easy wasn't there anymore or was slowed down considerably.

Kaito closed his eyes and took deep breaths, feeling the breeze caress his face. This was a new world, a different dimension, and he was alone. But Kaito didn't feel scared. He felt something else. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on.