
Damned Wanderer

Kaito, a young boy with mysterious powers, finds himself in a strange and fantastical world after falling through a dimensional crack. Facing dangerous monsters and uncovering secrets about his own past. But as he delves deeper into this world, Kaito realises that his arrival may have brought with it a darker force that threatens to tear the very fabric of this world apart.

sofianeledeum · Fantasy
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6 Chs

First Encounter

Kaito pushed himself up and continued his journey, hoping to find some sign of civillization. As the sun began to set, he saw a faint glow in the distance. He quickened his pace, his heart beating faster with each step. Was it a village? Was it inhabited?

Finally, Kaito reached the edge of the forest and saw a small village with a handful of houses with a river passing by the side. As he walked closer to the wall of the village group of guard noticed him staring at him with suspicion. It was then that he saw craters and signs of fight around the door.

Before Kaito made his way towards them , the group of people pointed their spear that looked more like a stick from his point of view. But they were still armed and were ready for a fight.

Kaito raised his hands in surrender, trying to show them that he was no threat.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" a voice boomed from a guard on that came from the door.

Kaito facing the old guard, who looked at him with a mixture of suspicion and concern.

Kaito didn't answer immediately, he was surprised that the guard could speak the same language as him. Noticing the torn clothes and the injuries on Kaito's body.

"Are you hurt?" the guard asked, lowering his weapon and approaching him.

Kaito nodded, feeling relieved that the first person he met in this new world wasn't an enemy, he was warned by a certain someone to never trust someone and always be cautious but he was too exhausted mentally and physically to keep his pledge right now.

The old guard looked at him sympathetically. "I see. You're not the first one to arrive in this village like this. We've been having some trouble with creatures attacking us recently. The kingdom has asked us to report any suspicious things. But a child left alone in this country seems to be common. Come with me. I'll take you to our healer, and we'll see what we can do about your injury."

Kaito felt a surge of gratitude and followed the guard as he led him to a small house he still didn't say a word because he was considering what to tell about his origins he couldn't tell straight to them that he came from the dimensional crack, he needed information about this world in order to avoid suspicions.

Entering inside the healer shop, they waited a little before a fine looking woman in her thirties named Rita examined Kaito's injury and treated it with a salve that she said would help him heal faster. The guard offered Kaito some food and a place to stay for the night, and Kaito felt a sense of relief wash over him he accepted as he couldn't possibly sleep another night outside. Accepting the old man offer was safer for now.

As he lay down to rest, Kaito couldn't help but wonder what this new world had in store for him. The creatures, the forest, the people, everything was so different. But Kaito knew that he had to be strong and learn to adapt if he wanted to survive. And as he closed his eyes, he knew that he was ready for whatever came next.