
Damned Wanderer

Kaito, a young boy with mysterious powers, finds himself in a strange and fantastical world after falling through a dimensional crack. Facing dangerous monsters and uncovering secrets about his own past. But as he delves deeper into this world, Kaito realises that his arrival may have brought with it a darker force that threatens to tear the very fabric of this world apart.

sofianeledeum · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Unsealing: The Ritual

The group of heroes gathered around the dark bluish pulsating heart, knowing that their only chance of defeating the monstrous entity was to use its energy to create something that could harm the beast outside. The magician Merlina stepped forward and began to weave a complex incantation, her eyes burning with intense focus as she drew upon the power of the heart.

As the ritual continued, each hero contributed something of great value to the circle, whether it was a finger, a weapon, their own blood, or even their eyes knowing that the power they may gain will depend of what they were willing to give. The relics they brought were the only fuel that could power the spell, along with the life-force of the mage herself.

As the heart's energy surged through the circle, the air grew thick with a dangerous and corrosive energy, making it almost unbearable to breathe. Merlina's body convulsed with the power of the heart, and her skin burned away as she struggled to control the ritual.

Finally, with a pulse of energy that shook the very ground beneath them, the ritual was complete. The artefacts held by the heroes were now infused with the heart's dark energy, and they glowed with an otherworldly aura.

But that was not all that happened. As the heart's energy dissipated, a dark veil enveloped the circle, and a child emerged from within. It was a mystery how the heart was able to create life, but the heroes knew that they were responsible for the child's well-being.

The old master stepped forward, knowing that he had to take responsibility for the child. He cradled it in his arms, and as he looked into its eyes, he knew that it was unlike any other child he had ever seen. It was as if the heart's energy had imbued it with something otherworldly and powerful.

Merlina, however, did not survive the ritual. Her body was burned and corroded by the heart's energy, and she lay lifeless on the ground. The heroes mourned her loss, but they knew that her sacrifice had been necessary to create the weapon that could save their world.