
Chapter 5

Aira's POV

I woke up to find my brother humming his song. Our song. The song that always brought me to dream land when I was a baby. When you fall asleep, remember I'll always be, right beside you along the way, I'll promise I will always stay. Even when distance seems so far. I will always be where you are. We will just look up at the stars, then you'll feel warm inside my arms. Mom used to sing that song to us. I found it funny how she loved dad more than us but that's life right? I tapped my brother's shoulder, waking him out of his daydream. " It was strange." I told him. " What was strange?" He asked. I thought for a moment, what was strange? " My dream," I replied." My dream was strange. I saw a girl. She was calling to me." " Calling to you? My brother replied. " Yes. I- I need to find her." I quickly got out of bed. Strangely it felt like i had no control over my own body as i raced down the stairs and out of the house. I heard my brother calling back to me but I didn't listen. Why didnt i listen?