
Chapter 4

Joesi's POV

I woke up again sweating and breathing heavily. I didn't scream this time because the dream was less scarier than all the other ones. " It was about a girl." I told my brother later that evening. " I somehow felt like I was being called towards her. It's like- like some being in the world wanted me to find her for some reason." I looked back at my brother expectantly hoping he'd have some type of answer to tell me what it was. " I'm not a psychologist Joesi." He replied. " But if the 'universe'," he said, making quotation marks with his hand." really wanted you to find this girl or whatever, they would give you a location or something." But they did. I thought to myself. I didn't tell my brother this because he knew i would like to find out what was happening and he would stop me. I've never kept these many secrets from my brother and I felt the guilt waying down on my heart but my mind said it was for a good reason. It must be a good reason… right?