
Chapter 6

Dais' POV

I woke up to a Scien who was beating me. " Get up you scum." Eh, I've been called worse. I started my daily schedule: Wake up, eat gruel, get experimented on like a guinea pig, have my…. session, and then whether I was good today or not determines if I eat dinner. As you could imagine, I was not really good so I rarely got dinner. You might say eating one meal a day isn't very healthy and i know that. Except it isn't my choice. My life was- bad i guess? But others had it worse, i kept telling myself over and over again until i believe it. My demons said otherwise. They would whisper in my ear telling me that I shouldn't be allowed my body. That i should just give in and stop fighting. Quiet, I would tell them but it had no effect. Day after day I was slowly losing myself to them. There were some days where losing myself to the demons seemed like heaven. I wouldt have to worry anymore. But then i'd remember, other people have it worse.