
Chapter 3

Dais looked around and wondered where he was. Oh I'm in the bathroom. He dragged himself to the counter which supported his legs as he slowly stood up. He examined the bruises that lined his neck and his body. He touched all the scars and cuts on his face. Well at least its better than last time. He thought. He heard a knock on the door and approached it warily fearing it may be one of the workers. The Sciens the people there called them. Their long white robes that seemed so pure and innocent when they were made of the devil's cloth. Their sharp, demonish, eyes that sent shivers down your spine whenever you looked directly at them. These are the horrible people if not demons who do this to me. But no. He knew it wasn't them. It was their leader. He opened the door expecting the worst but one of the little girls was there. " Moi says it's time to eat dinner. He says ' If ya don't come on time ya dont want it.' " She said, imitating Moi's voice. " Tell her i'll be down in a minute." Dais replied, his voice raspy and gruff from today's earlier screaming. Moi was basically everyone's caretaker. She was their leader, the leader of the Forgotten(what the people called themselves). She has been there the longest out of all of them and has suffered through much worse pain methods than they have. Dais cleaned up his bloody face and put on his second pair of clothes. Moi has a rule to always come to dinner clean so they could all look like one big happy family that's not suffering. Dais found that amusing although he didn't know why. Maybe it was because that dream could never come true?