
D&D Isekai

I see myself reincarnated in my world of D&D Dungeon Master.I'm a beginner author so I accept all kinds of constructive criticism, thank you.The cover art belongs to Meujeu Eva

Pararaio · Fantasy
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4 Chs


I enter the room and lock the door.

I see that the room is strangely empty, deciding to look in the one place that isn't visible and I look under the bed.

And I am greeted by a wooden chest, the chest had an old look but was still quite sturdy.

Trying to open the trunk I see that he had a padlock seeing that the only key I have was the door I try to open with it.

The chest opens for me, being a relatively large chest, I see that it holds all the items of the former owner of this body.

Inside I find a wizard's grimoire, backpack, crowbar, hammer, 10 pythons, 10 torches, a firebox, 10 days' rations, and a canteen. The kit also has 15 meters of rope, a set of fine robes, a signet ring, a lineage scroll and a pouch containing 35 gold coins. And a lute.

Also after emptying the chest I find a small black notebook with a name on the cover, the name written was Erick Dalibor.

When I see the name I recognize it right away. that name was from an old D&D character I had created when I was younger.

This already confirmed the world to me and who I reincarnated.

Erick Dalibor was a half noble drow that I created a few years ago, he was a multi class of mage with warrior that I tried to make him as strong as possible since level 1, too bad the master didn't let me use him in the campaign, he claimed that I created a broken character.

I ended up using him as an NPC in one of the campaigns I created.

Reading a little of his diary I recognize the mentioned world, Aldebaram this was the best worked world I created.

Many of my friends played in this world I created. and seeing the date recorded in the diary I see that maybe I can meet your characters personally.

Leaving aside the little diary I specied my other tools, to be more accurate my grimoire.

Opening it I can identify symbols, drawings and notes thanks to some supernatural knowledge I can understand them.


LEVEL 0: Ice Ray, Repair, Prestigitation, Fire Ray, Thaumaturgy

LEVEL 1:: mage armor, charm people, flaming hands, magic missiles, soft fall, and sleep


MAGIC INITIATED Invisible Servant: Heal Wounds

These were good spells to start with. I had more spells than other common 1st level mages because I took a few more talents. Being them a ritual caster and an initiate in magic.

Taking advantage that it was still early, I memorize my spells. I start with ice ray, mend, thaumaturgy for my tier 0 spells, and magic missiles and mage armor for my tier 1 spells.

When I finish memorizing my belts a stomach clenching hunger hit me, and just in time I hear the sound of a bell ringing and the sound of shouting announcing it's lunch time.

Not wanting to spend my rations I keep my materials remembering to take a gold coin and put it in my pocket.

I leave my room locking my room. and walking down the hall following people to the cafeteria.

I see that the refectory is right on the other side of the ship there I am greeted by a good number of passengers all in old and tattered clothes.

Looking at the food they're offering, I realize it's a porridge specialty with bread and a glass of water.

I join the line forming near the wall and wait my turn.

In front of me in line I see a beautiful young human woman who doesn't even look 25 years old, she had beautiful red hair and a nice curvy body, she was a small size compared to other women 1.65 I think.

Next to her holding her hand is a little girl of no more than 12 years old, her features very similar to the young woman, her normal height for any child of that age perhaps around 1.40.

Wanting to pass the time until it's my turn to serve myself, I try to make conversation with the young woman.

-Hello, Miss, will it take time for our turn to arrive? - I ask with a cordial smile to her.

She is startled by the touch not expecting something like this, and turns to me. She looks at my smile and beautiful features, come between us when I created Erick Dalibor I created him to be beautiful the height of beauty.

My features are delicate like a princely heritage from my elven part, my chest and arms are broad and thick, and I am taller than most people.

When she realizes I'm not doing anything wrong he relaxes, and asks.

-What was the question sir?-She ​​looks at me with beautiful blue eyes and a delicate face.

- I asked if the line will be long-I replied with a small smile.

-Well I believe so, the breakfast line was a little long-She answered me.

Shaking my head in agreement I ask another question - Do you know the price for the meal?-

-Well they charge two copper coins per person- She says promptly.

-Thanks for the information- I thank you with a soft smile-by the way my name is Erick Dalibor, nice to meet you?- I say to her offering my hand.

-Samantha my name is Samantha Mr Dalibor-She answers squeezing my hand.

I look at the girl who is holding her other hand and I give her a gentle smile and ask.

-And your name, little girl? Perunto extending his hand to the child.

The girl looks at Samantha waiting for approval if she can greet me, shaking her head the young woman encourages.

The little girl lets go of Samantha's hand and squeezes mine answering- Sansa Mr - She said shyly.

-Sansa, what a beautiful name - I tell her with a sincere smile.