
D&D Isekai

I see myself reincarnated in my world of D&D Dungeon Master.I'm a beginner author so I accept all kinds of constructive criticism, thank you.The cover art belongs to Meujeu Eva

Pararaio · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Seeing that the line is moving slowly, I ask another question to Samantha.

-So what are two sisters doing on a ship on the high seas- I ask a question wanting to know a little more about the two.

Samantha looks with amused eyes and answers- We are not sisters, Sansa is my daughter- She answers as if it was an obvious answer.

Widening my eyes not waiting for this answer I go for a while without reaction until clarity hit me, I am now in a medieval fantasy world, of course the norms of the world will be different.

Giving a silly smile I ask - And this little girl's father isn't with you on this trip? - I ask as I look around hoping that a man is approaching.

Samantha and Sansa after hearing my mundane question her face to a melancholy sad, clearly I touched on a sad theme.

Waving my hands in front of my body I say- You don't have to answer if you don't want to I was just curious, I'm sorry if I bring up a sad topic for you-Speak trying to excuse me.

Samantha gives me a sad smile and says - No, it's okay, it's just that my husband died a little while hard to talk about- She said with a wistful smile.

She seeing that my smile also disappeared she says -But answering your question we are going to Alexandria, my late husband was a potioner before he passed away he taught me about the craft, I intend to move to Alexandria so I can try to win the life- She said changing the subject.

Giving a smile seeing that she changed the subject I say -Hmm you are a potioner then, a very profitable profession for the place you are going, all those adventurers I can already see a bright future for you- I speak as if it were a fact .

Seeing the line coming to an end I signal to Samantha, she looks ahead seeing her turn approaching.

Giving me a smile she looks ahead waiting her turn along with her adorable daughter.

Seeing the mother-daughter pair taking their plate of bread and porridge along with their glass of water. I watch them choose an empty table to sit on.

Seeing that it's my turn to serve myself, I approach, recognizing the dwarf who was pouring water more blindly.

He says looking into my eyes-Pay first if you want to eat- He says in a grumpy way.

Giving him a sympathetic smile I present him a gold fashion from my pocket.

He looks at the fashion as if it were any common object, he takes his fat fingers and stashes it in a bag that kept his waist and then immediately takes four silver coins of eight copper from the same bag, handing them to me right away.

Thanking him I take my plate of porridge and my glass of water.

I go towards the tables to choose one to sit on, when I'm looking for a table I see a hand waving in front of me, it was Samantha. inviting me to sit with them.

Approaching their tables I sit across from the girls.

Seeing that they are more comfortable with my presence I give them a contented smile.

At our lunch we talk about what we like to do in our leisure time and I share with them that in my leisure time I like to play the lute (this coming from my past life, just exchanging the lute for my old guitar), they share with me in their free time they like to take care of their gardens.

Although the meal is quite simple, I can't help but be surprised by its taste, very tasty for such a simple meal (I have to remember to get this recipe).

Now with a full stomach, I accompany the mother-daughter duo who are going to their own room, leaving them at their door, which as incredible as it seems, is only two doors from my room, making them room five.

Saying goodbye to them I enter my room, remove the trunk from under my bed, open it and take out my little diary. I lie on my bed and start reading the old Erick's notes.

Apparently his story didn't change much from what I had created.

He was still a noble son of Jon Dalibor a famous adventurer who was given the title of a Duke and promoted to a noble.

His mother was a drow he'd never met, his father also made a point of never telling you her name or who she was.

As a child he was subjected to all kinds of training by his father from swords to archery and ending with magic something that came naturally to Erick.

From a young age his father trained both him and his brothers he believed that just because his children are noble doesn't mean they have to have an easy life.

Seeing that he already knew Erick's origin story he sat up straight on the bed and said -it's time to plan my future in this world- I said with an excited smile.