
D&D Isekai

I see myself reincarnated in my world of D&D Dungeon Master.I'm a beginner author so I accept all kinds of constructive criticism, thank you.The cover art belongs to Meujeu Eva

Pararaio · Fantasy
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4 Chs


On the high seas we see a big boat moving slowly, its big sails and mast fighting against strong winds, its hull already worn out by time, its sails already yellow and with some patches, but despite the old and worn appearance it goes on in a constant speed.

On deck we see all sorts of sailors, from the small, hairy-footed humanoid known as the Halfling to the big-canine gray-skinned giant known as the Half-Orc, to the more exotic races that inhabit the world of Aldebaran as the Tiefling fur race. red and big horns we can find in this big boat.

The captain of this immense vessel known as the ''fat seagull''. It was Amnon the Carrion an old Tiefling with a protruding belly, his hair already white with age, the left horn missing right that he lost in a pirate attack, and sporting several gold and silver earrings.

He walks around the deck with keen eyes, checking that there is no limp body of his sailors or conflicts between his passengers.

His eyes land on a strange hooded figure that is leaning against the ship's mast, its gray cloak managing to hide all its features.

"Isn't it too hot to be wearing this cape?" asked the captain approaching the hooded man.

The hooded man doesn't answer his head down as if he was sleeping I fell to the side.

The captain approaches and touches the stranger's shoulder to wake him up.


I feel a hand touching my shoulder, which is weird because I live alone.

Opening my eyes I see a red-skinned man with a horn protruding from his forehead.

But the strange thing is that I'm not scared of the stranger in front of me, it's as if I've known him before.

-Are you okay mate?- Asks the strange man.

"Yes, I was just taking a nap," I answer as I take the cloak off my face.

The man shakes his head as if he understands. And says.

-Well, just be careful not to get dehydrated, heat stroke catches even the most resistant sailors-He said in a cordial tone-Get some water with Veit- he says pointing Veit to the side of the boat where an old dwarf is pouring water the crew and passengers.

I nod, and get up, I hadn't noticed it before but now I see it.

We are on a huge boat by the way.

I see around me different races of which I already had some knowledge.

I turn to look at the captain but he's already leaving.

I look around and wonder what you're seeing one day I'm in my room and the next I'm on a ship at sea.

I look at my body and see it's different from what I was before and go to sleep, first I was never tall now it looks like I'm 1.90m, I can also feel that I'm stronger because of the stiffness I feel in my arms and chest as I move stump.

I also see silver hair falling in front of my eyes as bright as the moon.

Pulling my head, I realize it's big enough to reach my back.

I also notice that I'm wearing a type of armor made of a rustic fabric. Along with a cape and gloves, boots.

Removing the gloves, I'm greeted with a gray approaching pale blue as night.

And then it hits me I was transmigrated into another body while I slept.

I start to tremble with excitement finally my dream came true, it was always my wish to go to a fantasy world, a place where I didn't have to restrict myself, now I can do everything I want. A somewhat strange smile appears on my face but soon I manage to calm me down.

First I need to know who I am and what world I'm in, looking around I realize it's some world of magic because I see many races of D&D.

I also realize that I can understand all the lines that the sailors and passengers are saying.

I look at myself and the only thing I can do is search myself for any clues, and I find a key in my pocket.

The key has a leather tag with the number 8 written on the tag. On the back of the tag it says ''property of the fat seagull''.

Sensing my first clue, I approach the dwarf who is pouring water to the passengers.

When I'm close to the dwarf he looks me up and down and just hands me a glass of water.

Nodding in thanks I present him with my key.

The dwarf looks at me as if he's already got the doubt I have.

"Did you forget where your room is?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

I shyly shake my head in confirmation.

-Hmm-With an annoyed groan he replies-Just go down the stairs in the alsapão, at the end of the corridor you will find your room-

He then went to attend to another passenger who came asking for water I thank him I drink my water quickly and I hand him my glass.

Going down the trapdoor that was in the middle of the ship I come to a very wide corridor.

I also see that having a room is a privilege, because on my way to the end I see that many of the passengers are resting in the corridor.

At the end of the hall I find a door with the number 8 painted in blue on it.

Grabbing the key and opening the door I'm greeted by a small windowless room, a tiny bed that I'm sure will be uncomfortable for my new size.