
Episode 2

(The episode opens with somebody's eyes opening)

The scientist: Good, you are awake

Kanisha: Where am I? (Looking worried) where's Victor

The scientist: It's okay, he's with his dad

Kanisha: What happened? Everything is kinda a blur

The scientist: You and Victor got hit by a meteor, Victor broke some of his bones, but you (points a mirror to Kanisha) look

(Kanisha looks at the mirror and sees a long python tail behind her with a hook end)

(Kanisha screams)

(The mirror breaks along with a bunch of test tubes)

Kanisha (looking sad): Sorry!

The scientist: It's okay

Kanisha: Where's the bathroom?

The scientist (writing on a notebook): Upstairs

(Kanisha races upstairs)

(Upstairs, Kanisha sees Victor with a robotic body)

Victor: Kanisha, you're okay!

Kanisha (runs): Victor (hugs Victor) I was worried.

Victor: I could say the same about you

Kanisha: You're a cyborg

Victor: And you're a mutant, I'm guessing

Kanisha: I can't...

Victor's dad: Since you are together, we can tell you that you can't leave this lab for a while

Kanisha and Victor (looking shocked): What?

The scientist: Kanisha, we don't know all your powers.

Victor's dad: And Victor, you have to get used to your new body.

Kanisha: Three days

The scientist: That is nearly enough

Kanisha: Three days, I have a championship to attend, if I miss it ( fire surrounding her) I will burn this lab.

Victor: I agree (gets out his blaster)

Victor's dad: Very well

(Episode ends with Victor and Kanisha smiling at each other)