
Episode 3

(The episode opens with Kanisha and Victor looking at the moon)

Victor: It's the final night

Kanisha: Yup, how's your body feeling now?

Victor: Better, can I see your powers again?

Kanisha: Okay

(Kanisha opens the window and breathes fire and ice)

Victor: Cool!

Kanisha: It's not that special

Victor: Are we really going to school? I mean I can't go to football practice like this.

Kanisha: Why don't we escape?

Victor: Escape?

Kanisha: Yeah, runaway

Victor: Kanisha, be realistic, where we go?

Kanisha (reveals a credit card): Where do you want to go?

Victor: I thought they took that from you

Kanisha: I snuck it back.

Victor: Then let's go

(Victor takes Kanisha's hands)

(They teleport ends)

(The screen switches to Victor's dad and the scientist)

The scientist: They escaped

Victor's dad: They won't get far, I gave chips on them

The scientist (with a tablet): They disabled them

(The screen switches to Kanisha destroying a tiny microchip)

(The episode ends)